Why didn't Victor make the monster a mate?

Given these potential consequences, Victor decides he would be selfish to provide the creature a mate to save himself from the creature's persecutions, so he destroys the female. It is a decision based on projected outcomes, but it misses the extent of the ethical problem.
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Why does Victor hesitate to make a female creature?

Victor has been charged to build a female monster to be his monster's mate. He is reluctant to do it because he doesn't fully trust his monster yet and fears his actions. He also realizes that in order to create a female monster, several months of studying is needed in London.
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Why did Victor decide not to make a bride for the monster?

Victor Frankenstein creates a monster and promises him a bride of his kind not to be lonely. But the scientist changes his mind. He fears that male and female creatures will procreate. Their unnatural children could terrify and destroy future generations.
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Why didn't Frankenstein make a wife?

He is plagued by premonitions of what his work might wreak, particularly the idea that creating a bride for the monster might lead to the breeding of an entire race of creatures that could plague mankind. After seeing his first creation looking in the window, Frankenstein destroys the unfinished bride.
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Why did Victor not create a mate for the monster?

There would be two monsters wreaking havoc on society. Victor does not want to be the cause of humanity's destruction, so he again refuses the monster's request. The monster explains that he and his companion would be harmless when isolated from humanity.
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Does Victor agree to create a mate for the monster?

Summary: Chapter 17

He promises to take his new mate to South America to hide in the jungle far from human contact. With the sympathy of a fellow monster, he argues, he will no longer be compelled to kill. Convinced by these arguments, Victor finally agrees to create a female monster.
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Why does Victor reject the monster originally?

Subsequently, just as he rejects his inner self, so too does he reject the creature when it awakens. The neglect and lack of empathy that Victor experiences from his parents causes his abandonment of his creation and determines the attachment type he and the creature have.
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Why did Frankenstein refuse to create a female companion for his monster?

He concludes that it would be selfish for him to create a companion for the Monster in order to save his own life. This decision shows that Frankenstein is motivated by the desire to do the right thing, but it also shows that he is still driven and ambitious.
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Did the author of Frankenstein lose her virginity on her mother's grave?

Mary Shelley is said to have lost her virginity on her mother's grave (described by one social media user as the most 'goth' thing ever). 3. Her mother's grave was handy for something a bit more above board: Mary Shelley learned to write her name by tracing the letters on the headstone.
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Does Frankenstein's monster fall in love?

In the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein's Monster does not have a specific love interest, although he does wish to love and be loved by someone. However, all humans seem to fear and hate him, so he asks Victor Frankenstein to create a companion, or wife, for him who is also a Monster.
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Does the monster regret killing Victor?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Did Victor regret creating the monster?

Finally, after the monster is created, Frankenstein is consumed with guilt, despair, and regret, leading him to obsess over the nature of his creation and seek revenge.
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Does Victor regret creating the monster?

However, Victor creates a monster and ultimately regrets making him, and he wishes that he had not tried to rise above his station. He allows his hubris, or excessive pride, to get in the way of his life. Victor's monster feels rejected by his creator, so he seeks knowledge of his origins.
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Who is the true monster in Frankenstein?

This “monster” is the supposed murdered of several characters throughout the book and is presumably the main antagonist. However, the actions of Victor Frankenstein suggest that the monster is in fact Victor himself.
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Who is the real monster in Frankenstein?

Victor is the true monster through his actions and personality throughout the book. Victor's hostility towards the creature, obsession with creating life, and the yearning for a God-like status and power all reveal the inner monster Victor possesses.
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What does Victor see immediately before he destroys the female creature?

As he is standing over the partially constructed mate one evening, Victor looks up at the laboratory window and sees the creature smiling back at him. Victor is overcome by loathing and anger. He immediately destroys the creature's mate while the creature watches.
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What did Mary Shelley do on her mum's grave?

In moments that might sound morbid to modern readers, but which were touching for the bereaved father and daughter, Godwin taught Mary how to read and spell her name by tracing it upon her mother's headstone.
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Why does Elizabeth blame herself Frankenstein?

Answer and Explanation: In chapter seven of Frankenstein, Elizabeth blames herself for William's murder because she gave him the gold locket. The police believe William's killer was motivated by greed, since the locket was missing from the young boy's corpse.
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Does Frankenstein fall in love with his sister?

Elizabeth Lavenza is the adopted sister of Victor Frankenstein, who has been with the family from a young age. As she got older, she became romantically involved with Victor and became his wife.
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Why doesn t Dr Frankenstein love the monster when he first creates him?

Frankenstein neglects the creature because of its hideous demeanor, and his actions are the cause of his ultimate downfall. Although hideous, the monster still has feelings and emotions similar to regular people.
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What did Frankenstein's monster do to the little girl?

Although a little afraid, she accepts him and plays games with him. After they throw all the petals from a flower into the lake, he looks around for something else to throw. He picks her up and throws her in. Until recently, the actual toss was cut from presentations of the film, because it is just too painful.
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What does the creature promise Victor if he creates a wife for him?

The creature persuades Frankenstein to make a female creature by promising to leave society and live in isolation with her, away from people. 2. Frankenstein's decision to create the female creature affects him emotionally and mentally. He struggles with the morality of his actions and the potential consequences.
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Why is Victor so disgusted by his creation?

He is unable to face his creation and is unprepared for the creature's independent existence. As the story progresses, Victor's initial emotional reactions to seeing the creature come to life—disgust and horror—are substantiated by the creature's actions.
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Why should Frankenstein create a mate?

Answer & Explanation. Reasons why Victor should create the companion: The Creature deserves companionship: Victor may feel a sense of responsibility towards the Creature's well-being and believe that creating a companion for him would ease his loneliness and misery.
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Why was Victor horrified by his creation?

On a November night, Victor Frankenstein finally brings his creature to life. He is immediately and intensely horrified by its appearance, describing it as follows: His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful.
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