Who is the father of Vision?

Over the course of Vision's existence, he has made more than a few personal enemies, beginning with his “father,” the murderous mechanical named Ultron.
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Is Tony Stark the father of Vision?

Vision Showed Who His True Father Is

J.A.R.V.I.S., Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another," according to Bruce Banner. But despite being an amalgamation of several things, Tony Stark is the real creator of Vision.
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Who did Vision come from?

Vision is a vibranium-based male android (or "Synthezoid") created by Ultron to serve as his body.
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Did Jarvis become Vision?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, after being partially destroyed by Ultron, J.A.R.V.I.S. is given physical form as Vision, physically portrayed by Bettany. Different versions of the character also appear in comics published by Marvel Comics, depicted as AI designed by Iron Man and Nadia van Dyne.
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Who gave birth to Vision?

Vision was a synthezoid made from vibranium, created by Ultron with the help of Helen Cho, and given life by the powerful artifact known as the Mind Stone.
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Can Vision become father?

Because Vision is an artificial being known as a Synthezoid, he's not actually capable of fathering biological children of his own. In response, Wanda magically creates two twin sons to complete their nuclear family. They were born in 1986's The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol. 2, #12.
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Why Vision can lift Mjolnir?

One other reason could be that, because Vision is 'born' as a non-human, thus lacking in any of humanity's flaws (greed, anger, or wickedness), he is actually 'worthy' to wield the hammer.
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Who was white Vision?

However, it is later revealed that the Vision living with Wanda in Westview is not the real Vision, and S.W.O.R.D. still retains possession of Vision's body. In an attempt to counter Wanda's control over Westview, S.W.O.R.D. utilizes the remnants of Vision's original body to construct a new version called White Vision.
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Is Vision the most powerful Avenger?

IGN ranked Vision 13th in their "Top 50 Avengers" list. Screen Rant included Vision in their "9 Strongest West Coast Avengers" list. CBR.com ranked Vision 3rd in their "10 Most Wholesome Avengers" list, 16th in their "35 Strongest Avengers" list, and 22nd in their "30 Strongest Marvel Superheroes" list.
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Why did Ultron turn evil?

What Makes Him Pure Evil? He betrayed his creator Pym mere moments after being created, quickly deemed humanity as flawed and has made numerous attempts to wipe out the entire race. He attempted to destroy any of his own creations, such as Vision and Jocasta, when they rebelled against him.
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Why is Vision so weak?

Vision Was Damaged (& Distracted) In Infinity War

But before they got a chance to settle, Thanos' henchman Corvus Glaive arrived and pierced Vision's chest with his blade. Since Vision was caught off-guard, he didn't have time to phase through the blade, and his synthezoid body began to malfunction.
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What is Vision's real name?

Vision's (Paul Bettany) name has always canonically been The Vision in the Marvel comics, but the MCU changed that. During his introduction in Avengers: Age of Ultron, his creator Tony Stark initially referred to him as The Vision, but the MCU eventually shortened his name to just Vision.
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How old is Vision in human years?

The most commonly accepted number for Visions age is 3, since he was “created” in Age of Ultron, but it depends what you consider his birth, his consciousness is said to be nearly equal parts Tony's input, Banner's input and the Mind Stone, but Banner and Tony were writing the code for Vision before the events of Age ...
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Who is the most powerful Avenger?

Scarlet Witch

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness showcased Wanda's immense potential for limitless powers. She is undoubtedly the strongest Avenger in the MCU.
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Is Vision more powerful than Thor?

The Vision is quite strong as well - he can rip straight through a mutant-hunting Sentinel's armor - but not nearly as strong as Thor. The Vision's only hope in winning this battle rests with his unique ability to control his body's density.
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Can Vision reproduce?

Wanda and Vision's children, explained

In the comics, Wanda and Vision get pregnant through magic — since Vision is a robot, that's seemingly their only option. They have twins named Thomas and William.
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Who is the weakest Avenger?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the title of “weakest Avenger” is subjective and can vary based on individual perspectives. However, if we consider powers and abilities, Hawkeye (Clint Barton) often stands out as the least superpowered Avenger.
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Who is stronger Vision or Hulk?

This ability, among his many others, certainly makes Vision much stronger than the Hulk, though it remains to be seen how powerful the MCU's new White Vision is following the events of WandaVision.
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Did Vision copy Thor's cape?

After he collected himself, Vision looked at Thor and sized him up before creating a cape and gauntlets that resembled the God of Thunder's accessories. While it was clear that Thor inspired Vision to take on a more heroic persona, the reasoning behind this was never explored.
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What does Wanda call Vision?

By the time Civil War begins, we see that Wanda and Vision have become friendly. Wanda calls him 'Vis,' and warns him that he can't keep walking into rooms by just walking through walls—he needs to use the doors like everyone else.
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Why didn t White Vision go to Wanda?

It could very well be that his decision to leave was about not wanting to cross paths with Wanda until he'd done this, and once again discovered his worthiness. Even without reconciling his memories and emotions, he would've also regained enough insight to know how powerful Wanda is.
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Is Wanda still alive?

MCU Phase 4 finally gave Wanda Maximoff her due, kicking off the Multiverse Saga with WandaVision. Her story progressed in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, where she was deemed dead at the end of the film, but it has always been an accepted fact that it's only a matter of time before she re-emerges.
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Who can lift Stormbreaker?

Meanwhile, MCU Phase 4 saw Stormbreaker being wielded by Thor, Gorr the God Butcher, Love, and anyone else who was strong enough to actually lift and swing it. This is because of the respective origins of both legendary Asgardian weapons.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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Why can't Hawkeye lift Mjolnir?

There, Hawkeye witnessed Thor's attempts to lift the hammer when the Asgardian hero was banished to Earth and thus had none of his powers, meaning he wasn't worthy of holding the hammer.
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