Why do Anakin's eyes turn red?

A dark side user's eyes would sometimes change color and burn yellow with a fiery red rim when rage and anger seethed inside them. Anakin Skywalker's eyes changed color in this way as he massacred the Executive Separatist Council on the planet Mustafar in 19 BBY, radiating anger and hate.
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Why do Sith eyes turn red?

Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia says that as "windows to the soul, eyes reflect the emotions harnessed by the Sith. When rage and anger seethe inside a dark side user, their eyes may burn yellow with a fiery-red rim." What that means is a Sith's emotions will be shown through their eyes.
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Why didn't Anakin's eyes stay yellow?

In contrast, when Anakin talks to Padmé on Mustafar a short while later, his eyes are back to their natural eye color. Since he was in the presence of someone he loves, Anakin was no longer channeling the dark side emotions that fueled his assault on the Separatists.
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Why doesn't Anakin have Sith eyes when fighting Obi-Wan?

Sith eyes are a by product of the dark side that are said to manifest with hatred and anger but Anakin didn't hate Obi-Wan at this point, he was hurt by him.
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Why doesn't Kylo have Sith eyes?

However, joining the Sith means declaring loyalty to the dark side, which Anakin did before his eyes turned yellow. This may explain why Kylo Ren, torn between the light and dark, didn't have yellow eyes in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, as killing his father split his spirit even more.
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Why Anakin Didn't Have Sith Eyes While Fighting Obi-Wan - Star Wars Theory

Has a Sith ever had a blue lightsaber?

After his reincarnation, Darth Sidious aka Palpatine used a blue-bladed lightsaber when he fought Luke onboard his Super Star Destroyer Eclipse. Ultimately, Sith who wielded colors other than red were usually looking to disguise their dark affiliations.
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Why does Dooku not have Sith eyes?

For many, only when they have truly given in to the dark side, allowing fear, hatred, and anger to consume them, do the eyes manifest. Dooku, however, never fully gives in to the dark side the way the likes of Anakin and Sidious do.
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What if Anakin never became a Sith?

In this timeline, Anakin would no doubt have become one of the most respected and powerful Jedi Masters on the council, joining the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Yoda. However, Anakin's relationship with Senator Padmé Amidala would stand as a potential roadblock for the newly appointed master's Jedi career.
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Why did Anakin's body not disappear when he died?

When Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, or countless Jedi during Order 66 perished, their bodies simply fell because they didn't consciously become one with the Force as Obi-Wan, Yoda, or Palpatine did. As Anakin died, he was guided into the Force by Obi-Wan.
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Is Kylo Ren a Sith?

History. A dark side warrior with a mysterious past, Kylo Ren was neither Jedi nor Sith, but a product of both sides' teachings. Once an apprentice of Luke Skywalker's, he killed his fellow students and drove Skywalker into exile, becoming a First Order warlord and servant of Supreme Leader Snoke.
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How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes?

Summary. Some dark siders can conceal their appearance with the Force, hiding physical signs of corruption like yellow eyes and aged features. Palpatine's yellow Sith eyes may have been hidden through a dark side illusion, potentially masking his true form from the Jedi.
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Why is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

The most agreed upon theory, started by Reddit user Lumparoo in 2016, is that Jar-Jar is a powerful Force-user conspiring with Darth Sidious. In addition to this, some believe he either trained, or was supposed to become Supreme Leader Snoke, or that he is a reincarnation of Darth Plagueis.
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Why do all Sith wear black?

The Sith Lords that came after the establishment of the Rule of Two were in hiding and generally favored simpler black garments. Their concealing black robes made them appear as if they were creatures of the night.
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Why do Sith look deformed?

As one immersed oneself deeper within the dark side of the Force, its malevolent power took a toll on the body.” ^^Also yes, “Darth Bane explained that the reason for this physical degradation was because flesh and bone lacked the endurance to channel the immense power of the dark side indefinitely.
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Has a Jedi ever wielded a red lightsaber?

Adi Gallia, Even Piell, A'Sharad Hett, and Depa Billaba all had their red-bladed lightsabers retroactively changed to the more traditional blue or green in early 2000s Legends comics to coincide with the newly-established lore.
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Why does KYLO Ren have a red lightsaber?

After destroying the Jedi Temple in 28 ABY, Ren used the dark side of the Force to bleed his lightsaber's kyber crystal, changing the color of its plasma blade from blue to red.
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Would Padme have lived if Anakin didn't turn?

Sadly the Clone Wars would have still happened, but Padmé would have also survived, giving birth to Luke and Leia who would have probably been inducted into the Jedi Order. As for what would have happened between the two, with their marriage and all, that's a bit tricky.
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Did Vader regret becoming a Sith?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Did any Sith turn to Jedi?

A Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the Dark Council, Darth Sajar was very powerful in the Force. He eventually became a Sith Lord during the reign of the Sith Empire, but before long, he came in contact with a Jedi Master who helped him turn to the light.
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Did Dooku know Palpatine was a Sith?

Indeed he did. Dooku (aka Darth Tyrannus) knew his master's identity. At this point the Jedi thought Dooku was the Sith Master. The kidnapping was planned to reinforce public support for Palpatine while further confusing the Jedi about his true identity.
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Why wasn t Dooku called Darth?

Sidious may have given Dooku the title of Darth Tyranus, but because the Jedi Order knew him as Count Dooku, greatly preferring to not indulge his role as a Sith, they continued to call him by that name.
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