Why does Kirk wear green sometimes?

Captain Kirk's green uniform in Star Trek: The Original Series is part of an overall happy accident. Originally, William Ware Theiss, who designed Star Trek's original Starfleet uniforms, intended Kirk's costume to be lime green.
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Why does Kirk sometimes wear a green shirt?

Kirk's green uniform served an important function in the TOS season 1 episode, "The Enemy Within," which featured an evil, duplicate Kirk. The green shirt worn by the good Captain Kirk helped viewers tell him apart from his twisted doppelganger.
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What does the green uniform mean in Star Trek?

The colors include white for command; gold for engineering; gray for science, communications and navigation; dark green for security; light green for medical; dark blue for operations; light blue for special services; and red for low-grade officers and officer cadets.
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Is Kirk green or yellow?

But in reality was another; the command shirts were definitely green”, Theiss recalls in an interview. Contemporary versions of the uniform as costumes, however, try to emulate the gold look of the television appearance rather than replicate the authentic (but ultimately false looking) lime green color.
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Why does Kirk wear yellow and Picard wear red?

Starfleet Uniform Variants In Star Trek

Each of the blue flight suits had colored piping around the shoulders reflecting yellow for command and red for operations.
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Why did STARFLEET UNIFORMS Change Colours? | Star Trek Lore

Why did Deanna Troi not wear a uniform?

Summary. Troi wore civilian clothes for most of TNG to put her patients at ease as the ship's counselor and indicate her position. Captain Picard allowed Troi to wear civilian clothes on the bridge due to her empathic abilities and his disregard for unnecessary regulations.
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What do colors mean on Star Trek?

For the original Star Trek series and the Enterprise prequel that came later, the uniform color breakdowns are: Red – Engineering, Security, and Communications. Blue – Science and Medical Staff. Gold – Command Staff. Green – Command Staff Formal.
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Did Kirk ever wear a red shirt?

It should also be noted that Spock and Kirk died in The Wrath of Khan and Generations, respectively – and in each movie, the officers wore red uniform shirts.
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Who wears green in Star Trek?

But in reality was another; the command shirts were definitely green.” This might come as a surprise to Trek fans until you remember that Kirk actually did wear green on a few occasions, including the times he was in formal dress and his seldom-seen alternate green get-up, seen in the clip below.
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What race is Captain Kirk?

James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the 23rd century.
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Why does Spock wear blue?

The blue uniform was for the science and medical staff. It was worn by officers such as the incredibly iconic lieutenant Spock from The Original Series, the ships' science officer, as well as the early Dr Julian Bashir on board the space station in Deep Space 9, although this was later changed to green.
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Why did Uhura wear yellow?

As a communications officer, Uhura is most commonly seen in a red uniform. However, in her first two episodes on the show, “The Corbomite Maneuver” and “Mudd's Women”, her uniform was yellow. For some reason Uhura was transferred from the command division to the operations division.
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Why does Picard wear a jacket in season 5?

The ANOVOS Star Trek design team is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation by re-releasing Captain Picard's Uniform Jacket, but with its original iteration as introduced in the fifth season episode, "Darmok." Designed by Robert Blackman with direct input from Patrick Stewart, Captain ...
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Was Captain Kirk a womanizer?

During his five-year mission on the Enterprise, Kirk had no time for serious romantic relationships, with one or two notable exceptions. However, he certainly gained a reputation as a ladies' man during Star Trek: The Original Series. That reputation also defined Chris Pine's interpretation of Kirk in the J.J.
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What was Captain Kirk allergic to?

In the “Wrath of Khan”, Admiral James T. Kirk had no “condition”, other than a bit of hyperopia that he couldn't get treated due to an allergy to Retnax 5 and so made use of reading glasses given as a gift to him by Dr. Leonard McCoy.
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Why did Kirk call him Bones?

In the 2009 Star Trek film reboot, when McCoy first meets Kirk, he complains that his ex-wife took all their shared assets following their divorce: "All I got left is my bones", implying this was the origin of the nickname.
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Why did Kirk wear a green tunic?

Captain Kirk's green uniform in Star Trek: The Original Series is part of an overall happy accident. Originally, William Ware Theiss, who designed Star Trek's original Starfleet uniforms, intended Kirk's costume to be lime green.
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Was Spock supposed to be green?

Roddenberry explained in that conversation that he had created an alien with the name of Spock, and he wanted the character to be very intelligent and possibly green.
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What color does Captain Kirk wear?

He wore a gold colored shirt most of the time. He did, for a short time, wear a green colored shirt but it proved highly unpopular. Was Captain Kirk's uniform different from everyone else's in the original Star Trek series?
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Why do they call Captain Kirk Jim?

In order to demonstrate how close they truly were, and how much Kirk had “humanized” Spock, they would have him use the diminutive of James, which is Jim. This is a name used by those close to the Captain or in intimate moments of friendship.
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Why does Worf wear red?

He was a flight control officer - and so he wore red like all the other helmsmen. After Tasha Yar's death he transitioned to Tactical, which meant he had to change his uniform from red to gold.
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What do Star Trek colors mean?

The Original Series' Uniforms Helped Star Trek 'Pop'

The Original Series brightened the colors while formally distinguishing what each one meant: red for security and engineering departments, yellow for command and flight control, and blue for science and medical.
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Why was Star Trek canceled?

The cancelation machine NBC's biggest concerns were ratings, but it was also concerned with demographics. Star Trek actually performed well with what would now be considered key demographics; however, these were not considered quality demographics of the era, resulting in less faith in the network.
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Who is the best Star Trek Captain?

#1 – Captain Jean-Luc Picard – Star Trek: The Next Generation. Captain Picard, played by Sir Patrick Stewart, is widely considered the best captain in Star Trek history. He is a skilled diplomat, philosopher, and strategist who values diplomacy and the Prime Directive.
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Why did the Star Trek uniform colors change?

So why did the colors change? Once again, the answer is simple and almost mundane. Patrick Stewart apparently didn't look commanding enough in yellow, while Brent Spiner, in his pale Data makeup, didn't look good in red.
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