Why did Cinderella leave the ball when the clock struck twelve?

The fairy godmother told Cinderella she must leave the ball before midnight. Cinderella went to the ball and danced with the prince all night. When the clock began to strike twelve, Cinderella ran out of the palace. The prince ran after her but he was too late!
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Why did Cinderella have to leave the ball at midnight?

Now Cinderella was ready, she climbed into the coach; but her godmother told her she must be home by midnight because if she stayed at the ball one moment more, her coach would turn back into a pumpkin, her horses to mice, her footmen to lizards and her clothes back into overalls again.
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What happened to Cinderella when the clock struck 12?

She thought that it was no later than eleven when she counted the clock striking twelve. She jumped up and fled, as nimble as a deer. The prince followed, but could not overtake her. She left behind one of her glass slippers, which the prince picked up most carefully.
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What does Cinderella leave behind in her rush to leave the ball?

The next night, Cinderella is even more finely dressed than before, and spends the whole ball with the prince, who is so sweet with his words to her that she forgets to leave before midnight. When she sees the time, she rushes away, leaving behind one of her glass slippers.
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Why could Cinderella not go to the ball?

Cinderella wept but did as she was asked. She then asked her stepmother if she could attend the ball, to which she told her no because she had not clothes and she couldn't dance and they would be ashamed of her.
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What Exactly Happens to Cinderella at Midnight? | Disney Princess

What happened after Cinderella left the ball?

Tale Summary

Cinderella returns before the spell is broken at midnight. The next night, she returns to the ball but leaves in haste, dropping one of her glass slippers. The prince orders a search for the woman who fits the shoe, and Cinderella is discovered, eventually marrying the prince.
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Why did Cinderella run away?

The clock strikes midnight

The Prince was so charming that Cinderella forgot all about the time until the clock began to strike twelve. She jumped up and fled from the room. The startled Prince raced after her. She managed to escape him, but in her haste she lost one of her glass slippers.
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What's Cinderella's shoe size?

Cinderella's shoe size is a 4 1/2.

Those are some dainty feet!
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Why did Cinderella's shoe fall if it fit perfectly?

Cinderella's shoe falling off is a plot point in the classic fairy tale, but it may seem contradictory that the shoe fits perfectly yet still falls off. The most common explanation is that it was a slipper made of delicate material or had an insecure fit due to the haste with which Cinderella left the ball.
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What does the clock struck 12 mean?

The phrase 'the clock struck' is used to refer to a particular time. The clock struck twelve means the time is either twelve in the afternoon or at night. The clock does not 'beat, hit, shoot or turn' to indicate a particular hour of the day, it strikes.
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When the clock strikes Cinderella summary?

It tells the story of a silk merchant's daughter, and how she was taught the Black Arts by her mother. After her mother's death the girl continues to perform dark magic in a grand scheme to end the life of the Duke that rules the city.
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Why is Cinderella a 12?

In addition to the violent scenes mentioned above, Cinderella has some scenes that could scare or disturb children aged 8-13 years. For example, Ella is forcibly betrothed to Thomas, a sleazy older neighbour. He says several suggestive things that make Ella and her stepsisters visibly uncomfortable.
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Who doesn t let Cinderella go to the ball?

Lady Tremaine : [to Cinderella, after she, Drisella, and Anastasia tear Cinderella's mother's dress] Mark my words: you shall *not* go to the ball!
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Why was Cinderella crying?

One day, it is announced that the prince will hold a royal ball and invites all the ladies of quality in the kingdom. Cinderella wants to attend, but her stepmother makes her stay home to clean the whole house. Cinderella cries as her stepsisters leave, but then is surprised by the appearance of her fairy godmother.
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How did Cinderella's glass slippers stay if everything was supposed to disappear at 12 00?

This is why the glass slippers stay. Everything else reverts to their original forms at the stroke of midnight, but the glass slippers weren't made from Cinderella's shoes: they were made from pure magic. There was no other form for the glass slippers to revert to, so they remained as they were.
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Why didn't Cinderella's shoe not disappear?

Cinderella thanks her Fairy Godmother for letting her keep them. In the live-action film, it's heavily implied that the reason the glass slippers didn't disappear was because they were pure magic and did not derive from an already existing object.
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What does Cinderella's shoe symbolize?

So, the glass slipper represents about Cinderella's true identity, gentleness, purity, and natural beauty. The glass slipper represents true identity because it is the media for Cinderella to reveal her identity as the one the Prince is looking for.
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What would happen if Cinderella didn't lose her shoe?

If Cinderella hadn't lost her shoe, she would go back to her house and work for her stepmother and step-sisters like a servant and she would never see the prince again. The prince would die searching for the Cinderella he loved and he would never come to know the housemaid version of Cinderella.
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Which Disney princess has a tattoo?

Pocahontas is currently the only Disney Princess to have a tattoo (the symbol on her right arm) and the only one to wear one outfit throughout her entire film.
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Who is the only Disney princess with a child?

Ariel appears as an adult in Return to the Sea and gives birth to a daughter named Melody, becoming the first, and currently, only, Disney princess to become a mother. Ariel is protective of her daughter, as Triton was of Ariel in the first film.
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Which Disney princess is not a princess?

Shang and Mulan are both not royalty, just high-ranking members of the Imperial Army. This means that Mulan is not technically a princess, yet she is considered one when Disney lists their princesses.
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How did Cinderella get her name?

After her chores are done for the day, she curls up near the fireplace in an effort to stay warm. She often arises covered in ashes, giving rise to the mocking nickname "Cendrillon" (Cinderella) by her stepsisters.
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What did Cinderella lose?

In the case of Cinderella and her glass slipper, the story reaches its climax when her shoe falls off as she hurriedly exits the ball.
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Which girl has very long golden hair?

She grows up to be a beautiful child with long golden hair. When she turns twelve, the sorceress locks her up in a tower in the middle of the woods, with neither stairs nor a door, and only one room and one window. In order to visit her, the sorceress stands at the bottom of the tower and calls out: Rapunzel!
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Why did Cinderella's stepsisters hate her?

The sisters are extremely jealous of Cinderella, as she is very beautiful and they are very ugly. In order to ensure no man will want to marry her, they reduce her to their maidservant and force her into waiting on them non-stop and doing all the dirtiest kitchen jobs.
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