Why does the Basilisk only listen to Voldemort?

It was possible that the Basilisk was trained, enchanted or persuaded to obey only the Heir of Slytherin or anyone of the Slytherin bloodline and not all Parselmouths. The Basilisk's personality was not particularly complicated.
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Why does the basilisk only obey Voldemort?

Basilisk was Slytherin's monster, who can be controlled only by his descendent. Tom riddle was his direct descendent. While Harry got his ability to speak parseltounge because he had a part of Voldemort's soul in him.
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Why didn t Ron and Hermione hear the basilisk hissing?

It makes sense that only a parseltounge could understand the basilisk or another snake, but people can hear snakes hiss. During the Dueling Club meeting, the other students can hear the conjured snake hiss and hear Harry hiss when he talks to it.
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Why didn't Tom Riddle make the basilisk a Horcrux?

Why didn't Voldemort make Basilisk a horcrux? Only he could call it, thus keeping it safe forever. The Basilisk was a giant creature, longer and bigger than two adult Anacondas combined. Voldemort couldn't have it around all the time like Nagini (his snake Horcrux.)
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Why can only a basilisk fang destroy Horcruxes?

Basilisk venom is extremely powerful, and can kill a person within a little more than a minute at best, making the person drowsy and blurry-visioned before they die. The strength of the venom is one of the few substances known to be capable of destroying Horcruxes, causing them fatal damage that cannot be repaired.
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Is Voldemort IMMUNE to the Basilisk's Gaze? - Harry Potter Theory

Why didn't Basilisk Venom destroy Harry's Horcrux?

To destroy the horcrux you have to destroy the container in which it lives in. Harry didn't die, so its container wasn't destroyed.
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Why wasn't Harry killed by Basilisk?

The only way to destroy the Horcrux inside Harry is by killing Harry, which is the equivalent of destroying beyond repair. Harry didn't died in the chamber of secrets because although the Basiliks is poisonous Fawkes saved him. So an alive Harry means that the Horcrux is still there.
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Was Harry Potter bitten by the Basilisk?

History. In 1993, Harry Potter stabbed the roof of the Basilisk's mouth with the Sword of Gryffindor and ended up getting a fang splintered into his arm. Tom Riddle described the venom as being able to kill Harry in a little more than a minute, though Fawkes's tears healed Harry's arm and cleansed the poison.
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Is the Basilisk in Harry Potter blind?

When Tom Riddle commanded the Serpent of Slytherin to attack Harry Potter, he was seemingly unaffected by the Basilisk's gaze. If the Basilisk's eyes were damaged (thus rendering it blind), it took away the lethal ability as well.
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Why didn t Voldemort make a Horcrux every time he killed someone?

It was stated at one point that Voldemort had already "pushed his soul to the limit" in creating his multiple Horcruxes. This implied a finite number of Horcruxes any one person may create before the process became too dangerous to attempt again.
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Did Harry lose Parseltongue?

After Lord Voldemort destroyed the fragment of his soul residing in Harry, Harry seemingly lost the ability to speak Parseltongue, about which he was glad and relieved. Over the next twenty-two years, he never attempted to speak the language, presuming that it had died with Voldemort.
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How did McGonagall know it was Ginny in the Chamber?

Towards the end of the year McGonagall was forced to act as temporary Headmistress after the Ministry of Magic suspended Dumbledore. Finally, she discovered another note from the Heir of Slytherin which stated that he had taken Ginny Weasley into the Chamber.
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Can Ron speak Parseltongue?

The ability to speak Parseltongue is usually inborn; a wizard is born being able to speak Parseltongue, and those who are not born with the ability cannot normally learn the language (although, according to the author, Dumbledore may have learned to understand it, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron learnt ...
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Could Dumbledore beat the basilisk?

Dumbledore. Keep in mind that although Harry was an extraordinary wizard he was inexperienced and only in his second year. Dumbledore is a much more experienced wizard beating Grindlewald and being a master of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore could easily destiny the basilisk.
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Why did Slytherin have a basilisk?

Salazar Slytherin's basilisk was born in the chamber, as revealed by Aragog. Slytherin, in his spite of the his fellow founders' acceptance of muggle-borns into the school, left a basilisk deep in the chamber, in hopes that one day his true heir will unleash her to purge all they deem unworthy to study magic.
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Was nagini a basilisk?

Nagini is NOT the Basilisk and does not live at Hogwarts. She doesn't have to get out, because she was never 'in'. It is only when Harry sees Snape's memory of his conversation with Dumbledore regarding the snake that he realizes that it is probably a Horcrux too.
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What if the Basilisk looked in a mirror?

Looking into the eye of the Basilisk will cause instantaneous death, however, even catching a glance of it in a reflection will cause Petrification, or total paralysis. Created by hatching a chicken egg under a toad, Basilisk breeding was banned in the medieval age due to the danger they posed.
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Did everyone know Harry killed the Basilisk?

Ron, Mrs/Mr Weasley, McGonagall, Ginny, Dumbledore, and Harry were in the room when Harry explained how he had killed the Basilisk. Hermione probably knows since she figured out the Basilisk, so I guess she's gonna hear Harry killed it later. That gives us just a handful of people.
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Was the Basilisk a girl?

During the 1992–1993 school year, the second message left by the Heir of Slytherin during the Chamber of Secrets's opening read: 'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever. ' Though the message intended to refer to Ginny Weasley, who was taken into the Chamber, the Basilisk was in fact female.
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Is Basilisk a Horcrux?

This would mean that the basilisk was not only a Horcrux but as near to being Slytherin himself as anything could be. As Salazar Slytherin's direct descendent, Tom Riddle could also use the connection to the Hogwarts founder's soul to control the basilisk, while other Parseltongues could not.
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Was the Basilisk evil?

It was also believed that the crow of a rooster could kill the basilisk, and its only natural enemy was the weasel because it is immune to the basilisk's gaze and venom. In any account of the beast, it is thought that the basilisk is a symbol of evil and death.
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Who saw the Basilisk?

Colin Creevey — saw the Basilisk through his camera; the Basilisk's gaze also burned his camera's film to a crisp. Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington — saw the Basilisk directly through himself, but, as a ghost, he could not die again.
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Was Moaning Myrtle killed by the Basilisk?

Opening the stall's door, she was about to yell at Riddle to go away, when the Basilisk stared at Myrtle and her eyes met with the monster's. Since looking into a Basilisk's eyes is a fatal act, Myrtle was killed instantly and her body fell to the bathroom floor, becoming Tom's first victim.
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Did Nagini bite Harry?

When Nagini bit Harry at Godric's Hollow while coming out of her disguise as Bathilda Bagshot, it is unknown how dittany was capable of stopping the bleeding, when Arthur and Snape both bled unstoppably, with Snape actually dying from it.
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Do glasses protect you from the Basilisk?

Glasses in the wizarding world

Wearing glasses would not protect a person from the fatal effect of the Basilisk's stare, because glasses still allowed one's line of vision to connect directly and clearly with the serpent's eyes, unlike looking in a mirror or through a camera.
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