Why does Jack Sparrow need the heart?

Jack Sparrow races to recover the heart of Davy Jones to avoid enslaving his soul to Jones' service, as other friends and foes seek the heart for their own agenda as well.
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Why is the heart important in Pirates of the Caribbean?

This heart was removed by Davy Jones from his own chest after he betrayed the sea goddess Calypso, who had forsaken him prior to his betrayal. Jones carved out his heart in order to no longer feel the grief and guilt at what he had done or any emotion of love again.
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Why did Will need to cut out his heart?

The rule that whoever stabbed Davy Jones' heart would take on his mantle allowed Will's life to be saved, but only if he cut out his heart and stored it away in a chest— something that was never meant to be a requirement.
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Why is the heart of Davy Jones so important?

Many of the legends, concerning the chest, say that whomsoever opened the chest and obtained Jones' heart would control Davy Jones, the Flying Dutchman, his crew and the Kraken beast—effectively controling the entire ocean.
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Why didn t Davy Jones want the heart on his ship?

The reason behind carving the heart out was that he no longer wants to feel the guilt and grief about this betrayal and any kind of affection. The Flying Dutchman seems to be the safest place for his heart or at least safer than in the hands of all the other parties.
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Film Theory: Jack Sparrow is Dying... Of THIRST!

Why did Jack Sparrow put Davy Jones heart in a jar of dirt?

After Jack uncovered the Dead Man's Chest, he placed the heart of Davy Jones within his jar of dirt, in order to hide it from his companions. James Norrington, however, discovered the heart, and took it from the jar, leaving nothing but dirt inside.
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Why did Jack not stab the heart?

He just wanted to not be dead,and controlling the heart meant Davy Jones (or the Kraken) wouldn't kill him. Stabbing the heart was mostly a backup plan. Because being immortal and living forever isn't the same thing as living forever. Jack wanted to be seen as a legend, and not tied-down to anything.
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Did Calypso truly love Davy Jones?

Despite being harsh and untameable as the wine-dark seas, Calypso fell in love with a young sailor named Davy Jones. And she rewarded that love by giving Davy Jones the Flying Dutchman, charging him with the sacred task of collecting all the poor souls who died at sea and ferrying them to the worlds beyond.
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Why did Calypso help Jack Sparrow?

Tia Dalma Is Secretly Calypso Trapped In Human Form

Davy Jones sold out Calypso and tricked her into assuming human form, only for his fellow pirate lords to trap her in her mortal body thus leading Tia Dalma to revive Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa as she needs both of them present to return to her goddess form.
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What happens if Davy Jones stabs his own heart?

The person who stabs the heart must be the captain, and so if he stabs his own heart, there would be no captain.
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Why can't Elizabeth go on the Flying Dutchman?

Bill also explained that he was unable to die and Davy Jones offered him an escape. Elizabeth was not dead nor dying, there was no reason for Will to bring her on the cursed ship.
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Why did Davy Jones betray Calypso?

However, when Jones returned to shore after ten years, Calypso failed to appear. Believing Calypso had betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones turned the Pirate Brethren against her, saying that if she were removed from the world, they would be able to claim the seas for themselves.
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What was Jack Sparrow's debt to Davy Jones?

Jack Sparrows debt of 100 souls to Davy Jones is because he freed 100 slaves. Freeing the slaves cost him his ship in getting the ship back he must repay the cost of the hundred slaves with 100 souls. But how does all this cast Sparrow differently?
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Why is Jack Sparrow so special?

He has made his own rules and breaks countless others. He lives by his own rules and doesn't care for what people think of him. His pearls of wisdom that he occasionally drops takes your breath away, making you wonder what a marvellous brain he has been hiding behind that drunkard lurch and sheepish grin.
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Why must the Dutchman have a captain?

It's not that they need there to be a captain, it's that it will always replace its captain with someone else. Something has to act to ferry souls to the afterlife, and that something needs to be commanded by someone.
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How did Jack survive the Kraken?

Jack sparrow did not die. He was struck at a place between life and death which is Davy Jones's locker. Elizabeth,Will along with help of Barbossa and Tia Dalma reached at the world's end( Davy Jones locker) to make Jack free from locker.
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Why is Jack Sparrow immortal?

Right before the film's climactic battle with the pirates at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow swipes a cursed coin from the treasure chest, making himself immortal and capable of dueling Barbossa. He shoots his nemesis with the pistol he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa.
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Why did Calypso get banished?

Calypso is banished to the phantom island of Ogygia as punishment for siding with her father, Atlas, against the Greek gods during the First Titan War. She is cursed to fall in love with anyone who reaches the island.
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Is Calypso evil Why or why not?

Is Calypso good or evil? The goddess Calypso neither good nor evil. She contains both qualities. She kidnaps Odysseus while driven by her overwhelming love for him, but she also offers him the necessary tools and supplies to aid in his journey upon his departure from the island.
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Who betrayed Calypso?

Before Calypso is fully freed, Will tells her that it was Davy Jones who betrayed her by revealing to the first Brethren Court how to bind her into her human form.
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What did Calypso say when she was released from human form?

"Malfaiteur en Tombeau, Crochir l'Esplanade, Dans l'Fond d'l'eau!", the phrase Calypso yells out when she is freed from her bonds, roughly translates to "Across all the seas, find the path to he who wrongfully entombed me!" Tia Dalma appears in the video game Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned.
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Why did Will Turner get barnacles?

Will's barnacles

So Davy Jones became ol' squidface specifically because he chose to take a few centuries of vacation time. TL;DR: Will has barnacles because of extended time in the ocean. Not because he didn't ferry around the dead people.
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Why is Jack obsessed with killing a pig?

Earlier in the novel, Jack claims that hunting is important to provide meat for the group; now, it becomes clear that Jack's obsession with hunting is due to the satisfaction it provides his primal instincts and has nothing to do with contributing to the common good.
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Why didn't the Kraken destroy the Black Pearl?

It's mouth alone is 5 times bigger than Captain Jack, maybe bigger. We see it's true size in At World's End and in Dead Man's when William is thrown underwater. With tentacles that big, the Kraken was still only able to sink the Pearl, not break it in half. So, the Pearl is simply built different.
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What did Jack want in Dead Man's Chest?

As Tia Dalma points out, and Pintel and Ragetti later deliberate on, Jack did indeed want the heart of Davy Jones. On the surface, he wanted to use it as a bargaining tool to break his prior agreement with Jones.
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