Why does Daisy get drunk the night before her wedding?

Though she chose to marry Tom after Gatsby left for the war, Daisy drank herself into numbness the night before her wedding, after she received a letter from Gatsby.
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What prompted Daisy to get drunk on her wedding day?

According to Jordan, Daisy had gotten drunk. The reason that being is because Gatsby had given her a letter, when he was in the war.
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What causes Daisy to get drunk?

Daisy drinks to escape her loveless marriage and unhappiness with Tom, whereas Tom drinks to display his strength. When he drinks, he becomes violent, which is seen when he slaps Myrtle across the face for mentioning Daisy's name: "Making a short a deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand."
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Why was Daisy so distraught before her wedding?

Answer and Explanation:

She gets a letter from Jay Gatsby that disturbs her, as she is reminded that she rejected the man she really loved in favor of a wealthy man.
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Was Daisy drunk on her wedding day?

Expert-Verified Answer

At her wedding day, Daisy got drunk and tried to stop the wedding becasue she got a letter from Gatsby. Reading his letter make Daisy realized that she still got some feelings for Gatsby and she really hope that she could get back to the relationship prior before he went to war.
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What was Daisy doing the night before her wedding?

Daisy seems unhappy with her marriage to Tom from the outset of the novel. Even the night before their wedding, she got drunk and told Jordan to tell everyone she had changed her mind.
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What happened on Daisy's wedding night?

' Jordan recounts to Nick the story of Daisy's wedding day, when Daisy got drunk and told Jordan that she did not want to marry Tom. Her decision to return the pearls ends up being purely symbolic, however, because she finally does wed Tom for his wealth and high social standing.
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Who was richer, Tom or Gatsby?

Tom Buchanan comes from a very rich family, while Jay Gatsby comes from a really poor family. Tom Buchanan is powerful and important in society because of his family roots. Jay Gatsby does not have the same importance and power because he comes from a lower social class.
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When Jordan found Daisy drunk before the wedding What did Daisy have in her hands?

Jordan Baker recounts that the night before Daisy's wedding she found Daisy with "a bottle of Sauterne in one hand and a letter in another." In addition, she explains that after reading this letter, the drunken Daisy tried to remove the pearls given to her as a gift telling Jordan to "Take 'em down-stairs and give 'em ...
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What happened to Daisy a half hour before her bridal dinner?

Jordan tells Nick about an event she witnessed the night before Daisy and Tom were married. "I came into her room half an hour before the bridal dinner and found her lying on her bed as lovely as the June night in her flowered dress and as drunk as a monkey.
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Was Daisy drunk when she hit Myrtle?

Possibly drunk from the day in the city, Daisy carelessly strikes Myrtle with Gatsby's car. She then negligently speeds off from the scene of the accident without stopping.
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Was Daisy drunk while driving?

The domino effect starts with Daisy driving drunk in Gatsby's yellow sports car. She was befuddled and impaired so she didn't see Myrtle fleeing from her home. Daisy struck and killed Myrtle Wilson and she did care to stop or see if she was alright.
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Does Daisy drink alcohol in The Great Gatsby?

In Chapter 4, Nick tries to describe what sets Daisy apart from the rest of the affluent, “fast crowd” she consorts with. Her “perfect reputation” makes her seem flawless, and Nick links this to her self-restraint around drinking.
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Was Nick in love with Gatsby?

This is at the very end of the novel. Of the late Gatsby, Tom says, “That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust in your eyes just like he did in Daisy's….” And that's why it matters that Nick is gay and in love with Gatsby: because Tom's assessment is spot-on, but Nick will never admit it.
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Does Gatsby truly love Daisy?

As it is revealed throughout the novel, the sole purpose of his efforts is to gain the affection of his past lover Daisy Buchanan, whom he deserted five years earlier to go to war. Despite Gatsby's “romantic readiness” (2), as narrator Nick Carraway puts it, he subtly shows that his love for Daisy is never genuine.
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What does Tom give Daisy that is worth $350,000?

Correspondingly, the pearl necklace is a symbol of wealth, as it is worth an exorbitant amount of money: $350,000. Though expensive, it is still pearls strung on a thread—delicate and breakable. Thus, these pearls represent how fragile the idea of Tom is to Daisy, while simultaneously tying her to him.
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What gender is Daisy's child?

Although Pammy is rarely referenced in the novel, Daisy recounts that when Pammy was born and was told the baby was a girl she said: "All right... I'm glad it's a girl.
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What does alcohol symbolize in The Great Gatsby?

* The parties and alcohol in the Great Gatsby serve as symbols of wealth and class. * By having alcohol, although it was illegal, people were able to show a different side of themselves which gave the readers a better sense of who the characters were and the corruption that was happening.
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How does Jordan describe Daisy the night before her wedding?

Before her wedding in The Great Gatsby, Daisy was distraught and deeply conflicted. Described by Jordan, Daisy is found drunk, crying, and clutching a letter from Gatsby, indicating she still harbored feelings for him.
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Was Daisy Buchanan born rich?

Biography. Daisy Fay was born in 1899 to a wealthy family in Louisville, Kentucky. Like many women of the time, she married for money, particularly to Tom Buchanan.
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Why is Gatsby so rich?

Apparently, he started off penniless and made his money selling illegal, over-the-counter liquor in his drug-store empire during the first two years of prohibition.
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Why did Gatsby get so rich?

It is speculated—but never confirmed—that Gatsby took advantage of the newly enacted National Prohibition Act by making a fortune via bootlegging and built connections with organized crime figures such as Meyer Wolfsheim, a Jewish gambler who purportedly fixed the World Series in 1919.
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Why doesn't Tom divorce Daisy?

Quick answer: In The Great Gatsby, according to Catherine, Tom has not left Daisy to marry Myrtle Wilson, because Daisy is a Catholic and Catholics don't believe in divorce. The way she tells it, it's only Daisy's religion that's holding Tom back from marrying Myrtle. As it turns out, Daisy isn't really a Catholic.
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Why did Daisy almost call off her wedding?

Daisy almost cancels her wedding to tom because she got a letter from gatsby, daisy goes through with it because she does not want to be lonely and wants to have the benefits of marrying a rich man.
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Why doesn't Daisy call off the wedding?

Despite loving Gatsby, and attempting to call off her wedding to Tom, Daisy finally marries him because she knows that she wont have to live 'sparingly', as Tom can provide her with every materialistic thing she could ever want, and will be able to protect her from the harsh world with his money.
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