What's the real story behind Cinderella?

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The earliest recorded tales is by Strabo a Greek who recorded the story of Rhodopis between 7 BCE and 23 CE. She was a young Greek courtesan who attracted the attention of the Pharaoh when an eagle flew off with her sandal and dropped it in his lap.
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What is the original story about Cinderella?

The first recorded story featuring a Cinderella-like figure dates to Greece in the sixth century BCE. In that ancient story, a Greek courtesan named Rhodopis has one of her shoes stolen by an eagle, who flies it all the way across the Mediterranean and drops it in the lap of an Egyptian king.
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What happened to Cinderella in the original story?

Cinderella marries the prince and forgives her two stepsisters, then marrying them off to two wealthy noblemen of the court. They all lived happily ever after.
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What's the dark story behind Cinderella?

Cinderella's mother dies and then her father marries her evil stepmother, adding her and Cinderella's evil stepsisters to the family. Lucky for Cinderella, her father doesn't die. Instead, he helps embarrass Cinderella along with her stepmother and stepsisters.
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What is the deeper meaning of Cinderella?

The main moral or lesson that "Cinderella" teaches about how to behave in the world, is that kindness will be rewarded, whereas selfishness will not.
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The Messed Up REAL Story Behind Cinderella

What does the glass slipper in Cinderella symbolize?

So, the glass slipper represents about Cinderella's true identity, gentleness, purity, and natural beauty. The glass slipper represents true identity because it is the media for Cinderella to reveal her identity as the one the Prince is looking for.
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Was the original Little Mermaid dark?

Summary. The original story of The Little Mermaid is much darker than the Disney version, featuring gruesome elements that wouldn't fit well in a family-friendly film.
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What is the real story of the Little Mermaid?

In the original tale, the Little Mermaid fell under the spell of a human whom she saves from drowning, but unlike Disney's adaptation, she was not driven to wish for legs out of curiosity for life on earth, or her love for the princes.
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What happened to Cinderella's real parents?

Often overlooked, however, is how the story began. Cinderella's Mother died when Cinderella was a child. Cinderella's Father remarried and shortly after, he also died. Cinderella's Evil Stepmother then stole Cinderella's inheritance and enslaved Cinderella in her own home.
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What did Cinderella's mom say before she died?

Have courage and be kind. These are Cinderella's gentle mother's last words to her daughter before she dies. This message is simple, direct, and at the heart of the movie.
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What did Cinderella's mother tell her before she died?

However, when Ella was only ten years old, her mother contracted an illness. On her deathbed, she made Ella promise that she will always have the courage and be kind to others, for - as she explained to her - kindness has power and magic, and would see Ella through all the trials that life could offer.
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Why did Cinderella's stepmother marry her father?

After deciding that his dearly beloved daughter needs a mother's care, Cinderella's father marries Lady Tremaine, a proud and confident woman with two daughters from her first marriage, Drizella and Anastasia.
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Who killed Ursula in the original Little Mermaid?

Ariel kills the Sea Witch at the end of the movie.

At the end of the 1989 animated film, Eric saves the day and kills Ursula. But in the new movie, Ariel is no longer the damsel in distress. She takes matters into her own hands and kills Ursula herself.
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What happened to Ariel's mom?

While it is known that her mother perished, there is no story attached to the event. However, much later, in 2008, an animated The Little Mermaid prequel revealed that Ariel's mother was crushed by a pirate ship during an altercation between humans and merpeople.
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What race is Ariel in the original Little Mermaid?

In the 1989 movie, Ariel was born in the fictional underwater kingdom of Atlantica, which technically makes her Atlantican, not Danish. As Ariel is half fish, she cannot be categorized by our ethnicities and races.
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What color skin did the original Little Mermaid have?

Since the animated feature film had a white mermaid as Ariel, some people are angry that Disney has gone with a black actress in the live-action. Some people also believe that Hans Christian Andersen described the Little mermaid as a white mermaid in his book.
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Why is the Little Mermaid 2023 so dark?

While lighting itself isn't all that expensive, darkness can be used to hide a lot of things. Halle Bailey is not actually a mermaid, and so having the scenes be darker makes it easier to disguise the CGI work.
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What is the dark theory of The Little Mermaid?

Ariel's Mother Was Killed By Pirates

The theory becomes darker with the suggestion that Captain Hook killed Ariel's mother, Athena. In The Little Mermaid II, Ariel has a flashback to her mother's death, when Ariel and her sisters were just children.
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Why did Cinderella's shoe fall off if it fit her perfectly?

Cinderella attended the ball for the three days, but she kept eluding the prince when he wanted to escort her home. The story text says that he covered the stairs in pitch (as a trap), which I'm assuming is like tar, and one of her shoes got caught in it. That's how she lost it in the original.
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What is the moral of the story Cinderella or the little glass slipper?

Though she is mistreated by her step family Cinderella wins the heart of a handsome prince at a ball with the help of her fairy godmother. Moral reasoning in the story focuses on self concern and concern for relationships. The theme of the story is When things seem difficult, keep doing the right thing.
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Why didn't Cinderella's glass slipper disappear?

Everything else reverts to their original forms at the stroke of midnight, but the glass slippers weren't made from Cinderella's shoes: they were made from pure magic. There was no other form for the glass slippers to revert to, so they remained as they were.
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Is Ursula Ariel's dad's sister?

In this version, like with the Broadway musical, Ursula is the estranged younger sister of King Triton (played by Javier Bardem), thus making her the paternal aunt to Ariel and her sisters in this film.
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Why is there no kitchen scene in Little Mermaid?

In The Little Mermaid, the chef scene from the animated version. wasn't included in the live action remake. This is because marine animals. like founder and Sebastian are photorealistic, and it would have been too much to see them.
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Why does Ursula hate Ariel?

Ariel makes this deal because she falls in love with Prince Eric and desires to be with him. Ursula specifically targets Ariel because she sees an opportunity to exploit her curiosity about the human world and her fascination with Prince Eric.
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Why did stepmother hate Cinderella?

Rather, she seeks to punish and abuse her psychologically, motivated by her jealousy of Cinderella being far more beautiful than her own awkward daughters, Anastasia and Drizella (although her abuse later extends towards them).
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