Why does Thanos send Loki?

Thanos Sent Loki To Test For Captain Marvel's Presence Another theory links Thanos' reasons to give the Mind Stone to Loki to Captain Marvel. Carol Danvers' debut movie is set in the 1990s, and it revealed that Earth was invaded by aliens years before the Chitauri arrived, all thanks to the Kree and the Skrulls.
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Why did Thanos send Loki to New York?

Thanos employed Loki to invade New York, offering him his army in exchange for Loki getting him the Tesseract which would later be revealed as the Space Stone. Even when he was power-hungry and arrogant, Loki was smart enough to know to fear Thanos.
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Why did Thanos hire Loki?

At first glance, it appears the conquest of Earth and the capture of the Space Stone was the only priority in this attack, but a theory from Reddit user Zentaurion suggests there was an ulterior motive to Thanos' actions, and that by empowering Loki, Thanos was actually playing a long game to try and bring down Asgard ...
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Why did Loki become evil in Avengers?

This stemmed from his childhood and the belief that Odin didn't love him. While Odin's hiding of Loki 's true parentage and Thor's demeaning behavior may have influenced Loki, ultimately he is to blame for his villainous actions due to his own issues with self-acceptance and misinterpretation of his upbringing.
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Did Thanos send Loki to get Tesseract?

The Avengers

Loki decides he wants to become supreme ruler of earth. He cuts a deal with a big, bad purple alien named Thanos: Thanos will lend Loki an Infinity Stone called the Mind Stone (which Loki wields in his scepter) so that Loki can retrieve the Tesseract (and Space Stone inside it) for Thanos.
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Here's How Thanos Originally Got The Mind Stone For Loki

Why would Thanos give Loki an Infinity Stone?

Another theory, posted on Reddit, suggests that Thanos' real goal when he gave the Mind Stone to Loki was destabilizing Asgard so he could get to Nidavellir and have an Infinity Gauntlet made for him. Nidavellir is one of the Nine Realms, homeworld to the Dwarves, and the place where weapons like Mjolnir were created.
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What if Loki didn t take the Tesseract in Endgame?

If Loki had left the Tessaract, the Tessaract would break, but the space stone would drift for anyone to take it among the debris. The stones are linked you have one, you can easyer find the other once. Thanos and probably also Maw could sence Loki had it.
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Was Loki brainwashed by Thanos?

Offering the God of Mischief dominion over his brother's favorite realm Earth, Thanos requested the Tesseract in return. Gifted with a Scepter that acted as a mind control device, Loki would be able to influence others.
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Is Loki a good guy now?

Loki, despite his past actions, is given a chance to be a "good guy" and redeem himself, unlike other villains. Loki's popularity and sympathetic persona contribute to his extensive redemption, making him one of the MCU's beloved characters.
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Is Loki a good guy or bad guy?

Loki is undeniably one of Marvel's most prominent and recognizable bad guys; inspired by the Norse legends, he's so dangerous that in both the comics and the MCU, he's essentially the one who led to the Avengers first assembling.
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How did Loki survive Thanos killing him?

From his first MCU appearance in 2011's Thor, Loki revealed his ability to create duplicates of himself and fake his death. At the end of the film, Loki was seen careening through space to his apparent death, only to resurface during the end credits scene.
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How does Loki know Thanos?

Arriving at the Sanctuary through a wormhole caused by the Bifrost, Loki met the Other, ruler of the ancient race of extraterrestrials the Chitauri, and Thanos. Offering the God of Mischief dominion over his brother's favorite realm Earth, Thanos requested the Tesseract in return.
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Who sent Thanos to Earth?

At some point in his youth, a younger Thanos was sent to Earth by Mephisto where he fought the prehistoric Avengers where he was repelled. As an adult, Thanos augmented his physical strength and powers through his superior scientific knowledge using a combination of mysticism and cybernetic enhancements.
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How is Loki alive after Infinity War?

After a couple of years, Classic Loki attempts to leave his isolation only for the TVA to be alerted and for him to be taken in as a variant. This clearly shows us that in the Sacred Timeline Loki survived Infinity War and has been living on this unknown planet for the past couple of years.
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Does Thor know Loki is alive?

Thor knew that Loki was alive and on Earth not because of Heimdall… because of Frigga. In the comics version of The Movie Thor (2011), it is noted that Frigga communicated with Loki and warned Odin & Thor that the God of Mischief is alive and well. Hope this helps.
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Why can't Thor beat Thanos?

This is because Thor did not attempt to take Thanos on, in a face to face fight. Thor had a formidable weapon and he got a good shot at Thanos with a surprise attack. Thanos didn't see him coming until it was too late.
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How did Loki fake his death in Thor 2?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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What is Loki the god of?

Loki was regarded by the ancient Norse people as the god of mischief, trickery, and deception. He was also seen as the father of several gods and Jotunns, including Sleipnir, Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir.
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Is Loki the most loved villain?

He has appeared in 4 Marvel movies - that's as many appearances as The Hulk - clearly making him the most popular villain in the MCU if nothing else.
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Did Loki already know Thanos?

Marvel Comics gave fans a peek into the true motivations behind Thanos' actions, confirming that Loki knows more about Thanos than the MCU does. In a recent peek into Thanos' true motives behind his villainous actions, Marvel Comics confirmed that Loki knows the Mad Titan better than his own MCU movies.
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Why did Loki want Earth?

So I think by the time Loki shows up in The Avengers, he's seen a few things." About Loki's motivations, Hiddleston said, "At the beginning of The Avengers, he comes to Earth to subjugate it and his idea is to rule the human race as their king.
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Who is controlling Loki in The Avengers?

Loki Was Under The Control Of The Mind Stone In The Avengers

Unbeknownst to him, the Scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth."
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Why didn't Loki's scepter work on Stark?

In The Avengers, Loki tried to mind-control both Hawkeye and Iron Man, but while he succeeded with Hawkeye, his attempts failed on Iron Man due to his arc reactor. Iron Man's arc reactor protected him from Loki's scepter, as the scepter needed to touch organic matter to work, and the arc reactor was not skin.
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Why didn t Hela use the Tesseract?

One explanation would be that Hela knew who would one day come for the Tesseract, and wanting to stay out of the path of Thanos steered clear of it altogether so she did not suffer the same fate as Loki.
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Why didn t Loki trick Thanos?

Loki had more knowledge of Thanos than most others as he essentially worked for him in Avengers 1. He knew that even if he ran with the Tesseract, Thanos would hunt him down.
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