Who was the Y-Wing that survived the Battle of Yavin?

Evaan Verlaine is not seen physically in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. However, it was confirmed in later sources that she was the Y-wing pilot who survived the Battle of Yavin.
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Which pilot survived the Battle of Yavin?

Few Rebel pilots escaped with their lives from the battle, including Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Rookie One, Ru Murleen, Merrick Simms, Jake Farrell, Keyan Farlander, X2, and Shara. The Red Squadron survivors continued to fight for the Rebellion and eventually grew into two groups, Renegade Flight and Rogue Flight.
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Who are the survivors of Yavin?

With the aid of the Force, the torpedoes shot along the trench and entered the shaft perfectly, as the two surviving X-wings, the lone surviving Y-wing and the aging freighter made for Yavin 4. The surviving rebel pilots included Skywalker, Antilles, and Gold Three (Evaan Verlaine).
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Who flew the Y-wing in Star Wars?

Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano flew as the gunner in Skywalker's Y-wing, and Jedi General Plo Koon served as a fighter escort. The Y-wings successfully destroyed Malevolence's ion cannon in the engagement. Out of an initial force of 12 Y-wing bombers, six were lost in the assault.
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Who uses the Y-wing in Star Wars?

BTL-A4 Y-wing

It was commonly used by pirate, mercenary, and private defense forces, and therefore was also used by the early Rebel Alliance as the primary starfighter for bombing and disabling roles. However, the lack of a gunner and reduced shields typically proved a liability and made the A4 unpopular among pilots.
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Is there a C Wing in Star Wars?

The C-wing was a starfighter designed to be piloted by a single person with an optional gunner and room for two passengers. The C-wing had twice the cargo capacity of a standard X-wing, 220 kilograms, and had enough consumables to last two weeks.
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Is there a Z-Wing in Star Wars?

The Z-wing is only given as an example name that has been used to describe a type of starfighter, though the actual model has never actually been seen in a canon source.
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Were there Y-wings in A New Hope?

Y-wing made their theatrical appearance in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and have featured in movies, television shows, and the Star Wars expanded universe's books, comics, and games.
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How many fighters survived the Battle of Yavin?

As you can see, it consists of the Falcon (Han Solo and Chewbacca), a pair of X-Wings (Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles) and one really, REALLY lucky Y-Wing. So yes, other pilots did survive the Battle of Yavin. 4 Rebel craft survived: 2 X-Wings, 1 Y Wing, and the Millennium Falcon.
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Why did the Y-wing change?

By the Galactic Civil War, many Y-wings were stripped of their hull plating and engine nacelles, shortening their length to 16.24 meters, for ease of maintenance, as their older parts often broke down, and models that eliminated the gunner's turret had been introduced.
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What year is 0 BBY?

0 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin), also known as 0, was a period of time that, together with 0 ABY, made up a single year. That year was also known as 3277 LY according to the Lothal Calendar and year 7977 in the C.R.C. calendar.
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What if the Empire won the Battle of Yavin?

If the Empire destroyed the Rebellion - including Luke and Leia - at Yavin IV then the war would be basically over before it even began. Yes, Mom Mothma would still be alive but without Alderaan and its resources, Leia, Luke, all those people on Yavin 4 and the Death Star's plans she would've no chance to resist.
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Was the ghost crew at the Battle of Yavin?

During the Galactic Civil War, Yavin 4 was a location of one of the Rebel Alliance's principal bases. The Ghost crew and other rebel cells from across the galaxy joined together there in the early days of the Rebellion.
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What are the Y-wing pilots in the Battle of Yavin?

The Battle of Yaving brings Rebel players three brand-new Y-wing pilots that haven't been seen in Star Wars: X-Wing before: Dex Tiree, “Pops” Krail, and Hol Okand. All three have Advanced Proton Torpedoes, an astromech, and a turret.
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What was Luke's callsign in a new hope?

An unknown clone trooper pilot went by the call sign of Red Five. He was killed during a mission to Tythe in 19 BBY. Luke Skywalker flying as Red Five during the Battle of Yavin.
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Did K Kruhk survive Order 66?

While numerous other survivors of the initial purge were eventually hunted down, K'Kruhk survived the fall of the Empire and eventually joined the New Jedi Order created by Luke Skywalker, most likely sometime between the events of the Galactic Civil War and the Yuuzhan Vong War.
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How old is Ahsoka at the Battle of Yavin?

Ahsoka Tano was born on Shili in 36 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), but her exact birthdate is not provided in the official canon. However, based on available information, she was supposedly around 17 at the time.
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Why is the Battle of Yavin so important?

The Battle of Yavin, which was a decisive battle within the Galactic Civil War, led to the destruction of the Death Star battle station and represented one of the first major victories for the Rebel Alliance over the Galactic Empire.
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How many people died on alderaan?

Out of the 2 billion inhabitants on Alderaan - with the modern-day populations of China and India having about 2.8 billion people combined - about 60,000 survived the destruction of the planet due to being outside of its star system at the time.
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What is an E-wing?

The E-7 E-wing multi-role starfighter, also called E-wing escort starfighter, was a single-pilot starfighter developed by FreiTek Inc. It was notable for being the first fighter designed entirely under the support of the New Republic. E-wings deployed with updated laser cannons were known as the Type B.
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What plane is the Y-wing based on?

The Y-Wing starfighter closely resembles the the P-47 in its role among the Rebel Alliance's air fleets. Designed originally as a fighter, it too found great usage as an attack aircraft best suited to destruction of large targets.
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How old are Y-wings?

Deep-fried chicken wings have long been a staple of Southern cooking. But the concept of cooking wings in peppery hot sauce was born in 1964 at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, when co-owner Teressa Bellissimo cooked leftover wings in hot sauce as a late-night snack for her son and his friends.
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What is f in Star Wars?

F is one or the main protagonists from the anime series Star Wars: Visions. She is the main protagonist of the series' fourth episode "The Village Bride." She is a human Jedi padawan who survives the great purge of her Order and is forced to go into hiding to avoid the Empire.
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Is there an F bomb in Star Wars?

The First F-Bomb in 'Star Wars' Was Meant to Spark the Entire Rebellion on 'Andor'
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