Who was the first Istari in Lord of the Rings?

Saruman the White is leader of the Istari and of the White Council, in The Hobbit and at the outset in The Lord of the Rings.
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Who was the first Istari?

Saruman the White, also known as Curumo, Curunír, Sharku, and "Sharkey." A Maia of Aulë. Original leader of the Istari order and the White Council.
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What is the order of the Istari?

The Order of Istari, also known as the Five Wizards or simply Istari (tr. from Elvish "Wizards"), was a group of five Maiar sent as emissaries of the Valar to oppose Sauron. The task of the Five Wizards was to help the Free Peoples against the Dark Lord, should he return, and rally those he would try to enslave.
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Is the Stranger Gandalf or Saruman?

As soon as the Mystics realize the Stranger isn't Sauron, they label him an "Istar." With this label, and several other hints throughout the episode and the season, The Rings of Power has all but confirmed that the Stranger is everyone's favorite wizard: Gandalf the Grey. Let's break it down.
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Were there Istari in the second age?

The Order of Wizards (Quenya: Heren Istarion), or simply Wizards (Q.: Istari), were a group of Maiar sent to Middle-earth by the Valar in the Third Age (possibly the late Second Age).
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The Powers of the Istari (Wizards) | Tolkien Explained

Did Gandalf or Saruman come first?

Saruman arrived at the Grey Havens in Middle-Earth with three other Istari: the Blue Wizards, Allatar and Pallando and Radagast the Brown. Gandalf arrived last.
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Is the istar in Rings of Power Gandalf?

The Rings of Power Season 1 revealed that the Meteor Man is an Istar, a powerful being sent as an encourager to Middle-earth by the Maiar. The series heavily implies that the Meteor Man is none other than Gandalf the Grey, but doesn't yet introduce the other four Istar who were also sent to the physical realm.
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How do we know the Stranger is Gandalf?

The Rings of Power's earliest signals that the Stranger is Gandalf concern his physical appearance and costume. Daniel Weyman's character first drops from the sky sporting long gray hair and an impressive beard, and when Nori fashions some clothes for her new friend, the garments she picks are also gray.
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Is nori related to bilbo?

While The Rings of Power season 1 includes no overt clues to suggest a direct link between Harfoot characters and the Fellowship Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings, several subtle details indicate that Nori Brandyfoot could potentially be an ancient relative of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.
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Is Saruman Sauron's Brother?

As such, he was immortal and extremely powerful, yet had limits on how far these powers could be used. His two most salient powers were his knowledge and his voice. Saruman was, in a very real way, the junior brother of Sauron both having been Maia of Aulë, Valar of Smithcraft, in the very beginnings of time.
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Is Legolas older than Gandalf?

Gandalf's age is impossible to determine, but he's likely existed for at least 10,000 years, making him much older than Legolas.
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Is Gandalf A Maiar or an Istari?

He is a wizard, one of the Istari order, and the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring. Tolkien took the name "Gandalf" from the Old Norse "Catalogue of Dwarves" (Dvergatal) in the Völuspá.
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Is The Witch King an Istari?

In the manuscript of his notes for translators, Tolkien suggested that the Witch-king of Angmar was most likely of Númenórean origin. Fontenot comments that this could make him both a Maia rather than a Man, and originally one of the Istari, or, as she states, "something decidedly other".
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Is Sauron Istari?

The Valar created a class of beings called the Maiar to shape the world. Technically, the the istari are Maiar, as is Sauron. The wizards' powers are more limited than Sauron's, but they are all magical.
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Is the stranger one of the Istari?

To learn about what is considered "canon", see LOTR:Canon. "The Stranger" was a moniker given to one of the Istari who arrived in Middle-earth during the Second Age via meteorite.
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Who is Istari in Silmarillion?

The Wizards or Istari in J. R. R. Tolkien's fiction were powerful angelic beings, Maiar, who took the form of Men to intervene in the affairs of Middle-earth in the Third Age, after catastrophically violent direct interventions by the Valar, and indeed by the one god Eru Ilúvatar, in the earlier ages.
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Is Gandalf the friend of Nori?

That is, until Nori reassures him that he is good and meant to be the light in that darkness. It's that friendship with Nori that develops throughout the season, according to Weyman, that shows the Stranger the path forward to becoming (we assume) Gandalf.
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Are Poppy and Nori sisters?

Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot (Markella Kavenagh), that Hobbit ancestor known as a Harfoot, is the Frodo/Bilbo piloting this ship. She has eyes as wide as Elijah Wood's and a matching wonder about the world, a curiosity that often gets her, and by extension, her best friend Poppy (Megan Richards), into trouble.
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Did Frodo know what Gandalf is?

I think it likely that the hobbits found out more about Gandalf after the conclusion of the War of the Ring. At the least, the Ringbearers, Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam, almost certainly knew by the time they arrived at Tol Eressea.
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Does Halbrand know he is Sauron?

Halbrand does not deny his heroism out of bashful humility, though; he knows that as Sauron, he's not the hero she wants him to be for the Southlands -- not when his plans involve scorching it into Mordor. No, Halbrand was never a hero, nor did he ever claim to be.
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Why doesn't Gandalf remember who he is?

Stars wheeled overhead, and every day was as long as the life age of the earth." From that explanation, it makes perfect sense why Gandalf wouldn't remember much. He had left the confines of time, reembodied his Maiar form and been thrust back into the mortal realm. That doesn't bode well for remembering minutia.
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How many Istari are there?

There were five Istari that came during Third Age, and they were among the most powerful beings in Middle-Earth: Saruman, Gandalf, Radagast, Alatar, and Pallando. Related: Lord Of The Rings: How Old is Gandalf?
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How can Halbrand be Sauron?

Halbrand is the form of a Human that he has taken in order to trick people, in the series. It's well documented in the Silmarillion that Sauron can take on pretty much any form he likes, and he seems to generally default to 'fair' form. So looking like Charlie Vickers isn't really a problem.
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What happened to Isildur in Rings of Power?

Spoiler alert: Isildur is not dead. Isildur is the man who eventually cuts the ring from the hand of Sauron. But he's too power-hungry to throw the ring into the fires of Mount Doom as Elrond instructs him. His is a tragic story, though he turns out to be the ancestor to Aragorn.
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