Why does Katniss struggle with the interview?

What is the point of the interviews? To get supporters to like the Tributes so they will send them help during the games. Why does Katniss having so much problems with the interview? She does not have a pleasant personality and does not know how to be likeable.
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Why is Katniss so troubled by the interview?

Katniss doesn't want the audience to know things about her private life, though, since they've taken so much from her already. She decides she isn't anyone at all and returns to her room where she breaks plates and makes a mess in her anger.
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What problem does Katniss face when preparing for the interview?

In the session with Haymitch, Katniss is coached on her interview skills with little to no luck. Katniss is hostile, angry, and has trouble talking about herself or her family. Haymitch says she has about as much charm "as a dead slug" (9.27). Haymitch coaches her to act humble.
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How does Katniss handle most of the interview?

She does her best to be friendly and endearing in her interview, but she fails to stand out from the crowd of Tributes. The only strong point of her interview occurs when she is asked about her sister, Prim. Up until this point, Katniss has been trying to say whatever will win the most favor from the audience.
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What is Katniss struggling with?

The recurring mention of a need for water, and Katniss' inability to find any, lets the reader know that this will continue to be a problem, and her growing thirst indicates that she needs to fix this problem quickly if she's going to survive much longer. Again we see Katniss struggling with her emotions about Peeta.
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Psychology of a Hero: Katniss Everdeen (part 1)

What mental disorder does Katniss Everdeen have?

While she manages to escape both Games with her life, she is left suffering significant psychological distress and displays symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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Why does Katniss refuse to cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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What strategy does Katniss use during the interview?

He can't figure out how to present her because she is just “sullen and hostile.” 3. What strategy does Katniss use during the interview? She pretends she is talking to a friend, Cinna.
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Why does Katniss feel like running away when the interview begins?

He tells her she's in danger. The Capitol is furious at her showing them up in the arena. Her only defense can be that she was madly in love with Peeta. As she prepares to be raised up to the stage for her interview, she feels terrified that she, Peeta, and even their families may be in danger.
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Why was Katniss mad at Peeta after the interview?

Katniss has just learned that Peeta has romantic feelings for her, and initially she feels she is being used. She becomes angry with Peeta as a result, going so far as to shove him over an urn of flowers.
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How tall is Katniss?

How tall is Katniss Everdeen? Katniss Everdeen is 5 foot 9 inches (1.75 m) tall as portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence.
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What does Peeta admit during his interview?

In Chapter 9, as Caesar Flickerman interviews Peeta before the Games, Peeta reveals to Caesar and all of Panem that he's in love with Katniss. Peeta's revelation sets in motion the storyline of him and Katniss as ill-fated lovers that carries on throughout the Games.
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Is Katniss a real name?

Katniss is a girl's name of Greek origin. It means "aquatic plant," which is fitting for your little water baby, who's bound to bloom and blossom like a beautiful plant.
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Why is Katniss worried about her behavior in the private session?

She believes that the Gamemakers will punish her for what she's done, that they'll make her an Avox and cut out her tongue. She imagines all of the possible scenarios, but is most fearful that the Capitol people will go after Prim and her mother. She doesn't care nearly as much about herself as she does for them.
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What is the point of the interview?

If done effectively, the interview enables the employer to determine if an applicant's skills, experience and personality meet the job's requirements. It also helps the employer assess whether an applicant would likely fit in with the corporate culture.
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What is the weakness of Katniss?

Weakness: She would sometimes use other people

From childhood, Katniss has a lot of responsibilities on her plate, and she sees a lot of pain and suffering. She lives in a very harsh world under a totalitarian government, and she's usually focused on surviving and keeping her family safe.
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What does Katniss learn about Peeta during the interview?

Katniss goes along with Caesar's suggestion but tries to keep the focus on Peeta. She finds out, too, that Peeta lost his leg and gets her first look at his prosthetic. Caesar, as expected, asks Katniss about the berries, and she struggles to get the right words out, but, afterward, Haymitch says she was perfect.
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Who does Katniss blame for Rue's death?

Rue dies and Katniss realizes just how much she hates the Capitol for doing this to Rue, for doing this to all of the tributes. She wants revenge on the Capitol and wonders if there's a way for her to do it.
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Did Peeta actually tell Katniss to run?

She works hard to keep herself from becoming sick and is able to get the bow and arrows free, but then she hears footsteps and knows that the Careers are coming back for her. She can't work the bow, and soon Peeta is upon her with a spear raised. When he sees it's her, though, he lowers his arm and tells her to run.
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How does Katniss look in her interview dress?

Katniss's costume for her pre-Games interview is a flowing dress complete with gems. The colors of her dress include red, yellow, white, and bits of blue. These colors signify flames which call back the outfit she wore at the presentation of the tributes. Her fingernails have flames painted on them.
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What does Katniss blame herself for during the final interview after the games?

Katniss blames herself because she used the tourniquet, but Caesar points out that she saved his life. Katniss gets upset and buries her head in Peeta's shirt. Caesar then asks Katniss about the berries. She says she couldn't bear the thought of being without Peeta.
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Why is Katniss confused at the end of the novel?

At the novel's end, Katniss isn't sure who she is now that she's a victor in the Hunger Games. She also doesn't know whom she loves, Gale or Peeta, or where her life will go from here with the Capitol's eyes closely upon her.
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Does Peeta sleep with Katniss?

It's only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters — but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level.
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Why did Katniss kiss Peeta?

Peeta thanks Katniss for finding him and she says that he would have done the same. He talks about what Katniss should do if he doesn't make it back. She's worried that he might die, and to keep him from speaking of such things, she kisses him. It's her first kiss.
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Does Katniss fall in love with Peeta?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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