Why does Amanda Waller hate Batman?

Waller has a long-standing rivalry with Batman with her being one of the few individuals he truly fears, along with being one of the few people to have found out his secret-identity.
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What does Amanda Waller think of Batman?

Batman is the only member of the Justice League that Waller felt a genuine respect and even admiration for, noting that it wasn't his willpower or brilliant mind that earned it; it was Bruce's empathy and ability to connect and save those who were hurting and broken just like he was.
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Is Waller Bad Batman the enemy within?

Amanda Waller (born February 12, 1960) is the main antagonist of Batman: The Enemy Within. The director of the Agency, a government organization and federal intelligence service, she was one of the toughest people known in the United States, due to her ruthlessness and will to take control through any means necessary.
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How did Amanda Waller know Batman was Bruce Wayne?

Waller met James Gordon at some point, developing a somewhat antagonistic relationship. She also became aware of the vigilante Batman and eventually learned his true identity, Bruce Wayne, from one of her agents. This gave Waller leverage over the vigilante, allowing her to blackmail his cooperation.
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What is Amanda Waller weakness?

Arrogance: Amanda Waller's greatest weakness (ironically much like for Enchantress) is her overconfidence and arrogance, with Waller believing that since she has seemingly perfect leverage over everyone she wishes to control, that this makes her supremely powerful.
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JLU Waller: when you regret everything

Who killed Amanda Waller?

She is shot in the head and killed in the fourth season episode "A.W.O.L." when Shadowspire infiltrates A.R.G.U.S. and she refuses to give information to them. Michaels later becomes Waller's successor and works to reform A.R.G.U.S. through such acts as disbanding Task Force X.
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Is Amanda Waller a hero or villain?

Dr. Amanda Belle Blake, better known as Amanda "The Wall" Waller, is a fictional and major character published by DC Comics. Despite not possessing any superpowers, she has persistently proven herself a powerful antagonist and sometime-ally of the superheroes of the DC universe, often serving as an antiheroine.
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How does no one recognize Batman?

From his gloves to his cowl to his cape, everything about the costume works to keep his secret. Doing what he does is dangerous and often illegal, so Batman does a lot to make sure that no one can ever find out who he is.
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Who was the first villain to unmask Batman?

#Batman85 Fact #70: Professor Hugo Strange is the first villain to unmask the Batman and learn his secret identity, seen in July 1977's Detective Comics.
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Does Batman ever get unmasked?

8 Batman Showed His True Face To His Parents' Killer

In the original DC canon, Batman found and encountered him in Batman #47 by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Charles Paris and willingly took off his mask to the man that changed his life forever.
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Which villain hates Batman the most?

However, Batman's most hated villain is surprisingly one of his least famous - a figure who has appeared in multiple movies, only to be quickly forgotten by fans. In Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan's Batman: Cacophony #1, Batman faces off against Victor Zsasz (aka Mister Zsasz).
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Who is Batman's most trusted ally?

Alfred Pennyworth Was Batman's Greatest Ally

The two have a father-son relationship and there is no one on Earth that Batman has trusted more than Alfred. In fact, Alfred even knew secrets about the Batcave that Batman didn't, such as the existence of Failsafe and the Zur-En-Arrh Batcave.
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Who is Batman's worst enemy?

He is Batman's archenemy, as well as the most famous and recurring Batman villain. Waylon Jones has a medical condition that warped his body into a massive crocodile-like form. As Killer Croc descended into madness, he sharpened his teeth to razor points and began murdering innocent victims.
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Did Amanda Waller create Terry Mcginnis?

Seeking answers, Terry then has a confrontation with an elderly Amanda Waller, Bruce's acquaintance from his days with the Justice League, who reveals that she engineered his origin to create a replacement Batman for Bruce Wayne.
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Why is Amanda Waller so important?

Amanda Waller is introduced in Suicide Squad as an FBI official in charge of A.R.G.U.S.. She is shown to be in contact with vigilantes such as Bruce Wayne / Batman, to whom she provides intelligence in order for him to apprehend criminals such as Floyd Lawton / Deadshot.
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Who isn't afraid of Batman?

That would explain why Thomas Elliot doesn't fear Batman. He knows who is behind the mask and Hush resents him for gaining the wealth and independence he craved as a child. As a skilled tactician, Thomas learned from a young age to think like his opponents and use them to his advantage.
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Who killed Bruce Wayne's parents?

In Batman's origin story, Joe Chill is the mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne's parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime in Gotham City as the vigilante Batman.
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Does Superman know who Batman is?

Superman figures it out when he hears Bruce's earpiece during the party. Batman most likely figured out Superman's identity during his research on him.
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Who was the first villain Batman killed?

The first villain Batman ever faced was a man named Stryker. Despite that legacy, there's a good reason you don't see him around. In 1939's Detective Comics #27, Batman punched him over a railing into a vat of acid. His immediate feelings on the matter: “A fitting end for his kind.”
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Can anyone outsmart Batman?

Alfred Pennyworth has outsmarted Bruce Wayne a number of times throughout his life, in a number of different ways. However, there is one instance that truly sticks out. In the esteemed story by legendary author, Neil Gaiman, Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?, Batman is outsmarted for a number of years by Alfred.
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Why doesn t Joker unmask Batman?

Joker's decision to keep Batman's true identity a secret is rooted in the delicate balance that defines the relationship between Batman and the Joker. The Joker understands that exposing Batman's true identity could jeopardize the unique dynamic they share, a dynamic that he cherishes above all else.
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Did the Riddler not know Bruce Wayne was Batman?

But The Riddler didn't know Bruce Wayne was Batman.

By the time The Batman's credits roll, only one person for sure — Alfred Pennyworth — knows he is Bruce Wayne. The other woman who works in Wayne Tower might potentially know Batman's secret as well, but it's not confirmed nor implied.
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Does Amanda Waller respect Batman?

but Amanda Waller does both. Get to know the.
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Is Amanda Waller a sociopath?

Given we can spend more time with this Waller, her sociopathic tendencies (and therefore, her villainy) become more clear, and they ultimately lead to her death.
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Is Amanda Waller like Nick Fury?

True, Waller is far more villainous than Fury, but they fulfill the same role, acting as masterminds pulling the strings from behind the scenes.
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