Who wanted to be buried with Marilyn Monroe?

Hefner wasn't the only one who wanted to be buried next to Monroe. Richard Poncher's wife Elsie alleged to the Los Angeles Times that the local entrepreneur purchased the crypt above Monroe from her ex-husband Joe DiMaggio after their divorce.
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Who planned Marilyn Monroe's funeral?

DiMaggio stepped in and orchestrated his ex-wife's funeral. DiMaggio barred the public and almost all the Hollywood glitterati — producers, directors and actors — from the funeral. The studio executives tried to convince DiMaggio that they and their people should be at the funeral.
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Are Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio buried together?

Afterward, DiMaggio had flowers delivered to her grave multiple times a week, a practice that continued for 20 years. Despite their his-and-hers crypts, however, Joltin' Joe's eternal resting place isn't near Marilyn. It's not at the same cemetery, or even in the same city.
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What does it mean to be buried face down?

Burying someone face down was "a social expression of 'otherness'" in Early Medeival England, according to MOLA. MOLA Headland Infrastructure. Osteologists – bone specialists – at MOLA found evidence to suggest the girl was of a low social status.
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Has anyone woke up after being buried?

More On: medical miracles

Hospital workers had originally pronounced Montoya dead on June 9 after she reportedly suffered cardiorespiratory arrest. She spent about five hours inside a coffin and woke up in the middle of her wake — shocking loved ones gathered in the city of Babahoyo to mourn her death.
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Disturbing Man Buried Face-Down Above Marilyn Monroe’s Body

Why do we bury the dead 6 feet under?

An ancient practice of burying dead people six feet underground may have helped mask the odor of decay from predators. Similarly, random disturbances, such as plowing, would be unable to reach a person buried six feet underneath. Preventing the Spread of Disease was another major reason.
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What were Marilyn Monroe's last words?

Lawford says that in "slurred" speech Monroe told him she was "tired and would not be coming" to dinner. Then, as her voice became less audible, she told him, "Say goodbye to Pat. Say goodbye to Jack [President Kennedy]. And say goodbye to yourself, because you're a nice guy."
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Who left roses on Marilyn's grave?

According to Biography, DiMaggio organized to have roses delivered to Monroe's Los Angeles crypt three times a week for 20 years after her death. “I'll go to my grave regretting and blaming myself for what happened to her,” DiMaggio is quoted as saying after her passing.
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Can anyone visit Marilyn Monroe's grave?

Here's a fascinating fact: The name plate on the grave has to be replaced periodically, because the lipstick kiss marks that fans leave on it cause oxidation and wear over time! Marilyn Monroe's tomb is available for the public to see!
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Who is buried on top of Marilyn Monroe's grave?

Richard Poncher's wife Elsie alleged to the Los Angeles Times that the local entrepreneur purchased the crypt above Monroe from her ex-husband Joe DiMaggio after their divorce. She alleged that Poncher later told her that he wanted to be buried face down above Monroe. He died in 1986 at age 81.
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Did JFK attend Marilyn Monroe funeral?

And his control over funeral planning meant that three key figures in Monroe's life were nowhere to be seen at the service. DiMaggio reportedly banned Frank Sinatra, John F. Kennedy and Robert “Bobby” Kennedy from attending the star's funeral.
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How long did it take to bury Marilyn Monroe?

After dying of a drug overdose in what was an apparent suicide on August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe was interred three days later at Westwood Village Memorial Cemetery.
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Who kept Marilyn's secrets?

Book overview. Peter Lawford starred in films like "Easter Parade" and "The Picture of Dorian Gray", and was known for his involvement with many of Hollywood's top names. But he is best remembered for his connections with the Kennedy family and as the man who introduced John F. Kennedy to Marilyn Monroe.
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What were Joe DiMaggio's last words?

According to DiMaggio's attorney Morris Engelberg, DiMaggio's last words were "I'll finally get to see Marilyn." However, Joe's brother Dominic challenged Engelberg's version of Joe's final moments and his motives.
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Why did Marilyn Monroe look bruised when she died?

Lividity can mimic bruises. If she was found face down, or even on her side it would discolor her face. Post-mortem lividity is the pooling of the blood, caused by gravity, in the lower or dependent areas.
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Who lives in the house where Marilyn Monroe died?

Iconic American actor Marilyn Monroe lived and died in the same home in Brentwood. In 2023, the home's new owner was listed as Glory of the Snow LLC. It is a company managed by Dan Lukas, who is an Emerald Lake hedge fund manager, and his wife Anne Jarmain.
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What is a grave without a body called?

Cenotaph - a grave where the body is not present; a memorial erected as over a grave, but at a place where the body has not been interred. A cenotaph may look exactly like any other grave in terms of marker and inscription.
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Why aren't you buried with shoes on?

Using Footwear Is Difficult

Rigor mortis and other body processes make the feet larger than usual and often distort the shape. Many times the shoes of the deceases no longer fit. Even with the correct size, the feet are no longer bendable, making it a challenge to place shoes upon them.
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Why are bodies buried facing east?

Some of the ancient religions (based on the sun) would bury the dead facing east so that they could face the "new day" and the "rising sun." Once again, Christ is considered to be the "Light of the World," which explains the eastward facing burials.
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What name is on Marilyn Monroe's grave?

A small bronze plaque affixed to it reads simply: “Marilyn Monroe, 1926 – 1962.” Next to it is a small metal holder of flowers.
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