What was Ultron trying to do with vision?

Ultron creates the synthezoid Vision as a weapon to destroy the Avengers. Later, Ultron-5, the Living Automaton leads the Masters of Evil against the Avengers, having hypnotized Edwin Jarvis into working for him as the Crimson Cowl.
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What was Ultron's goal?

Ultron was an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to serve as a global peacekeeping program using code derived from the Mind Stone encased within the Scepter. Ultron's objective was to protect the Earth from all domestic and extraterrestrial threats that might occur.
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What was Ultron trying to achieve?

Wanting to wipe out all of humanity, he is basically the adversary of every single hero AND villain on the planet, particularly the Avengers. Ultron cannot even get his own creations, like Jocasta, to side with him.
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Why did Ultron get the mind stone in Vision?

Around the same time that Tony figured out how to reconstitute JARVIS, Ultron used Loki's scepter to force Dr. Helen Cho to use her regenerative Cradle to create a new body for him, which integrated Wakandan Vibranium as well as the Mind Stone that he freed from the scepter to create a new body.
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Why did Ultron become evil?

What Makes Him Pure Evil? He betrayed his creator Pym mere moments after being created, quickly deemed humanity as flawed and has made numerous attempts to wipe out the entire race. He attempted to destroy any of his own creations, such as Vision and Jocasta, when they rebelled against him.
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Avengers: Age of Ultron - Vision Kills Ultron - Full HD

Why is Ultron so angry?

Ultron sees the Avengers as one of the main problems with the world's stunted evolution. He particularly dislikes his maker Tony Stark and flies into a rage when compared to him. The evil A.I. has a particular dislike for Vision who inhabits the powerful body Ultron had built for himself.
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Is Ultron a good guy or a bad guy?

Ultron is one of Marvel's most popular villains and for good reason.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers.
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Why didn't Loki's staff work on Stark?

In The Avengers, Loki tried to mind-control both Hawkeye and Iron Man, but while he succeeded with Hawkeye, his attempts failed on Iron Man due to his arc reactor. Iron Man's arc reactor protected him from Loki's scepter, as the scepter needed to touch organic matter to work, and the arc reactor was not skin.
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Why is Vision so weak with the Mind Stone?

Since Vision was caught off-guard, he didn't have time to phase through the blade, and his synthezoid body began to malfunction. After Corvus Glaive's attack, Vision couldn't use his powers and remained badly wounded for the rest of the movie, which gave Thanos and the Black Order more freedom to confront the Avengers.
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Why Wanda hates Tony?

Because Stark missiles kill her parents and nearly kill her and her twin brother Pietro, Wanda spends much of her youth hating Tony Stark. Her initial ally, Ultron, plays off of that rage and manipulates the twins into working for him against the Avengers.
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Why doesn t Tony use Jarvis?

Stark doesn't use Jarvis to replace him so he can sit on a beach all day sipping margaritas. Instead, he uses it as an assistant to support and enhance his work. After all, Tony was the one who came up with the idea of building the Iron Man suit while being held hostage in a cave in the first Iron Man movie.
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Why didn t Tony use Jarvis for Ultron?

Tony said he saw "a suit of armor around the world," and that he needed Ultron to run the Iron Legion. But JARVIS was already doing a pretty decent job of that, and he didn't seem to have reached the height of his capabilities.
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Why did Ultron want to destroy everything?

Ultron's non-stop assessments for peace quickly led him to deem the entire human race as unstable and prone to self-destruction. He subsequently chose mass genocide as the solution to the error, with the Avengers being the obstacle standing in his way.
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Is Vision Ultron's Brother?

Not his biological brother, of course, but Ultron used Simon Williams' brain patterns as the basis for the Vision's, kind of making him the twin brother Wonder Man never had. Simon does have an actual brother, too: Eric Williams, who became the Grim Reaper to avenge his sibling's “death” at the hands of the Avengers.
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Can Ultron lift Mjolnir?

A machine can pick up the weapon and move it anywhere since it's mindless and incapable of possessing the morals necessary to be considered worthy. By this logic, Ultron himself could have lifted it, but it wouldn't have done him much good.
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What if Loki didn t take the Tesseract in Endgame?

If Loki had left the Tessaract, the Tessaract would break, but the space stone would drift for anyone to take it among the debris. The stones are linked you have one, you can easyer find the other once. Thanos and probably also Maw could sence Loki had it.
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Why didn t Thanos use the Mind Stone?

Thanos' plan was never about balance, no matter how much he protested. He was angry that people didn't recognize his "genius," and furious that they scoffed at his plan. The Snap was about punishing the universe, nothing more. Using the Mind Stone to subjugate people wouldn't have accomplished that.
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Why was Loki not in Endgame?

Thanos destroys everyone and everything on the ship. He takes the Tesseract (which has an Infinity Stone inside) from Loki and then chokes the god of mischief until he dies. “No do-overs this time,” Thanos tells Loki in that scene. From there, Loki is gone.
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Who is the weakest avenger in endgame?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the title of “weakest Avenger” is subjective and can vary based on individual perspectives. However, if we consider powers and abilities, Hawkeye (Clint Barton) often stands out as the least superpowered Avenger.
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How powerful is Groot?

Groot's abilities are all-natural and stem from the dendronic wood that makes up his entire body. The extraterrestrial bark he was born with makes him invulnerable to most projectiles and even fire. He can control all plant life via psychokinesis, absorbing it into his body and making himself stronger.
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Who can defeat Thor?

15 Avengers Who Could Beat Thor In A Fight
  • Scarlet Witch. Thor wasn't around during the events of Avengers Disassembled and House of M, so he missed out on Wanda losing control, and therefore he didn't have to face her full power. ...
  • Wasp. ...
  • Captain America. ...
  • Black Panther. ...
  • Cannonball. ...
  • Cable. ...
  • Wonder Man. ...
  • Sersi.
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Who is Ultron afraid of?

At the end of the film with Vision and Ultron talking,a Vision said himself that Ultron was afraid of death.
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Who is the smartest villain in Avengers?

The 10 Smartest Villains in the Marvel Universe, Ranked
  • 5 M.O.D.O.K.
  • 4 ULTRON.
  • 2 THANOS.
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Could Ultron feel pain?

He's a robot, an unfeeling machine with no way to comprehend the concept of pain, but she warped his existence so he could actually feel, just so he would suffer in this moment.
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