Where does Merlin get his magic from?

Merlin's traditional biography casts him as an often-mad cambion, born of a mortal woman and an incubus, from whom he inherits his supernatural powers and abilities. His most notable abilities commonly include prophecy and shapeshifting.
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How did Merlin get his magic?

Merlin appears to be an anomaly in that he was born with magic and could use it instinctively from birth (The Dragon's Call).
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Why is Merlin so powerful in Merlin?

Merlin had magic since he was born, and had used/practiced it since he was a child. HIs mother realized that he needed a mentor, since she didn't have magic. So, Merlin comes to Camelot and benefits from Giaus' wisdom and past history of practicing magic.
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Does Arthur accept Merlin's magic?

Arthur was indoctrinated to believe magic led to people becoming power-hungry and evil. All his brushes with magic ranged from annoying to traumatizing. It took the time for him to become practically brothers with Merlin. It took time for him to get to the point where he might slightly accept him for his magic.
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How did Merlin get his powers in Once Upon a Time?

After finding and drinking from the Holy Grail many centuries ago, Merlin gains immortality and magical abilities.
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Merlin tells Arthur he has magic [5x13]

Is Merlin more powerful than Dark One?

Merlin, while extremely powerful, still has a good chance of losing to a Dark One, especially if it is Emma or Gold. As shown, Dark Swan has already killed Merlin once, so if she did, Gold, which is the most powerful Dark One, would have less difficulty.
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Who has the strongest magic in Merlin?

The 10 Most Powerful 'Merlin' Characters, Ranked
  • 8 Alator.
  • 7 Mordred.
  • 6 Morgause.
  • 5 Nimueh.
  • 4 Cornelius Sigan.
  • 3 Kilgharrah.
  • 2 Morgana.
  • 1 Merlin.
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Why did Merlin end so abruptly?

Why was the TV series Merlin canceled? They always planned it the way it was. It wasn't canceled it just ended. The writers always said they only ever planned for five seasons.
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Did Gwen know Merlin has magic?

Although it was a long time coming, Gwen finally discovered that Merlin had magic in "The Diamond of the Day: Part 2." This came about after the Battle of Camlann when Gwen questioned Gaius over the identity of the sorcerer who helped them defeat the Saxon forces.
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Why did Merlin lose his powers?

Unbeknownst to him, Lenore had kept the sword hidden from him but told him that it had been destroyed. After the sword was removed from his body, Merlin lost his magic, though he tried to keep that hidden from others in order to keep up the appearance that he is still very powerful.
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Why did Merlin choose Arthur?

Merlin has always been obsessed with magic, and Arthur's Chaos was a new development she wasn't fully familiar with. Hence, it served as the perfect development for Merlin to fawn over. During Arthur's awakening as the "King of Chaos," Arthur's friend and pet, Cath, revealed its nature.
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Who was Merlin in Harry Potter?

Merlin was a great and powerful wizard who lived centuries before our story takes place. He studied at Hogwarts and was a Slytherin. JKR got his name from Merlin, the wizard-advisor of King Arthur. In fact, we Potterheads like to think that our Merlin was King Arthur's advisor.
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Who defeated Merlin?

A popular version from the French prose cycles tells of Merlin being bewitched and forever sealed up or killed by his student, the Lady of the Lake, after falling in love with her. Other texts variously describe his retirement, at times supernatural, or death.
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What was Merlin's sin?

Merlin is a cool and calculative member of the Deadly Sins who bears the Sin of Gluttony, symbolized by the Boar symbol tattooed above her neck, normally in the form of an attractive raven-haired woman in skimpy clothing, Merlin is a 3000-year-old witch known as the "Daughter of Bérialin" as her true name is ...
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What happened to Merlin after Arthur died?

Avalon: In some versions of the legend, it is said that after King Arthur's death, he was taken to the mystical island of Avalon to be healed or to await his eventual return.
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Why is Merlin black in The Winter King?

He added: "I know that some people thought Merlin couldn't possibly be Black, but since watching the series I've actually found some mediaeval documents that claim that he was 'dark' – and they're talking about his skin colour. "So I think [the casting director(s)] actually were ahead of the curve on that one.
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Did Arthur and Guinevere have a child in Merlin?

Guinevere is childless in most stories. The few exceptions of that include Arthur's son named Loholt or Ilinot in Perlesvaus and Parzival (first mentioned in Erec and Enide).
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Why didn't Merlin tell Morgana about his magic?

Instead of telling her about his powers in order to comfort her about her own, he tried to help without showing he actually understood her fear. As a result, it is Morgous instead of Merlin who teaches Morgana about magic and its purpose, so Morgan's learns to use her power for evil instead of for good.
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Why did Morgana turn evil?

One of the sole reasons Morgana turned into a villain was because she was corrupted by Morgause. With Morgana in Morgause's company for a year, the witch successfully brainwashed her sister into believing Uther and Arthur were the real evil.
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Why did Merlin get canceled?

"As soon as Arthur knows that Merlin has magic, we felt the format of the show was over," Capps explains. "Because the format of the show was that he had to hide it. It's the end of the story – or the end of this version of the story."
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Why did Merlin go mad?

Both the Myrddin of the early Welsh poems, then, and the Merlin of Vita Merlini, were depicted as wild men and prophets. Each of them had taken part in a battle which caused him to slip into madness, and to flee into a forest where he lived as a wild man.
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Does Arthur ever find out about Merlin?

Merlin reveals his magic to Arthur. Arthur also learns that Gaius is knows about of Merlin's magic. It is also heavily implied that Guinevere realises Merlin has magic.
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What made Merlin so powerful?

So, Merlin ends up with powers from both demons and from God. He is basically all-powerful as a result. He can see everything in the past, everything in the present, and everything in the future. He draws his extensive magical abilities from both sources and is able to perform extraordinary magic as a result.
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Could Merlin see ancient magic?

Ancient magic: While it is unknown whether Merlin possessed the rare ability to perceive traces of ancient magic and an innate gift for wielding it, like Percival Rackham and Isidora Morganach had, if his portrait's rebuke towards the denizens of Hogwarts Castle in the 20th century for having "abandoned the ways of ...
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Is Morgana a witch in Merlin?

Abilities. Morgana was shown to be a very powerful witch capable of performing feats such as telekinesis, mind control and necromancy.
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