Why are some villains likable?

Studies have proven that it's possible to be attracted to our dark side. Thus, making villains more likable and relatable because we can resonate with them more. Even in movies where it centers around a villain undergoing a mission that is supposedly not encouraged, we would also root for them.
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Can villains be likable?

They all hold a special place in my heart. And yes, as you've seen, even the antagonists. Because making them human, making them fallible, defeatable, relatable, and even likable, makes them so much more than just one more obstacle for our heroes to overcome. Just the setting can do that if you want it to.
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What is a likable villain called?

Anti-Villain: The villain has noble and sympathetic motivations. Even Evil Has Standards: There are some misdeeds so heinous that even villains refuse to do them or are appalled by them. Lovable Rogue: (When they're not the hero) Breaks the law for their own benefit, but is still likable nonetheless.
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Why are villains more likeable than heroes?

Unlike heroes, villains are not robots: they are unpredictable and more realistic. Imperfection is their whole brand. This allows them to be seen as relatable characters, and their relatability scale is what people are interested in watching.
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Why do I find villains attractive?

Another way of looking at attraction toward evil characters is scientific. We are interested in "bad" because it is exciting and it instills fear. Elise Banfield, a Professor of Psychology, states that sometimes people confuse fear with attraction because they provoke the same rush of chemicals into our bodies.
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How to Create LIKABLE Villains (Writing Advice)

What does it mean if you like villains?

Fictional stories of villains may provide a safe haven for you to explore a darker side of your personality. This sense of safety may come from the fact that there is a psychological distancing between you and the villain.
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Why do people admire villains?

Villains are interpreted as more intelligent than the hero character. This is usually because intelligence gives the power to outwit physical strength. Another admirable attribute that many villains have is a devil-may-care attitude.
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What is it called when a villain turns good?

A redeemed villain, otherwise known as a villain turned to the good side or former villain, is usually the end result of a villain exposed to a Purely Good hero, a Messiah, a Hope Bringer, and occasionally a Charismatic Hero.
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What personality types are villains?

The most popular personality types for villains are INTJs and ENTJs. INTJ and ENTJ villains are masterminds who are always one step ahead. They are intelligent and logical, but they also have a dark side. They are often the leaders of villainous organizations and are always seeking to control others.
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Why do we feel bad for villains?

As human beings, we respond to the tragic core even in villainous characters. It's in our very nature. The ability to go on loving someone even when that person has done something awful is one of the hallmarks of who we are.
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Why do actors love playing villains?

Because it's fun—and is a great exercise in tapping into a dark side of yourself. Also—it pays—rather well. Hannibal Lecter was played by so, damn, well, by Anthony Hopkins that it straight up creeped people out.
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Why are villains charismatic?

These are the villains who charm people into following them — they inspire devotion in others, and they look good while doing it. A charismatic villain can fascinate the audience (and even the hero sometimes), making you want to watch and see what they'll do next.
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What is the most unpredictable personality type?

ISTP: logical pragmatists

Who they are: These are direct, to-the-point characters, who are loyal to their peers but not overly concerned with laws and rules. ISTPs are the most unpredictable of the 16 personality types, because they're typically rational and logical, but can also be enthusiastic and spontaneous.
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What is a good villain personality?

Villains aren't usually super interested in what other people want or whether they get it. Their primary concern is themselves, and they're willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. It doesn't matter if they hurt someone else's feelings—it's their way or the highway.
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What are villains driven by?

Creating a Great Villain Archetype:

Give them a clear motivation: Your villain needs to have a clear reason for why they are doing what they are doing. It can be something personal, like revenge or a desire for power, or something more altruistic, like a desire to save the world.
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Can a villain be honorable?

This is a type of villain who (while they fight on the side of evil) still has at least some honorable traits. As such, they usually treat their foes and minions with respect and demonstrate some extent of mercy or fair play regardless of the outcome.
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What are 3 characteristics of a villain?

Attributes of the "Classic Villain"
  • Evil.
  • Sneaky.
  • Cowardly.
  • Egotistical.
  • Clever.
  • Hypocritical.
  • Crazy.
  • Callous.
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What makes a villain unredeemable?

A character can be redeemed if he regrets and turns away from his path, and takes steps to compensate for and counter the evil he has done already. What makes a character irredeemable would thus be an action that permanently sets him on the path of evil and eliminates any chance that he might still turn around.
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What do all villains have in common?

#1 An obsession. This is perhaps the most obvious characteristic of every villain. Typically, villains are obsessed with three main things: 1) power, 2) wealth, and 3) revenge. Many times, these obsessions intersect.
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Why do we want to humanize villains?

Humanized villains fulfill two important purposes outside of the narrative: 1) make the audience evaluate a situation from an alternative point of view and maybe open our minds a bit as to why people are the way they are and 2) make the audience realize what we have in common with these characters and how easily we too ...
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Why do we humanize villains?

It shows that the bad guys aren't just archetypes on the screen, and they aren't born that way. Usually, they're made that way by circumstance, and while their actions aren't excusable, they're more understandable. “Loki” also does this, but in a very different way.
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Is it bad to like the villain?

It's okay to enjoy a character regardless of the morals they have as long as you realize when that character is right and when they're wrong.
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Is it okay to like villain characters?

Liking villains and anti-heroes and everything in between does not mean you're a bad person; it means you're a person who has a favorite who isn't just a hero character, and that's okay.
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Is it normal for kids to like villains?

According to psychologists, it's not that uncommon. As troubling as all this feels, this isn't an early warning sign of a future serial killer, and it doesn't mean your child has been corrupted. A lot of children – especially boys – root for the bad guys. It's actually serving a purpose.
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What is the most cold hearted personality type?

INTJ: deep feelers

INTJs are often seen as cold-hearted, detached, and objective—but they only appear as such on the outside. That's because they're not reactive, meaning they don't show emotion in front of those they don't know well.
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