Who is stronger than the Borg?

The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it. In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.
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Can anyone defeat the Borg?

The Borg Collective are one of the most fearsome enemies in the Star Trek franchise, but a handful of heroic Starfleet crews have managed to defeat them and defy assimilation.
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What is the most powerful race in Star Trek?

Klingon military strength combined with their traditional values have made them a worthy opponent in the Star Trek universe.
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What species defeated the Borg?

Species 8472 destroyed the invaders and proceeded to retaliate with an invasion of the Milky Way Galaxy, intending to purge it of what they considered inferior lifeforms.
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Who has the strongest military in Star Trek?

Star Trek: 7 Most Powerful Empires, Ranked
  1. 1 The Krenim Imperium.
  2. 2 The Terran Empire.
  3. 3 The Klingon Empire.
  4. 4 The Dominion.
  5. 5 The Romulan Star Empire.
  6. 6 The Cardassian Union.
  7. 7 The Breen Confederacy.
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Borg vs. Species 8472

Who has the highest rank in Star Trek?

For a Starship, it could be either a Captain or Commodore depending on the mission. For a Starbase, usually a Commodore or a two pip Admiral. The highest rank possible is Fleet Admiral.
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Who was the toughest enemy on Star Trek?

Most Powerful: Gul Dukat

A truly despicable and evil character, Dukat was easily one of the greatest and most powerful threats that Starfleet and the Federation at large ever faced. Insidious to the bitter core, Dukat was known for his sharp tongue, cruelty and dangerous cunning.
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Which species Cannot be assimilated by the Borg?

Species 8472: Also known as the Undine, they were a highly advanced and biologically unique species from fluidic space. Due to their vastly different biology, the Borg were unable to assimilate or adapt to them.
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Who is more powerful than Borg?

Star Trek: Voyager

The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it. In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.
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What species created the Borg?

The forced merging of the humans and the mostly decayed Caeliar results in the creation of the first Borg.
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What is the most feared species in Star Trek?

The Borg Queen

Though the Borg were eventually humanized, so to speak, by the end of Star Trek: The Next Generation and certainly on Voyager, for a long time they served as TNG's most fearsome enemy.
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Why are the Q so powerful?

He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of altering it to his whim.
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Who's stronger, Klingon or Vulcan?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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Could Q defeat the Borg?

The Borg, while still a powerful threat, are nothing compared to this type of power. The Q are not only able to defeat their entire race without breaking a sweat, but can also eradicate any trace of their existence altogether.
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Who is stronger the Borg or the Dominion?

Borg Tactics Dominate the Dominion

Likewise, the Federation's encounters with the Borg often go down to the wire as well. Some fans say the Borg's technology would make short work of the Dominion while others maintain that the Borg would be unable to assimilate the shape-shifting Founders.
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What destroys the Borg?

On stardate 50984.3 the Borg faced their destruction after they invaded Species 8472's fluidic space with intent to assimilate this species. Unfortunately – for the Borg – Species 8472 DNA encoding was so dense that nanoprobes could not assimilate their cells. Species 8472 responded with an all out attack on the Borg.
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Why can't the Borg assimilate Species 8472?

The Borg learn everything they know about an enemy through assimilating beings. The Borg couldn't assimilate Species 8472 because their immune systems were hyper-advanced.
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Is data more advanced than the Borg?

However Geordi said that Data was able to move faster than Borg drones, who couldn't move any faster than a human; while Data could move fairly quickly over almost any terrain (but he couldn't swim at that time).
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How many Borg exist?

Whilst the Borg are primarily a nomadic space-bearing race they do however occupy planets with a typical population of nine billion drones primarily for the purposes of strip-mining the planets of all natural resources.
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Is there a Borg Homeworld?

Officially, the existence of a Borg homeworld is a hypothetical one as it has yet to be revealed in a canon Star Trek source. However, an identity for the Borg homeworld is given by the non-canon novel Lost Souls, which names it Arehaz.
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Could the Borg assimilate a founder?

Could "Q" or a "Founder" be assimilated by the Borg? Yeah, maybe. There seem to be some species like species 8472 though, that are just incompatible with assimilation, but for the most part they can usually find a way to assimilate many species.
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Are there two Borg collectives?

As far as I know, the "Bad Borg" hail from the Delta Quadrant, and though we don't know just how old that collective is, it is ancient. The "Good Borg", Jurati's Borg, were established in the Alpha Quadrant in the 21st century, when the queen from the alternate timeline and Jurati merged.
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Who is Captain Kirk's greatest enemy?

Kirk's greatest enemy was Khan, Picard's was Q (though he was more a nuisance) and Archer's was the Klingons in general. Kirk and Picard both dealt with the Klingons but Picard dealt more with the Romulans.
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What is the most evil species in Star Trek?

1 The Borg

A species of faceless, voiceless cybernetic zombies, the Borg are the most threatening villains in all of Star Trek. Introduced in the TNG season 2 episode "Q Who," the Borg assimilate entire planets and species into their collective with the explicit goal of making all of the universe Borg.
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Who is the strongest character in Star Trek?

'Star Trek: The Original Series': The 10 Most Powerful Characters, Ranked
  • 8 The Platonians. via Paramount. ...
  • 7 The Talosians. Via Paramount. ...
  • 6 The Metrons. via Paramount. ...
  • 5 Apollo. via Paramount. ...
  • 4 Organians. via Paramount. ...
  • 3 Charlie Evans. via Paramount. ...
  • 2 Gary Mitchell. via Paramount. ...
  • 1 Trelane. via Paramount.
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