Why does Gandalf love the hobbits?

During his wanderings in Eriador, Gandalf met and befriended the isolated and secretive people of the Hobbits in their country, the Shire. During the Long Winter of TA 2758 Gandalf came to their aid. It was then when he witnessed and admired the pity and courage that the humble Hobbits reserved in their hearts.
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Why does Gandalf always choose Hobbits?

Gandalf of course knew of the nimbleness and ability of hobbits to move without sound of footfall, and vanish from sight quickly (their skill at this was to be matched only by Elves, and Gandalf would be hard pressed to find and Elf that would bear a band of dwarves, or vice versa) as Gandalf also states in "The Quest ...
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Why does Gandalf like the Shire?

Gandalf has needed the Shire for many reasons. In part he has needed it as a place of rest amidst his long and weary travels. But he has also needed it as a place of play, a place where he has learned to play.
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How did Gandalf befriend the Hobbits?

Gandalf Rescued the Hobbits

And it was during this peaceful time that Gandalf wandered Middle-earth to meet as many people as he could, which eventually led him to the secluded Shire. Yet it was a simple visit, where he befriended the Hobbits and went on his merry way.
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What does Gandalf love in The Hobbit?

He is associated with fire; his ring of power is Narya, the Ring of Fire. As such, he delights in fireworks to entertain the hobbits of the Shire, while in great need he uses fire as a weapon.
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When did Gandalf know Bilbo had The One Ring? | Tolkien Explained

Why does Gandalf love Hobbits so much?

If this wizard is Gandalf, the fact that he was saved by and fought alongside a harfoot when he first arrived in Middle-earth could explain why Gandalf is so fond of hobbits, descendants of the harfoots, and often travels to the Shire to visit them.
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Does Gandalf have a crush on Galadriel?

For those that haven't read Tolkien's work, it's easy to see why many audiences suspect Gandalf and Galadriel are in love. After all, many of their interactions in The Hobbit trilogy practically scream romance. However, their relationship remains purely platonic in Tolkien's source material.
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Why did Gandalf hang out with Hobbits?

Hobbits appealed to him more than to the other Wizards, and he often went to the Shire for respites from his errands. It may be that he was amused by their nature.
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How did Aragorn know about the Hobbits?

It is revealed that Aragorn only came to be there because he overheard the four hobbits further up the road, after their encounter in the Old Forest with Tom Bombadil: “I was behind the hedge this evening on the road west of Bree, when four hobbits came out of the Downlands.
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Why doesn't Bilbo recognize Gandalf at first?

Why doesn't Bilbo recognize Gandalf at first? Since Gandalf had not visited The Hill in a long time, it was impossible for Bilbo to have recognized him.
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Why is Gandalf so important in the hobbit?

Gandalf's most important role in The Hobbit is as a tutelary or wisdom figure to Bilbo. He persuades Bilbo to go on the adventurous journey with the dwarves because he knows that Bilbo, without realizing it, is an essential player in the drama that will result in the death of Smaug.
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Why did Sauron not know about the Shire?

Sauron's Attitude Toward the Shire Exposes His Greatest Flaw

The reason that Sauron didn't know where the Shire was comes down to how ineffectual he felt it to be.
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Why does everyone respect Gandalf?

Throughout the book, Gandalf proves himself to possess the leadership traits of Impartiality, experience, kindness and affection for all others, he commands respect, he is wise and thoughtful and he understands the need for sacrifice to achieve the ultimate victory for Middle Earth.
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Why does Thorin dislike Bilbo?

Why does Thorin dislike Bilbo? Thorin and Bilbo have worldviews that are diametrically opposed. Hobbits value the comforts of home and festivity, while dwarves seek riches and battle. Throughout their journey, Thorin continues to undermine Bilbo, despite Thorin's own lack of preparedness and clear leadership views.
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Why was Gandalf so mean to Pippin?

Gandalf's occasionally mean attitude towards Pippin is rooted in factors such as the stakes of their mission, Gandalf's protective instincts towards hobbits, and his desire to mentor Pippin, offer him guidance, and see him grow.
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Why does the Ring not corrupt Hobbits?

Inversely, the hobbits' good-naturedness and lack of ambition makes them less susceptible to the Ring's promises of power, as in Frodo and Samwise Gamgee, who are able to handle the Ring for extended periods of time.
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How did Legolas know who Aragorn was?

Aragorn and Legolas are long-time companions and best friends since Legolas' father Thranduil sent him to live among the Rangers of the North. Aragorn and Legolas grew close, up to the point where Aragorn revealed his true identity to Legolas.
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How did Legolas know Gandalf?

In the forest of Fangorn Legolas and his companions met Gandalf, resurrected as "Gandalf the White", who delivered a message to Legolas from Galadriel.
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What is Aragorn's lifespan?

He died at the age of 210, after 122 years as king. The graves of the hobbits Merry and Pippin (who had died in Gondor 58 years earlier) were set beside his. He was succeeded on the throne by his son, Eldarion. Arwen, heartbroken by the loss of her husband, died shortly afterwards in Lothlórien.
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Why did Gandalf want Smaug death?

The Extended Edition of The Desolation of Smaug confirms Gandalf the Grey's fears of Smaug being in league with Sauron as Thráin reveals in Dol Guldur. Should the Dragon have survived its attack upon Lake-town, then the Dark Lord would have used him to devastating effect against the Free Peoples in the North.
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What is Gandalf's true form?

Though he appeared to the characters of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring to be an aged wizard, Gandalf was actually an angel-like being known as a Maia. He was created by the god of Tolkien's works, Eru Ilúvatar, to help with the creation of the universe.
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Why does Gandalf not want Frodo to take the Ring?

But, in fact, when Frodo offers the Ring to Gandalf, the wizard pulls back sharply, refusing even to touch it. His explanation is candid and revealing. He says that his power makes him too susceptible, and that his great moral goodness could turn to equally great evil under the Ring's influence.
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Does Sauron fall in love with Galadriel?

With that in mind, Galadriel and Sauron's longing gazes were a big stretch, at least in the context of romance. Still, The Rings of Power's proposal scene wasn't completely out of left field. Sauron seemed to genuinely feel a connection to her, and part of that came from sensing the darkness inside of Galadriel.
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Did Elrond fall in love with Galadriel?

Yes, The Lord of the Rings' Third Age lore sees Elrond fall in love and marry Galadriel...'s daughter.
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Who is Galadriel in love with?

Fans know from the later Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit tales, that Galadriel eventually finds, falls in love with, and marries Celeborn, the elf who accompanies her down the stairs when the fellowship first arrives in Lothlorien.
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