Why didn't they Force heal Padmé?

However, a Sith would be far too selfish to teach this power to save a life other than their own, which is why Palpatine likely aimed to stay alive for as long as he could and didn't even try to save Padmé. What makes Force healing such a dangerous ability is that it challenges the beliefs of both Jedi and Sith.
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Why didn't they Force heal Padmé?

While Force healing could have saved Padmé, material from both continuities explains why Anakin couldn't use it. The Force is a fundamental omnipresent energy that can be used as “powers” by those who are trained to tap into it.
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Why didn't Obi-Wan use Force Heal?

Obi-Wan Kenobi only learned the ability near the end of his live. You would of imagined that all the members of the Jedi High Council would of been able to use this ability, or that Anakin Skywalker who is extremely powerful in the force would be able to use it.
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Was Padmé Force sensitive?

According to George Lucas, while she was bearing Luke and Leia, their Force sensitivity combined to make her the most Force-sensitive being in the galaxy at that time, more so than Anakin, Yoda, Sidious, Mace, etc.
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Did Padmé not wear a bra?

She was not allowed to wear a starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Brassiere on set because of the “no underwear in space” rule. Instead, the costume designers had her cover certain areas with gaffer tape, which is incredibly sticky and painful to remove.
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Why couldn't Anakin use FORCE HEAL to save Padme | Star Wars Theory

Did Padmé have midichlorians?

I remember reading something a few years back, that stated that Padmé was far from force sensitive and that her midichlorian count was a decent amount below average.
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Why is Vader so weak in the OT?

Age, his suit and his de-limbing lower his strength, but obviously his pain, anger and hate connect him to the dark side and make him more powerful. It's hard to quantify his power at the end without those dark side variables.
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Why is Vader so weak in Return of the Jedi?

Granted that it had just been a year since their last match-up, but the body's deterioration can rapidly increase as someone gets older. Coupled with the fact that Anakin had long been reliant on his armor which means that in reality, he's in worse shape under his suit than he might appear in Return of the Jedi.
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What would have happened if Anakin never turned?

Unlike in the movies, the Jedi Order would still be around to help each planet restore balance after their respective conflicts and to maintain peace in the years that followed. Palpatine's plan to install a Galactic Empire would come to a sudden halt and the Republic would be allowed to continue as it always had.
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Why did KYLO Ren repair his mask?

Broken and reforged

After confronting Darth Sidious on Exegol, Ren decided that the time had come to rebuild his helmet. Following the assassination of Snoke, the self-appointed Supreme Leader Kylo Ren retrieved the shattered remnants of his helmet from the wreckage of the Supremacy.
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How did Rey heal Kylo Ren?

Rey then proceeded to heal Kylo Ren's wound using the Force, before fleeing the planet in Ren's TIE whisper. Shortly after the Mission to Kef Bir, Rey lost her life in battle against the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious during the Battle of Exegol.
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Can a Jedi heal himself?

Yes. In both Legends and canon a Jedi can use the Force to heal himself and others.
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Would Padmé still be alive if Anakin didn't turn?

Sadly the Clone Wars would have still happened, but Padmé would have also survived, giving birth to Luke and Leia who would have probably been inducted into the Jedi Order. As for what would have happened between the two, with their marriage and all, that's a bit tricky.
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Did Anakin regret killing Padmé?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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Why did Anakin choke Padmé if he loved her?

When Anakin had to choose between losing Padme — fearing that she might die in childbirth — or turning to evil to “save” her from death, he chose evil. His desire to “save” her at all costs led Anakin to the dark side. For him, the dark side became a means of saving his loved one.
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Who are the only Jedi to beat Darth Vader?

In Star Wars Legends and Canon, Galen Marek (Starkiller) is the only Jedi (other than Obi-Wan Kenobi) to put a beat down on Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. Galen was secretly trained as a Sith Lord apprentice to Vader, but returned to the light side and the Jedi.
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What Jedi almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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What Jedi could beat Vader?

While Vader had his weaknesses, including vulnerability to electricity, characters like Emperor Palpatine, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all had the potential to defeat him in battle.
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What is Darth Vader afraid of?

Even after his brutal scorching in the fires of Mustafar, sand remained the only natural phenomenon that Vader feared. To him, sand was a reminder that he'd failed to save his mother or Padme from death.
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Did the suit make Anakin stronger?

Darth Vader was still undoubtedly powerful, and the suit made him more intimidating than Anakin could ever be. But the suit also limited his power.
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How much weaker is Vader compared to Anakin?

According to Lucas, Vader operated at twenty percent less strength than the Emperor. While this was still impressive, it also shows how much more powerful he could have been as Anakin. Had he emerged unscathed from his duel with Obi-Wan, conquering the galaxy would have happened much faster.
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Is Rey stronger than Anakin?

ANAKIN - More Powerful

Although Rey is also strong with force, she doesn't compare to Anakin's pure strength with the force and his connection, being created by the Force itself. Even in the movies, comics, and shows we see Anakin accomplish greater feats of strength that Rey was years away from learning.
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Who has the highest M count in Star Wars?

The other outliers in the Sith consist of Anakin Skywalker (27000 midi-chlorians), The Chosen one with the highest midi-chlorian count ever seen who was believed to be concieved through midi-chlorians, and Darth Vitaite (25000 midi-chlorians), a Sith Emperor that killed his step-father with a thought and defeated his ...
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What is the M count in Star Wars?

Midi-chlorian counts were linked to potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to the much higher levels of Jedi. The highest known midi-chlorian count—over 20,000 per cell—belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians.
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