When did Harry Apparate?

After Harry turned 17, he Apparated at least once alone to Grimmauld Place under his Invisibility Cloak, and several times side-along with Hermione and Ron under the cloak. The Ministry never knew because by then they were no longer underage, so the Trace did not work.
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When did Harry first Apparate?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione Apparated together throughout what would have been their seventh year many, many times, beginning with their escape from the wedding (DH9). Harry never took the Apparition Test after he turned 17, and Ron took it once and failed (HBP22).
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Why did Harry never learn to Apparate?

He does apparate with Hermione and Dumbledore using side along apparition. But due to time constraints, they cut apparition lessons.
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Who taught Harry how to Apparate?

Hogwarts provides an Apparition class for any student aged 17 or those who will be 17 by the time the year's Apparition test takes place. An Apparition instructor sent by the Ministry of Magic named Wilkie Twycross taught Harry, Ron and Hermione how to Apparate.
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Does Harry learn to Apparate in the movies?

In the film adaptation of Half-Blood Prince, Harry and Dumbledore Apparated at the Astronomy Tower, seemingly contradicting the fact that no one can Apparate or Disapparate within Hogwarts. Harry mentioned it to Dumbledore, to which Dumbledore replied, "Well, being me has its privileges".
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How FAR Can Wizards APPARATE? - Harry Potter Explained

Why didn't Lily Potter disapparate with Harry?

If they disapparate, it could possibly damage Harry because he is a baby. Though James and Lilly are talented indeed, they did not master wandless magic and unfortunately they did not have their wands with them the night of the attack which means that they weren't able to preform magic which includes apperation.
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Who taught Harry to disapparate?

Apparition is an optional class for those in the sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts in preparation for obtaining their license to apparate, or disappear and reappear instantly in another location. In Harry's sixth year, Wilkie Twycross, a Ministry of Magic apparition instructor, teaches the lessons.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Why didn't Hermione save Dobby?

Honestly, Hermione knew Dobby was a lost case... nothing could have revived Dobby after the attack or she would have definitely helped Harry with Dobby considering she was the girl who started S.P.E.W(Society for the Elfish welfare) and fought for elf rights. There was nothing to be done at that point.
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Why can't all wizards Apparate?

Weasley comments in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that some wizards will not Apparate because of the danger of splinching; they rely instead on their brooms and the Floo network.
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Why 7 Potters?

Just as Tom Riddle split his soul in seven parts through Horcruxes to preserve his life, Harry Potter "split" into seven "bodies" to preserve his life. Instead of accomplishing this by killing people, Harry's friends volunteered to help him in this task out of love.
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Why can't Ron apparate?

Splinching also occurred in 1997 to Ron Weasley after Disapparating from 12 Grimmauld Place. Ron also failed his first Apparition test because his examiner saw he had lost half of his eyebrow at the last minute.
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Why is parseltongue bad?

At least in Britain, the ability had an association with Dark wizards. This association with the Dark Arts generally caused fear and distrust of those with the ability.
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Who killed Mad Eye Moody?

Voldemort fired a Killing Curse when Mundungus Disapparated, and hit Moody in the face, killing him. Moody fell backwards off his broom, and about a thousand feet to the ground. Because half a dozen Death Eaters were on their own tail, Bill and Fleur could do nothing.
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Why didn't they disapparate in Deathly Hallows?

Since the house was under the Fidelius Charm, no one, including James and Lily could apparate in or out of the house. There's also the fact that neither James or Lily actually had their wands at the time of the attack.
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Why did Ron get splinched?

Ron Weasley failed his Apparition test due to leaving half of an eyebrow behind. Having left school in his Seventh year without ever having passed the test, he was badly injured after splinching away part of his upper arm while escaping from the Ministry of Magic and Grimmauld Place in 1997.
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Why didn't Hermione hug Ron?

In the film, she only hugs Harry, and just gives a hesitant handshake to Ron (Note: This was the result of Emma Watson being hesitant to hug both Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint in public view, with her hugging Radcliffe during filming having to be frozen for a few seconds to get the desired effect due to Watson ...
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What were Dobby's last words?

When Dobby's last words before dying in Harry's arms are "Such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter."
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What house was Umbridge in?

Under the influence of her father, Dolores grew up despising her mother and brother for their lack of magical abilities. She was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and hated her time at the school due to never being given any positions of power.
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Is Draco Malfoy evil?

By Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it's a stretch to call Draco a villain anymore. We just watched — or read — him struggle to reconcile his choices and morals in The Half-Blood Prince. He can no longer justify his actions, and is far more aware of the evil he was born and raised into.
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What happened to Ron's arm?

Ron Weasley failed his Apparition test due to leaving half of an eyebrow behind. Having left school in his Seventh year without ever having passed the test, he was badly injured after splinching away part of his upper arm while escaping from the Ministry of Magic and Grimmauld Place in 1997.
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How did Tom Riddle become Voldemort?

He was eventually forced to accept that his father was the Muggle parent, and that his mother was the magical one. It was around this time that Riddle gave himself the alias "Lord Voldemort", to spare himself of the reminder of his "filthy Muggle father".
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What are the three D's everyone must remember while learning to Apparate?

Twycross taught the "Three D's of Apparition": Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. The student needed to apparate into a hoop by focusing their mind on the hoop and then spin around with the intention of appearing in the hoop.
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