Why did Mr Lamb mention Beauty and the Beast?

Mr Lamb spoke of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast to make Derry understand that withdrawal and alienation are not the correct ways to live his life. He wanted Derry to have a positive attitude towards his disability, and overcome his grief and self-contempt.
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Why does Mr Lamb refer to beauty and the beast?

Lamb means that different people hold different perceptions. What might be beautiful for one may not be so for another and vice-versa. It all depends upon people's individual perceptions and attitude. While one person might find someone or something beautiful, another person might find that person or thing beastly.
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Why does Mr Lamb narrate the story?

Mr Lamb narrates to Derry a story of a man who locked himself up in his room. The man was afraid of everything and was scared that everything was trying to kill him. ... Lamb narrated this story to Derry to make him understand that he can not fight destiny or keep himself self by avoiding public glare or going out.
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Why did Mr Lamb says that names are not important?

Dear student, Mr. Lamb makes the statement because he thinks that people or rather certain names do not matter.
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Why does Mr Lamb say the world has got a whole face?

Answer:This statement reflects Mr. Lamb's optimism and positive attitude to life. He believes that one must face life with positivity and accept everything courageously. The world is a beautiful place and we must enjoy its beauty by interacting with people.
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Q.7.Who is Mr.Lamb?How does Derry get into his garden?chp.6.class.12.on the face of it.susan hill.

What disability did Mr Lamb have?

Mr. Lamb is an elderly gentleman who suffers from a physical handicap. He has a tin leg because his leg had been blown off in the war. The children tease him by calling him “Lamey Lamb” but he does not mind it.
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Did Mr Lamb actually have friends?

Furthermore, as Derry left the home, assuring Lamb that he will return, Mr. Lamb muttered to himself, No one ever returns. As a result, we can deduce that Mr. Lamb often lacks people or friends with whom to share his isolation.
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Did Derry consider Mr Lamb?

Derry didn't consider Mr lamb as his friend in scene 1 because he doesn't fit in his criteria of friendship. He thinks one must know about some one before being friend with that person. Though in the end he realises that Mr lamb is his true friend who showed him the correct path and way to live life to the fullest.
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What happened to Mr Lamb in the end?

Mr lamb falls from the ladder, breaks his neck and dies. Derry had feared such a thing would happen if he did not come to help him . The play ends on a tragic note with Mr. Lamb's death.
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Why did Mr Lamb help Daddy?

Expert-Verified Answer

Lamb helped Derry develop a positive outlook and instilled faith and confidence in him. Derry had confined himself and looking at this Mr. Lamb decided to help the little boy fly high by teaching him some essential morals of life. He wanted to see Derry happy and confident.
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What is the lesson of Mr Lamb?

Mr Lamb attracted Derry because he taught him the valuable lesson of not indulging in self-pity and looking at the brighter side of things. He taught Derry not to be afraid to face the world or retreat from it.
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Why did Derry call Mr Lamb peculiar?

Derry considers Mr. Lamb to be a peculiar person since he talked about things no one ever did. Thus, he starts enjoying their conversation.
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Why does Derry not want to be called poor?

Explanation : The statement "you think, 'poor boy. ' but i'm not. not poor" made by Derry suggests that he does not want to be defined by his past or current circumstances.
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Why did Dairy go to Mr Lamb at the end?

Mr. Lamb had inspired Derry to overcome his disability by adopting an optimistic outlook towards life. His teachings and advice had impacted Derry to tread the path showed by him, and that is why he went to. Lamb's garden even after opposition.
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What happened to Mr Lamb's leg?

Mr. Lamb is an old man who lived in a big house with a huge and beautiful garden. He had lost one of his legs due to a bomb explosion and it had now been replaced with a tin leg. He liked to talk to people and make them his friends, and so, he kept the gates of his garden always open.
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Why does Jerry go back to Mr Lamb in the end?

Lamb's inexplicable words of wisdom inspire Derry and towards the end of the story we see him rushing back to Mr. Lamb's garden to adopt the attitude and path that have been shown by him. Derry's long conversation with Mr. Lamb helps him overcome his inferiority complex and poor self-esteem.
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Why did Derry's mother think of Mr Lamb?

Derry's mother did not have any good opinion about Mr Lamb. She considered him to be a worthless man. She thought that Mr Lamb's talk was all nonsense. She did not want Derry to go there.
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Are Derry and Mr Lamb both victims?

Answer. Derry and Mr. Lamb are both victims of physical impairment. However, their situation is made much more painful by the feeling of loneliness they experience.
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Was Mr Lamb headstrong or positive?

Children called him Lamey- Lamb. He lived alone and kept the doors of his garden open which symbolises his openmindedness to all who visited his garden. He knew the art of living. He was a man with positive attitude.
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What did Derry call cruel?

Once he heard a woman in the street whispering to another, “Look at that, that's a terrible thing. That's a face only a mother could love.” Derry calls it cruel of them.
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What qualities of lamb attracted Derry to him?

Lamb's positive attitude towards life, his way of living, his optimistic character, friendly behaviour and finally he wanted to live his life to the fullest. These are the qualities of Mr. Lamb that attracted Derry towards him.
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What did Mr Lamb do all day?

Answer: He lives alone in the garden all day and spend his time in the garden . Mr Lamb keeps the gate open for everybody . He is ever ready to welcome anyone who enters his graden .
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Why was Mr Lamb lonely?

He says that his “empty house” is full of books . This shows that the void of his empty life was filled in by books. By the end of this scene it becomes even clearer that he is lonely and sad when he mutters to himself that no one comes back to him after the first meeting.
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Why did Mr Lamb always keep his gate open?

Lamb always keeps his gate open because he does not mind strangers entering his house, He is an extremely social person and is ever ready to welcome anyone who enters his garden.
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What is the difference between Mr Lamb and Derry?

Derry was a boy whose face was burnt because of acid and Mr. lamb was an old person who had a tin leg because his leg was blown off by a bomb in the war. the common thing in both of them was that they both were physically impaired but their attitude towards life were very much opposite.
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