Why did the film industry move out to Hollywood California before WWI?

In the early 1900s, most motion picture patents were held by Thomas Edison's Motion Picture Patents Company in New Jersey, and filmmakers were often sued to stop their productions. To escape this, filmmakers began moving out west, where Edison's patents could not be enforced.
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Why did the film industry move to Hollywood before ww1?

After hearing about this wonderful place, in 1913 many movie-makers headed west to avoid the fees imposed by Thomas Edison, who owned patents on the movie-making process. In Los Angeles, California, the studios and Hollywood grew.
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Why did the American film industry moved to Hollywood?

History of Hollywood - Beginnings of the Hollywood

They were created there by the numerous filmmakers who moved their business from New York in search of a more consistent climate for round-the-year film shooting and, of course, to escape fees imposed by Tomas Edison, who owned many patents on the movie-making process.
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Why did the film industry move to California?

In the early 1900s, most motion picture camera and equipment patents were held by Thomas Edison's Motion Picture Patents Company in New Jersey, which often sued filmmakers to stop their productions. To escape this, filmmakers began moving to Los Angeles, where attempts to enforce Edison's patents were easier to evade.
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Why did the filmmaking industry move to Hollywood in the early 1910s?

By 1915, many major motion-picture companies had relocated to Hollywood from the East Coast. Hollywood was an ideal place to produce movies since filmmakers couldn't be sued there for infringing on motion picture film patents held by Thomas Edison and his Motion Picture Patents Company.
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The birth of a film industry: Hollywood and World War I

When did the film industry move to Hollywood?

In 1911 a site on Sunset Boulevard was turned into Hollywood's first studio, and soon about 20 companies were producing films in the area. In 1913 Cecil B. DeMille, Jesse Lasky, Arthur Freed, and Samuel Goldwyn formed Jesse Lasky Feature Play Company (later Paramount Pictures).
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Why did the American movie industry move to Hollywood quizlet?

Why did Hollywood end up as the center of film production? It offered cheap labor, diverse scenery for outdoor shooting, a mild climate suitable for year-round production, and was geographically far from the Trust's headquarters.
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Why did film producers relocate to Southern California in the early 1900s?

Beginning in 1908, however, a growing number of filmmakers located in southern California, drawn by cheap land and labor, the ready accessibility of varied scenery, and a climate ideal for year-round outdoor filming.
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Why did early filmmakers migrate to Southern California?

The West Coast became a refuge for filmmakers seeking to escape the oppressive MPPC monopoly. William Selig of Chicago was the first film producer to move to Los Angeles, establishing a studio in Echo Park in 1909. In 1910, the California Motion Picture Manufacturing Company began making films in Long Beach.
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Why did US filmmakers leave the East Coast for California?

Because it was cheaper back then to buy land out west, and the weather was better for shooting year-round. Jewish immigrants moved into new industries upon arrival because they offered better chances of financial success. The big profit streams were already taken, so they had to grow their own.
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Why did movies become such a big part of American life in the 1920s?

The increased financial prosperity of the 1920s gave many Americans more disposable income to spend on entertaining themselves. This influx of cash, coupled with advancements in technology, led to new patterns of leisure (time spent having fun) and consumption (buying products).
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What was happening to Hollywood and the film industry in the 1920's?

The 1920s saw a vast expansion of Hollywood film making and worldwide film attendance. Throughout the decade, film production increasingly focused on the feature film rather than the "short" or "two-reeler." This is a change that had begun with works like the long D. W.
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Why did Americans enjoy Hollywood films so much in the 1930s?

As Andrew Bergman has shown, the fantasy world of the movies played a critical social and psychological function for Depression era Americans: In the face of economic disaster, it kept alive a belief in the possibility of individual success, portrayed a government capable of protecting its citizens from external ...
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How did World War 1 affect film industry?

One long-lasting consequence of World War I was that the United States film industry would emerge victorious from the commercial fray. It exerted stylistic influence and saturated movie screens around the world for the remainder of the 20th century.
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Why did Hollywood in the 1920s become the film capital of the country as opposed to New York City?

Some producers began to relocate from the centers of film production in New York and New Jersey to Cuba and Florida. Ultimately, though, Hollywood became the film capital of the world. Southern California offered cheap labor, diverse scenery for outdoor shooting, and a mild climate suitable for year-round production.
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What are the 3 main reasons Hollywood was so successful in capturing the world market?

The main factors that, enabled Hollywood to become the dominant film industry by the end of the 1930's included a combination of factors including: the rise of the five major studios, the Great Depression, and technological developments.
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What was a critical reason the film industry moved to Southern California?

Assuming you mean the economic and creative center of the US motion picture industry rather than the geographic area now incorporated into the city of Los Angeles, the biggest factors were cheap land, varied scenery and abundant sunshine.
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Why did so many people migrate to California so quickly?

Driven by the depression, drought, and the Dust Bowl, thousands upon thousands left their homes in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Missouri. Over 300,000 of them came to California. They looked to California as a land of promise. Not since the Gold Rush had so many people traveled in such large numbers to the state.
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What led to Hollywood becoming the world capital of the film industry?

Several factors clearly explain why film makers came to prefer this district of Los Angeles. Compared to other communities of the period. Hollywood possessed a superior geographic situation, affording film directors an ideal climate and ready access to outstanding scenery, talent and ancillary businesses.
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What were many independent filmmakers trying to get away from when they moved into Hollywood California Why?

Thomas Edison's stranglehold on the East Coast movie industry led to independent film makers wanting to get far away from him and his monopoly. Naturally, Hollywood seemed like the ideal destination.
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Why did people move to California in the 1920s?

People had been moving west since the Gold Rush. Numbers escalated in the 1910 and 1920s as cotton growing expanded in California's valleys and as booming Los Angeles attracted migrants from all over.
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Why did people move to California during the 1900s?

An influx of immigrants first moved to southern California about 1900, spurred by citrus, oil, and some wariness of San Francisco in the north after the earthquake and fire of 1906 (see San Francisco earthquake of 1906). Land booms came and went. Agriculture in inland valleys and industry in the cities increased.
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Why did film production move from New York to Los Angeles in the early 1900s?

Originally, the movie industry was driven to the West Coast by the strict limitations placed on filmmakers by Thomas Edison's monopoly known as "the Trust." The physical distance between California and the East Coast-based Trust allowed filmmakers freedom they wouldn't have had otherwise.
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Where was the early film industry located before it moved to Hollywood?

As we have seen, the most important motion-picture production companies in the USA in the first decade of the twentieth century were located in the New York–New Jersey metropolitan area, with subsidiary centers in Chicago (primarily, Essanay Studios and the Selig Polyscope Company) and Philadelphia (the Lubin Film ...
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Why did the American movie industry leave the East Coast?

Los Angeles's distance from New York was also comforting to independent film producers, making it easier for them to avoid being harassed or sued by the Motion Picture Patents Company, a k a the Trust, which Thomas Edison helped create in 1909.
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