Who is the king of Atlantis?

Millennia later, Arthur Curry, a distant descendent of Atlan, followed the leads left by his ancestor and obtained the trident, becoming the true King of Atlantis, accepting the name of Aquaman.
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Who was the real king of Atlantis?

It was god Poseidon who founded Atlantis, and he made his first son Atlas the first king of Atlantis. “Atlantis” is not the name of the island, to be precise, but a Greek grammatical form which is something like a genetive, i.e. “Atlantis nesos” means “island of Atlas”. This Atlas is NOT the mythical Atlas.
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Who is the god of Atlantis?

The foundation of Atlantis was created by Poseidon, a deity of Greek mythology known to rule over the oceanic domain. Poseidon fell in love with a daughter of men living on those islands named Clieto, and when her parents passed away, they wed and had five sets of male twins.
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What is the name of Atlantis King?

Kashekim Nedakh is the king and ruler of Atlantis at the height of its power. In his arrogance, he uses the Heart of Atlantis as a weapon and begins a campaign that sees him conquer and colonize other lands and cultures.
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Who rules over Atlantis?

Poseidon and Cleito 2 had five pairs of twins, who, along with their descendants, ruled the ten provinces into which Poseidon had divided Atlantis. The island and the ocean were called after Poseidon's first-born, Atlas, who was also king over his brothers.
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Who Was The King Of Atlantis?

Why did Zeus destroy Atlantis?

According to the legend, Zeus, along with other gods, destroyed the city of Atlantis because the people of Atlantis were filled with greed, selfishness, and wickedness. The citizens of Atlantis were seen as corrupt, and as a result, Zeus destroyed the city, sinking it into the ocean to punish its people.
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Who were the 10 rulers of Atlantis?

Plato wrote that these ten rulers were the sons of Poseidon: Atlas, Gadeirus, Ampheres, Evaemon, Mneseus, Autochthon, Elasippus, Mestor, Azaes and Diaprepes. If you look carefully at the map, you can find each of these names, labelling the land Sanson was suggesting they might have ruled.
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Does Atlantis have a king?

Plato described Atlantis as a confederacy of kings. Each king had power over his own territory, but there was a common rule, under the eldest king, that decisions regarding war could not be made without the consent of all the other kings.
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Who killed the king of Atlantis?

Biography. During the invasion of Earth by the forces of Apokolips, he was killed during an incident involving a volcano. Prince Orm held the king's body in his arms and declared war on the surface dwellers. He held the Justice League directly responsible but unaware it was Darkseid.
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Who ruled Atlantis before Aquaman?

Trivia. King Atlan was referred to as simply "Ancient Atlantean King" in the credits of Justice League, though he was later revealed to be Atlan. Vulko states that Atlan was the "first ruler of Atlantis" in Aquaman. Atlan is also king when Atlantis sinks, which means he was the last surface king.
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Is Atlantis ruled by Poseidon?

In Plato's Timaeus and Critias, the legendary island of Atlantis was Poseidon's domain. Poseidon is famous for his contests with other deities for winning the patronage of the city.
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Who is the Queen of Atlantis husband?

Atlanna is the mother of both Arthur Curry and Orm Marius, and the former queen of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. Upon fleeing from an arranged marriage with King Orvax decades ago, Atlanna met and fell in love with Thomas Curry, whom she married later.
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Does the Bible mention Atlantis?

The Bible does not mention the name Atlantis. The closest thing in the Bible was Noah's Flood. Atlantis is a “true” story to the extent that many civilizations have been wiped out by one calamity or another. Floods are incredibly common since most early human settlements would be built right next to the water.
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What are the 7 kingdoms of Atlantis?

Atlantis was featured heavily in Aquaman where there are seven kingdoms that formed after the original Atlantis sank into the ocean: Atlantis, Xebel, the Kingdom of the Trench, the Kingdom of the Brine, the Kingdom of the Fishermen, the Kingdom of the Deserters, and a missing one.
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What destroyed Atlantis?

In a single day and night, Atlantis was destroyed by an earthquake and flood. Once a beacon of culture and civilization, the fabled island vanished under the waves, along with all its inhabitants.
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Is Atlantis a real story?

Is Atlantis Real? Atlantis is generally believed to be a fictional place. It was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues, namely Timaeus and Critias, written around 360 BCE.
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Where is the real Atlantis located?

The location of this mythical city remains a mystery despite many proposed sites. Numerous locations have been suggested for Atlantis but have yet to be confirmed. The most recent claim indicates that the submerged city may be located north of Cadiz, Spain, but this claim has not been substantiated.
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Where is the lost city of Atlantis located?

So where was Atlantis? Plato gave only one clue to the city's location. He wrote that it sat “in front of the Pillars of Hercules.” This places the city near the Strait of Gibraltar at the western edge of the Mediterranean Sea.
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Who created Atlantis?

Plato created the legend of Atlantis. So why is it still popular more than 2,000 years later? If the writing of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato had not contained so much truth about the human condition, his name would have been forgotten centuries ago.
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What did Atlanteans look like?

Appearance. The Atlanteans have tan skin, white hair, full lips and black eyes. Most of the tunics, robes, and garments are worn by the Atlanteans are blue, with some gold and orange colors interwoven.
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Who almost killed Zeus?

Typhon attempted to overthrow Zeus for the supremacy of the cosmos. The two fought a cataclysmic battle, which Zeus finally won with the aid of his thunderbolts. Defeated, Typhon was cast into Tartarus, or buried underneath Mount Etna, or in later accounts, the island of Ischia.
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Does Atlantis still exist?

Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, romanized: Atlantìs nêsos, lit. 'island of Atlas') is a fictional island mentioned in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias as part of an allegory on the hubris of nations.
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Have humans found Atlantis?

Reports of the discovery of the ruins of Atlantis have surfaced countless times since Mavor's attempt, but no conclusive evidence of its existence has ever emerged.
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Has anyone found Atlantis yet?

Lost cities under the sea yes, but no Atlantis. Atlantis is likely just a fictional realm exisiting only in Plato's minf. Despite Plato claiming in his dialogues that the Egyptians had tales about it passed on to Solon, there's no mention about it prior to Plato.
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