Why do we watch the same movies over again?

Repeated viewing fulfills emotional needs, gives us comfort, provides a sense of control over our lives, and connects us with our past. Familiar shows provide an appealing mix of relaxation and stimulation, and an unexpected combination of old and new.
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What's the point of rewatching movies?

They Gain Meaning Over Time. Another way that rewatching movies can increase their value or significance to you is that you and your tastes change over time. On one level, you enjoy different things at different points in life. It's likely that something you loved as a child wouldn't hold water through adult eyes.
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Do people with ADHD rewatch the same shows?

The cognitive deficits associated with ADHD can result in repetitive behaviors such as watching the same shows over and over again (Saddichha et al., 2014).
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Why do people watch movies twice?

Watching a movie again gives you a chance to pick up on things you missed before. Also, there may be things that didn't make sense on the first watching, so watching it again can clear up confusion. People watch movies more than once in the theaters because to them they were good movies.
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Why can't I stop watching the same movie?

Media Psychologist Pamela Rutledge claims that rewatching a movie or TV show that you know you enjoy can simply be a way of regulating your emotions, especially when you feel like you are lacking control in other aspects of your life. She says that it becomes therapeutic and creates a sense of safety and comfort.
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Why Do We Keep Repeating The Same Movie?

Why do people with anxiety watch the same movies over and over?

If you struggle with anxiety, you may find yourself watching the same TV shows over again. The enjoyment of this repetition comes from the mere-exposure effect, the decreased cognitive load, and the sense of control.
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What is ADHD brain like?

Research has shown that in children with ADHD, the prefrontal cortex matures more slowly than typically developing kids. It is also slightly smaller in size. Similarly, the cerebellum, hippocampus, and amygdala are also thought to be smaller in volume in kids with ADHD.
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Do people with ADHD have a sixth sense?

The Gift of ADHD: They say that adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have almost a sixth sense about people. My sharp sense of intuition is the one personal attribute that I've always been proud of. Since I was little I've been able to smell a two-faced person from a mile away.
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What the ADHD brain wants and why?

The ADHD brain has been described as an “interest-based nervous system”: It seeks high-stimulation situations, stronger incentives, and more immediate rewards, which trigger a quick and intense release of dopamine and with it a rush of motivation. Hyperfocus. Dopamine is the brain's most intense reward.
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Is rewatching shows a coping mechanism?

Rewatching TV shows in an effort to unwind can also provide comfort, Gabriel says. Research by Gabriel and others has found that when people rewatch their favorite TV shows, they report feeling transported into another world. This can make them feel less lonely when viewing these programs, Gabriel says.
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Is it healthy to rewatch shows?

And why might rewatching a show we enjoy help us? “Rewatching shows allows us to dive into a social world that we already know and already feel connected to,” Gabriel says. “It is a fast way to feel connected, much like talking to an old friend makes one feel connected more quickly than a new person.”
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What is it called when you watch a lot of movies in a row?

Binge-watching - Wikipedia.
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What does untreated ADHD look like in adults?

One of the consequences of untreated ADHD in adults is disorganization, which can show up in the following ways: Struggling to divide big tasks into structured, smaller steps. Talking in an incoherent and non-sequential way. Jumping haphazardly from one task to another.
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What are people with ADHD good at?

Creativity. People with ADHD can be some of the most creative resources on a team, bringing energy and new approaches to their projects. Several studies have shown that adults with ADHD tend to be out-of-the-box thinkers.
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What not to say to someone with ADHD?

Here are six common examples of things not to say to your child with ADHD—and what you can say instead.
  • “Having ADHD isn't an excuse.” ...
  • “Everyone gets distracted sometimes.” ...
  • “ADHD will make you more creative.” ...
  • “If you can focus on fun things, you can focus on work.” ...
  • “You'll outgrow ADHD.”
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Do ADHD people have higher intelligence?

There is no scientific data to suggest that children with ADHD are more intelligent nor creative. Their impulsivity may result in their being quicker to offer suggestions and ideas and in some circumstances, this may result in adults perceiving them as more creative.
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Why are people with ADHD so strong?

Hyper-focus: Many people with ADHD become hyper-focused on things that interest them. This can lead to impeccable attention to detail and passion for school and work projects. Risk tolerance: People with ADHD often have higher risk tolerance than people without the condition.
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What is the root cause of ADHD?

The cause(s) and risk factors for ADHD are unknown, but current research shows that genetics plays an important role. Recent studies link genetic factors with ADHD. In addition to genetics, scientists are studying other possible causes and risk factors including: Brain injury.
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Do people with ADHD think differently?

Do people with ADHD think differently? In short, yeah, kind of, or at least their thought processes might look a bit different. People with ADHD have a diminished ability to regulate their attention , to put the brakes on their attention before it leaps to something else.
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What does an ADHD brain struggle with?

The condition has links to abnormal cognitive, behavioral, and motivational functioning. ADHD can affect the regulation of moods, emotions, and brain cell connections. It can also affect communication between different areas of the brain.
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What is high functioning anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is a subset of generalized anxiety disorder that often goes unnoticed or undiagnosed. It occurs when a person has anxiety symptoms, but rather than retreating from situations or interactions, they work hard to face their fears and are skilled at covering up symptoms.
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Do autistic people rewatch shows?

Most people engage in some such behaviors. Common forms of perseveration include: A strong "need" to watch the same TV shows or sporting events, without fail.
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Why do I feel so connected to a movie?

Your attention is captured and emotions elicited by the movie's story. Oxytocin is then associated with heightened feelings of empathy and compassion, further intensifying feelings of social connectedness and you pay even further attention to the social cues of the characters in the movie.
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What are the inappropriate behaviors of ADHD adults?

People with ADHD may also have certain genetic traits that make them prone to risky or impulsive actions. For some people with ADHD, problems may be as minor as showing up late to meetings. Others may do things that are dangerous, like driving at unsafe speeds or abusing alcohol.
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