Why did Obi Wan hate Dooku?

Obi-Wan was Dooku's polar opposite. Dooku hoped to have Obi-Wan as his Sith apprentice and went as far as to reveal Sidious's existence to convince him to join him. Obi-Wan didn't believe him and refused, resulting in the two being enemies ever since.
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Was Dooku afraid of Obi-Wan?

Unlike those who espoused the Sith doctrine, Dooku wasn't motivated by hatred or fear, but by the same purpose that drove him as a Jedi. Dooku even tried to spare Obi-Wan Kenobi on two occasions and bring him to his cause.
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Did Dooku really want to destroy the Sith with Obi-Wan?

The reason Dooku joined the Separatists, he said, was that he learned a terrible truth: a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious controlled the Senate. With Obi-Wan at his side, they could destroy the Sith.
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Why did Obi-Wan always lose to Dooku on Reddit?

It's been said often that the underlying problem Obi Wan has when fighting Dooku is that Soresu (Form III) is a bad match up vs Makashi (Form II). While there's some truth to this, I believe that it's moreso that he doesn't have any relevant attributes in which he noticeably surpasses Dooku.
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Is Dooku stronger than Kenobi?

Kenobi would and has lost to Count Dooku on multiple occasions. This was primarily demonstrated through the prequel movies, where he was overwhelmed in Attack Of Clones and defeated in mere seconds on the Separatist flagship during Revenge Of The Sith.
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Why Dooku HATED Mace Windu's Vaapad - Star Wars Explained

Did Anakin hate Count Dooku?

Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku fought on several occasions in the Star Wars canon, resulting in a mix of stalemates and wins for both the Jedi and the Sith Lord. First clashing in Attack of the Clones, Dooku left his mark on the young Jedi, fuelling his anger in subsequent duels.
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Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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Was Dooku more a grey Jedi than Sith?

No dooku was first jedi then sith lord. He was independent thinker and used/experienced both sides of the force but not grey jedi.
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Is Dooku stronger than Anakin?

When Dooku was still with the Jedi Order, he was considered to be one of the greatest (if not the greatest) lightsaber duelists of his generation. Anakin really wasn't as good of a duelist as many people hype him up to be. Really, Anakin was a good fighter, but nothing insane.
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Was Yoda sad about Dooku?

Absolutely. Remember that Dooku was his Padawan. He expressed sorrow for his turn during their duel. Most likely he considered it a personal failing, much as Obi-Wan did with Anakin.
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Did Dooku know Palpatine was Sith?

Indeed he did. Dooku (aka Darth Tyrannus) knew his master's identity. At this point the Jedi thought Dooku was the Sith Master. The kidnapping was planned to reinforce public support for Palpatine while further confusing the Jedi about his true identity.
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Why does Dooku hate Yoda?

His best friend had been given a gift that could have allowed the Jedi to help countless people, but Yoda refused to act. As a Jedi, Dooku couldn't stand the thought that his best friend was suffering without a purpose, so he hated Yoda and the Jedi Order for that.
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Why does Maul hate Dooku?

Darth Maul

Dooku despises Maul for being a threat to him, and for killing his beloved padawan Qui-Gon, and Maul hated Dooku for being his replacement. They also didn't regard each other as a true Sith: Dooku saw Maul as nothing more than a trained animal and Maul saw Dooku as a Sith pretender.
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Why is Obi-Wan so weak in the Clone Wars?

He explains as much to a young Leia in Season 1, Episode 2: "If I use the Force, it will draw attention to us." That means he likely never practices his Force skills. No telekinesis, no meditation and certainly no lightsaber use. Even the Jedi mind trick needs to be used only in emergencies.
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Did Palpatine prefer Maul or Dooku?

Indeed, Palpatine seems to have seen Maul as an ideal apprentice, admitting he was "a loss" compared to Dooku in Darth Vader #20.
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Is Windu more powerful than Dooku?

If the two spared as Jedi, Dooku would probably win the match because he was the better all-around duelist. But if this issue's fight had continued with Windu as a Sith, Windu would have been able to turn the tables.
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Is Darth Maul more powerful than Dooku?

Overall, Dooku was far more equipped to become a Sith Master than Maul was. Had he managed to overthrow Palpatine, Dooku would have been able to use his position, combat abilities, and dark side Force powers to take his place on the throne Palpatine had carved.
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Who was the first Darth?

Although it's not fully clear where the Darth moniker originated, Darth Andeddu is thought to be the first character to use the title in-universe. Having originated in Legends, Andeddu was mentioned in the new canon in the comic Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle 2, which referenced "Andeddu's flames".
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Who is the most evil Sith Lord?

Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, is often regarded as the embodiment of evil in the Star Wars universe. His cunning manipulation and orchestration of galactic events, including the rise of the Galactic Empire, showcase his mastery of the dark side of the Force.
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Who is stronger than Darth Vader?

As Darth Vader, he was one of the strongest beings in the entire galaxy. But even then, he was never able to surpass his master, Darth Sidious. A Sith Apprentice can only become the master when they murder the one who trained them.
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What if Dooku never left the Jedi?

Without CIS Head of State Dooku as Sidious' influential face of the Separatist forces, there's also a strong possibility the Clone Wars wouldn't have been kicked off at all. Or at the very least they would've been delayed and the Jedi/Republic army would've no doubt been bolstered by such a revered Master as Dooku.
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Did grievous hate Dooku?

After Grievous and Dooku were captured by the evil Darth Maul, Grievous told Dooku that it would be unfortunate if the next time they met he would have to add Dooku's lightsaber to his collection, stating he was even ready to kill Dooku as Grievous hates the villain.
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Could Dooku beat Sidious in a duel?

Dooku couldn't beat Sidious. Even Dooku knows his place being unable to defeat Sidious - that is why he never tried to overthrow him. Dooku has also tried to raise padawans of his own (twice) in an effort to overthrow Sidious. The first time, Assage Ventress grew too powerful so Sidious ordered her d…
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