Why are Bucky's trigger words so random?

That said, screenwriters Christoper Markus and Stephen McFeely came right out on Movieweb to state that was merely a coincidence; "Sometimes unintentionally you can create a connection and then play with it later - even if you didn't mean it that way in the first place!
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What were the words that make Bucky go crazy?

Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car.
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What are the words that trigger Bucky in Russian?

  • Longing = желание
  • Rusted = ржавый
  • Furnace = печь
  • Daybreak = рассвет
  • Seventeen = семнадцать
  • Benign = добросердечный, добрый
  • Nine = девять
  • Homecoming = возвращение домой, возвращение на родину
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What are the 10 trigger words in Winter Soldier?

So I'm aware that the Winter Soldier's trigger sequence is "Longing," "rusted," "furnace," "daybreak," "seventeen," "benign," "nine," "homecoming," "one," and "freight car". How did they come up with these words? Bucky was born in 1917, so that accounts for three of them.
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What language does Bucky say "ready to comply" in?

In Captain America: Civil War, we hear Bucky say in an accent heavier than his metal arm, “я готов отвечать” [“ya gotov otvechat'”], after being put into the mindless killer machine mode by a bunch of horribly mangled Russian words and phrases. According to the subtitles, it means “ready to comply.”
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Bucky's Trigger Words

Why does Steve love Bucky so much?

Bucky is the closest thing Steve has to family even before he falls out of the 1940s and ends up in modern day America. He's far more than just a surrogate brother—he's Steve's last piece of home. In a very real sense, Bucky is home.
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What did Hydra call Bucky?

However, Barnes actually survived the fall thanks to the experimentation Zola had performed on him, and it was HYDRA who would make use of the man who would come to be known as the Winter Soldier...
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Does Bucky Barnes have PTSD?

Even though Bucky was reprogrammed by Shuri (Letitia Wright) when he was granted amnesty in Wakanda, his time as Winter Soldier is having lasting effects. The MCU has made it clear Bucky suffers from PTSD, considering he was somewhat conscious of his actions under HYDRA's control.
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What does Captain America say to Bucky?

“I'm with you 'til the end of the line.”

One of the most important relationships in Steve's life is his friendship with Bucky Barnes, and no inspirational Captain America quote encapsulates the bond these two men share better than this one.
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What does Shuri call Bucky?

She didn't call Bucky anything but Sergeant Barnes. The locals called him White Wolf, a nickname he seemed to like.
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What does Natasha call Bucky?

Natasha is one of the few people to call Bucky by his first name, James.
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What does Wakanda call Bucky?

In the MCU, White Wolf is the name some local Wakandan kids started calling Bucky as seen in the post-credit scene from Black Panther. In Infinity War, T'Challa confirms White Wolf is how Bucky is known now by the Wakandans.
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What mental illness does Bucky have?

His PTSD induces terrifying nightmares, and he is haunted by the memory of the innocents he killed. Some fans have speculated that the Winter Soldier may have also been a manifestation akin to Dissociative Identity Disorder. In his previous state, Bucky was identified as solely 'the asset' due to his brainwashing.
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Why can t Bucky get drunk?

A side effect of the Super-Soldier Serum that the Winter Soldier shares with Captain America is that neither can get drunk.
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Why does Bucky hate Sam?

Bucky had resentment towards Sam for giving up the shield. The therapy session showed the issues they had towards each other. Bucky wanted to know why Sam gave up the shield that Steve trusted him with and was Steve's whole legacy. Bucky emotionally says that if Steve was wrong about Sam then he was wrong about him.
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How old is Bucky in 2024?

We see that he's deprogrammed 6 months before the snap in FATWS. He's then snapped away and comes back 5 years later. FATWS takes place 6 months after he comes back. So Bucky is likely 33 physically while chronologically being 107 (FATWS takes place in April 2024, so Bucky's wrong about being 106).
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How old is Bucky Barnes biologically?

Taking the experimentation, cryogenic freezing and time skips into consideration, Bucky is physically somewhere in his mid-30s by the time The Falcon and the Winter Soldier takes place, making him appear seventy-some years younger than his chronological age.
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Who is stronger Bucky or Steve?

Usually, Captain America is considered the best fighter in the Marvel Universe, but on this occasion Bucky beat him fair and square, even using Steve's own shield to deliver the final blow. The power levels of Marvel characters vary greatly according to writers' preferences and story needs.
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Why did Bucky stop aging?

Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.
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Can Bucky's arm feel?

The fact of the matter is, the arm still functions as a part of his body. The superpowered enhancements do not change the fact that he will still naturally experience pain when his body is put under such stress, especially when the arm is attached to so many nerves that could've been damaged from losing his actual arm.
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Does Bucky age normally?

How is Bucky Barnes still alive for so many years? The Super Soldier Serum Injected into him gives him the ability to slow down aging, like Captain America in ice. He was also Frozen just like Steve, his aging slowed.
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Did HYDRA cut off Bucky's arm?

Bucky was captured by Hydra in 1945, received experimentation with a variant of the Super-Soldier Serum, was brainwashed, and was implanted with a metal arm made of titanium to replace the left arm that was amputated when he fell from a train and plummeted nearly to his death.
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How did Iron Man destroy Bucky's arm?

While at the HYDRA Siberian Facility, Barnes' prosthetic arm was destroyed by Tony Stark's unibeam, after Stark was manipulated by Helmut Zemo and attacked Barnes and Steve Rogers.
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How did Zola brainwash Bucky?

The Memory Suppressing Machine delivered electroconvulsive shocks repeatedly to Barnes' mind, severely damaging his limbic system and giving Barnes extensive brain damage.
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