Why didn't Loki turn blue when he died?

The spell was permanent, making it so Loki only reverted to having blue skin when touching a Frost Giant or one of their artifacts. Since Loki's appearance was a spell, not just an illusion, it could not be broken or reversed by Odin's death.
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Why didn't Loki turn into Frost Giant in TVA?

Odin altered Loki's biology to (at closer to that of) an Asgardian's. That's why he also didn't revert to Frost Giant form after his death. It's not an illusion he constantly maintains, it's his natural biology.
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Why wasn't Loki affected by the radiation?

The perils of temporal radiation didn't affect Loki because of the untapped power imbued by Odin's magic. The ending of Loki season 2 makes more sense when considering the theory that Odin's spell enhanced Loki's magical capabilities.
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Why is Loki no longer blue?

The powerful magic used by Loki's adopted father, Odin, is essential to understanding his altered appearance. Odin's power, according to the Marvel Visual Dictionary, was so strong that it permanently altered Loki's visage.
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Why does Loki laugh at his death?

After a moment of understandable shock and pained anguish, Loki ominously broke out in a fit of laughter. The main reason for Loki's laugh can be summed by an old adage: If you don't laugh, you'll cry. In a matter of moments, Loki learned that the sum total of his schemes and betrayals equaled absolutely nothing.
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Why Loki Didn’t Turn Blue After Odin Died ? Why Loki Didn’t Turn Blue when he entered TVA ? Theory

What did Old Loki say before he died?

Before he was eaten, Classic Loki recalled Mobius's words, rediscovering that it is never too late to change and gain his glorious purpose.
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Why was Loki mouth sewn shut?

After a discussion on the matter, while parts of Loki clearly belonged to the head or the neck, neither side could agree exactly where one ended and the other began. Loki therefore kept his head indefinitely, afterwards his lips were stitched shut by Brokkr as punishment for using tricky wordplay.
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Did Odin love Loki?

In his exile, Odin apparently thought over all the acts he had done and likely felt remorse over them, as he showed no hostility towards Loki and even noted Frigga would be proud of him. He also admitted that he truly loved both of his sons and expressed remorse for failing to stop Ragnarök.
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Why didn't Loki turn blue when Thanos killed him?

The spell was permanent, making it so Loki only reverted to having blue skin when touching a Frost Giant or one of their artifacts. Since Loki's appearance was a spell, not just an illusion, it could not be broken or reversed by Odin's death.
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Why don t they recognize Loki?

When Sylvie kicked Loki through the Time Door he went to the same TVA's own past. That's why Mobius and B-15 didn't recognize him at the end of season one. That's also why Loki saw those massive statues. Earlier in the TVA's history He Who Remains did not hide his identity behind robot Time-Keepers.
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Why is Loki missing a horn?

Furious that his brother's murderer had been "squatting" in his corpse, Thor brutalized Loki, knocking him through the wall of Verity's apartment. As he landed on the pavement below, one of the horns of his helmet snapped off.
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Why didn't Loki become spaghetti?

Why didn't the rays or blasts from Temporal Loom spegitify Loki when he went outside TVA to control the all the timeline branches? The short answer is that he's a God. There's more to it, some of it was that Loki's “Time Slipping” actually was the temporal energies of the Loom trying (and failing) to “spaghettify” him.
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Why is Loki immune to bullets?

Yes, he's bulletproof. Loki's physiology is similar to Thor's, even though Loki isn't “technically” Asgardian and is a Frost Giant. Frost Giant's physiology is still different from humans, allowing, specifically Loki in this case, not to get injured as easily as a human does.
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Is Odin more powerful than TVA?

But the TVA was not powerful enough to overpower. Odin's magic and cancel Odin's magic from Loki. Which proves how powerful is Odin. TVA can stop Infinity Stone's power, but not Odin's power.
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Why can't Loki use magic in TVA?

Loki's lack of magical powers in the TVA is a deliberate narrative choice to force him to face his character and responsibilities. The TVA blocks magical powers to protect the Sacred Timeline, and two possible explanations for this are explored.
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Is Loki now the god of time?

By saving and organizing every existing timeline, Loki has become the God of Time — a higher being who keeps the past, present, and future of every universe from being erased by outside forces. However, Loki has also become the God of Stories, as he has placed everybody's personal journey above his own.
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What is Loki's true form?

Loki was born a Frost Giant and abandoned as an infant by his father Laufey, only to be found by Odin during an invasion of the realm of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim. Odin used magic to change Loki to look like an Asgardian and raised him as a son alongside Odin's biological son, Thor.
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Why is Loki not giant?

Loki was born smaller than the rest of the frost giants. Odin puts a spell on him making him look Asgardian. The TVA prevents magic from being using while inside. Since Loki's appearance was changed before entering the TVA he maintains his Asgardian appearance.
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Is Loki trapped forever?

Here, holding on to all of the timelines, he became a kind of tree god, physically representing the Norse tree of life, Yggdrasil. It was a poignant and painful ending for Loki, who now seems to be sentenced to being alone for eternity as he watches over the timelines.
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Why did Odin love Thor more than Loki?

Most Marvel fans think that Odin favors Thor over Loki because the former is his natural son, while Loki is the adopted son of the giant Laufey. However, there is another, much deeper reason for Odin's favoritism, and it hides in the one-eyed god's past and his relationship with his brother Cul, the God of Fear.
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Why did Odin adopt Loki?

Ages ago, Odin fought and defeated Laufey and the Frost Giants of Jotunheim in a great war. Abandoned and left for dead as a baby due to his diminutive size, Odin took Loki, son of Laufey, to Asgard to raise him as his son and a prince in order to one day unite the Frost Giants and the Asgards in peace.
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Why did Odin say Thor is stronger?

Now Odin did tell Thor he was stronger then him (Odin) which some interpret as Odin meaning Thor is stronger than Odin cause Thor now has his fathers power plus his own. But we have to remember two things. Odin himself said Mjølnir only channeled Thor's power, Thor just needed to learn to use it naturally.
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What happens if Loki wears the mask?

What would happen if MCU Loki put on the Mask of Loki? Well he would definitely become more powerful because in The Mask movies Loki created The Mask himself to spread his mischief on earth. plus he would look just like Alan Cumming's version from Son of The Mask if Loki from the MCU wore The Mask.
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Why did Marvel give Loki horns?

Its horns are an Asgardian symbol for the sorcery he wields. Other Variants of Loki also have their own helmets with different shape.
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What was Loki's punishment for cutting Sif's hair?

The Prose Edda recounts that Sif once had her hair shorn by Loki, and that Thor forced Loki to have a golden headpiece made for Sif, resulting in not only Sif's golden tresses but also five other objects for other gods.
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