Why can't extras talk in movies?

Extras aren't supposed to say anything during a take, for as the saying goes, you aren't being paid to talk. Nor are you allowed to talk between takes when everything is being reset and put back to the way it was two minutes before.
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Are movie extras allowed to talk?

Never look at or in the direction of the camera when filming. Don't over act – act naturally. It is strictly not permitted to talk to the actors, ask for autographs, take photographs, or use recording equipment of any kind. This can result in you being dismissed immediately without pay.
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Why are extras not allowed to talk?

The amount they're paid depends on how many lines they have. An extra is basically the lowest on the totem pole, and if they had a speaking role, they'd get paid more per SAG rules. Thus the production just gives them silent roles so they don't have to pay as much.
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Are extras ever given lines?

An extra can either be less or more involved, depending on the scene. The role of an extra could consist of just being in a crowd, a background character, or sitting in a chair at a restaurant. But an extra can also be given lines which can either be spoken to a principal actor or someone else.
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How much do movie extras get paid?

How much do Film Extras get paid? Film Extras tend to be hired by the day, so they can generally expect between $100 and $200 for their work. However, individuals with union status may earn more for background acting.
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Do extras have to audition?

There's no real audition to be an extra. You won't usually need to read sides or a script, perform special skills, or feel out your chemistry with other actors. Instead, actors interested in background work should seek out open casting calls for extras and attend look-sees.
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Do extras get hair and makeup?

Most of the time, you'll be asked to come to set camera ready with your wardrobe on, hair done, and makeup applied. Other times, you'll be asked to bring your wardrobe with you instead of wearing it to set.
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How do extras get picked?

Many producers cast extras based on how their look matches what the film needs, so your appearance will determine how you're initially cast. Sign with a casting agency: Sign up with an agency that has an excellent record with clients.
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Do extras wear their own clothes?

If selected, film and TV extras are advised on what they need to bring to the set and when and where to report to work. For most films, extras are asked to wear their own clothes.
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What not to do as an extra?

DON'T try to stand out.

You are meant to be in the background. Think of an extra as furniture, moveable furniture helping to set the scene. Also, if you stand out as an extra, the chances of booking a speaking role on the same show later on will be zero. Just try to blend in, and never ever look at camera.
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Can extras make a living?

Background acting—or “extra” work for movies and TV—can absolutely be a full-time profession if you know how to go about it.
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Is being an extra in a movie fun?

Even if you aren't interested in acting on screen, being an extra in a film or TV show can be fun, and it's a great way to feel like you're a part of the Hollywood so many people fantasize about—even if the real thing is a little disappointing.
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Is being an extra hard?

Being an extra requires no experience, no acting talent and no talking. Although you can sometimes parlay being an extra into an acting career, that's neither required nor expected. All that's expected of you is to show up on time — early, ideally — and to pay attention and follow directions.
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Do extras ever get discovered?

Extra work doesn't necessarily get an actor noticed by casting directors or agents, but it can be a valuable way of gaining experience on set. It can sometimes result in being upgraded to a speaking role, or helping an actor get his union card.
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Can actors sleep on set?

Actors don't usually sleep on the set although I have nodded off on set when there is a comfortable place to do so and I have seen other actors do so on many occasions, but it is not unusual for actors, who may have hours to wait between setups and scenes that they are in, to nap in their dressing rooms or trailers.
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Do actors get bathroom breaks?

Even during long scenes, 5 or 10 minute breaks are typically called every few hours so people can go to the bathroom, get some water or a snack, stretch, etc.
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What do actors wear over their privates?

Hibue's and Shibue's are some of the most commonly used modesty wear on productions. They consist of a small piece of fabric covering only the genitals. They are an adhesive strapless thong, made to look seamless and to avoid any unwanted pantylines.
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Do actors drink alcohol in movies?

Do actors drink real alcohol on set? While some performances make you believe the actor must have been intoxicated while filming, actors do not usually drink actual alcohol on set. Instead, they are given prop drinks, which look like alcoholic beverages but do not contain any level of alcohol.
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Do extras get fed on set?

The food isn't that great either

In addition to the gruelling hours, extras aren't fed all that well on set. Kutner also mentioned that, while extras do get fed breakfast on set, it's far from being the heartiest meal of the day. A small, cold scoop of oatmeal is all they offered to get her through the morning.
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Which movie hired the most extras?

The Guinness World Record for the most extras ever used in a film is held by “Gandhi.” The film included roughly 300,000 extras in a funeral scene. 300,000 extras appeared in the funeral sequence. About 200,000 were volunteers and 94,560 were paid a small fee (under contract).
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Do extras need experience?

How to Find Movie Extra Jobs. You don't need any experience to become background talent, but you should have a decent headshot and some persistence. It's definitely not like the old days when you would look in the want-ads of a newspaper or Variety magazine to find a casting call.
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Do extras get to meet actors?

Whether or not background performers get to meet a celebrity or not is mostly dependent upon the celebrity. Some stars are friendly and interactive and will take a little time (when it's available) to chat with others on set or take a pic.
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Do extras have to be silent?

Background actors, also known as extras, are usually required to mouth the words silently in the background of a scene. If you're background, that means you have no lines. You may be seen but not heard.
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What not to do on a film set?

“When on a film set, what's the one rule nobody should ever break?”
  • NEVER work without pay. – ...
  • Never try and guess your wrap time, You're just jinxing yourself. – ...
  • Don't fart during a take. – ...
  • Never give your opinion unless you are the director. – ...
  • If you don't know something, dont act like you do. –
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