Why did Anakin join Dark Side after Padme died?

But after she died in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, he didn't leave the dark side behind. Over the course of the Star Wars prequels, Anakin's fall to the dark side is full of irony. He only wanted to care for his friends and family, and his need to keep Padme alive drove him.
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Why did Anakin stay on the dark side after Padme died?

Fandom. Why did Anakin stay to serve Palpatine after Mustafar? The novel goes into it more. The summed up version is Anakin's pursuit of the dark side corrupted him till he desired power more than he cared about his wife, which led to him turning on her thoughtlessly when she didn't go along with his plans.
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Did Anakin join the Dark Side because of Padme?

Padme Amidala

Padme Amidala's secret marriage with Anakin Skywalker was one of the biggest reasons he eventually turned to the dark side. His emotions and love for her often clouded his judgment, and sometimes led him to be violent.
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Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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How does Anakin react to Padme's death?

Anakin's Force Choke begins the series of injuries that ultimately leads to Padme's death, and convinces Obi-Wan to fight him. Despite this, when Anakin learns of Padme's death, his immediate reaction of grief and regret shatters everything in the lab with a powerful force shockwave.
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Why Anakin Stayed on the Dark Side After Padmé Died

What was Padme's dying words?

What he did not see, at the time at least, was that Padmé used her last breaths to tell Obi-Wan that she was certain that in regards to her husband, "there's still good in him." Now, those words are set to be revealed to someone other than Darth Vader himself.
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Does Vader ever go to Padme's grave?

Before he could enter, however, Vader was stopped by Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Dormé, former handmaidens of Amidala, who refused to let him enter into the grave so he would not desecrate it. However, Vader would not be denied. As he entered the tomb, he became flooded with memories of Amidala.
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Who does Vader hate the most?

However, when it comes to who Darth Vader hates more than anyone in the Star Wars galaxy, himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi don't hold a candle to the true point of Darth Vader's hatred, Emperor Palpatine.
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Did Padme still love Anakin when she died?

Before Padmé's death, she still believed there was still good left in Anakin, and that one day he could be redeemed. During Anakin's time as the Emperor's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death, and guilt over his supposed hand in it.
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How did Palpatine know Padme died?

that he had sensed padme's death through the force, but I believe that he simply assumed. that her death had come to pass. because all of Anakin other visions had come true. Palpatine knew that Anakin had the ability. to see the future, so he must have known that padme's death was inevitable.
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Did Darth Vader really love Padme?

Though Anakin's affection for Padmé was always sullied by darkness, in the end, it led to one of the truest forms of love that Anakin had ever known and Star Wars has ever seen — that between a father and a son.
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Is Padme too old for Anakin?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him. They do not meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which takes place in 32 BBY.
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Did Vader regret turning to the dark side?

Darth Vader: Who Is the Greater Dark Lord? The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain.
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Did Vader ever revive Padmé?

tragically, he was not able to resurrect Padme. because she refused to go with him. due to his inability to let go, telling him she didn't know him anymore, jumping away from him to her death.
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Did Vader try to resurrect Padmé?

In the main Star Wars timeline, of course, Darth Vader's attempts to resurrect Padmé on Mustafar were doomed to failure. But it's fascinating to speculate what would have happened had he been successful. In that scenario, Padmé Amidala's return from the dead would not have provided the solace Darth Vader sought.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

While Vader had his weaknesses, including vulnerability to electricity, characters like Emperor Palpatine, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all had the potential to defeat him in battle.
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Who is Darth Vader scared of?

Star Wars: Darth Vader's Greatest Fear Has Always Been Sand.
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Who did Vader respect the most?

But none of this kept the Sith Lord from finding a handful of people he could respect, even if he hated some of them.
  1. 1 Princess Leia Stood Her Ground.
  2. 2 Grand Admiral Thrawn Had No Fear. ...
  3. 3 Erv Lekauf Was Always Loyal. ...
  4. 4 Grand Moff Tarkin Was Good At His Job — Until He Wasn't. ...
  5. 5 Dr. ...
  6. 6 Boba Fett Had A Great Work Ethic. ...
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Did Obi-Wan sleep with Padme?

This fell in line with various fan theories and non-canon novelizations that suggested Obi-Wan and Padmé had an affair sometime during the Clone Wars. In the Star Wars prequel movies, Obi-Wan often has a duty to protect Padmé, but there was never any sense of romantic feelings.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

Anakin truly did care for Padme, except Anakin was not at all in his right mind when he choked her. Anakin has many issues, he has tramua both from war and childhood, he has sever fear of loss and he is extremely loyal to the ones he chooses to befriend. This all comes into play in this moment when he chokes her.
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What if Anakin never fell in love with Padme?

If Anakin had never fell in love with Padmé, he would've never turned to the Dark Side because it was his fear for losing Padmé and his two unborn children which caused him to be easily seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. It was his fear which made it much easier for Palpatine to manipulate Anakin.
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Why did Vader burn Padmé's ship?

He was trying to deform Padmé's personal ship. And it works. The entire hull is burnt to a crisp. Soon Vader's castle is constructed in such a way that will channel enough dark energy to open a gateway to another world so he can resurrect Padmé.
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Did Palpatine take Padmé's life?

She appeared to have “lost the will to live.” The most common theory states that perhaps Palpatine used Padme's life force to heal the barely alive Anakin. Evidence In support of this theory includes how Padme appeared to die right when Anakin/Darth Vader's life-saving procedure was over.
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Does Darth Vader know he killed Padmé?

Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the whereabouts of Padmé. Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padmé's death on Vader. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padmé was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her.
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