Why is Kara so weak in the Flash?

This decades-long exposure left Supergirl very weak and pale, forcing the Flash to carry her out, into yellow sunlight. However, even one exposure to direct yellow sunlight wasn't enough to counteract the decades of weakening, so Supergirl passed out after only a few minutes of using her powers.
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Why is Kara weak in The Flash?

At some point, Kara became weakened by the excessive solar radiation in her blood from flying too close to the sun and needed a heart transplant to heal her dying body.
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Why is Supergirl weaker than Superman in The Flash movie?

She's not. In many forms of media, she's actually stronger. This is because she lived longer under a red sun so her cells were conditioned to take in low level light more than Kal El.
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Why is Kara stronger than Clark?

Still, as a child, Clark didn't know his own strength. He's spent his whole life learning to limit his own abilities so that he could live among humans. Alternatively, Kara Zor-El was raised on Krypton. She was taught to fight and harness her strength even before she gained Kryptonian powers from the yellow sun.
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How come Kara couldn t beat Zod?

Zod is probably stronger than Kara. Much better trained. Since they are the same species, it's effectively like an Earth soldier fighting an Earth teenager girl. If he can grab something strong enough, like a shard of Kryptonian armor, he can stab her.
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kara and barry being a comedic duo for 5 mins and 54 seconds straight

Can Kara beat Superman?

While many underestimate her and consider Kara to be a softer hero than Superman, her nature shows pure, unbridled determination and stubbornness — feats she overtakes her cousin in. With her persistence, she's able to push past any limits placed that hinder Kal-El, even going so far as to beat their own natural enemy.
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Is Kara immune to kryptonite?

Kryptonite: Like all Kryptonians, even while empowered, Kara is vulnerable to the exposure of Kryptonite, a radioactive mineral from her home planet Krypton.
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Who is the strongest female Kryptonian?

Supergirl is the Living Symbol of Strength

She survived the loss of her home planet, fought to earn the respect of Earth, and conquered every fear and anxiety she's ever had. Kara is undoubtedly the strongest Kryptonian in both physical strength and spirit.
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Who is strongest Kryptonian?

Out of all the Kryptonians in the DC Universe, Supergirl is surprisingly the strongest of them all. A villain reveals that Kara has a mythical aspect to her powers that make her far more powerful than her cousin, Superman.
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Do Kryptonians get stronger as they age?

The abilities of Kryptonians evolve and grow more powerful as Kryptonians age and develop. In some continuities, mating between Kryptonians and other species is difficult because Kryptonian DNA is so complex as to be nearly incompatible with that of other species.
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Can Supergirl beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman and Supergirl have fought twice before - and Wonder Woman handily won both times. Supergirl is incredibly strong, and possess all the powers of her more famous cousin. Unfortunately, she lacks the experience and training necessary to defeat Diana in a fight.
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How much can Supergirl lift?

Superhuman Strength: The exact magnitude of Supergirl's strength is unknown, but effortlessly ranges into the multi-megaton level at the very least. While the exact magnitude is unknown, it is generally accepted that it easily surpasses the capacity to lift 20,000,000,000 tons.
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Who is the fastest between Flash and Supergirl?

Flash easily. Comic Flash can travel faster than instant teleportation, I think it was Wally that did this. Supergirl hasnt shown any speed feats above superman and all flashes are lightyears ahead of clark.
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Does Kara turn evil?

Kara is the titular protagonist in CBS' Supergirl series. Played by Melissa Benoist, Kara became a villainess in episode 1.16, "Falling." While saving a fireman trapped by debris, Kara was inadvertently exposed to red kryptonite while removing the debris.
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Why does Kara have blue heat vision?

In the Arrowverse, Kryptonian heat vision is actually blue. No official reason has ever been given, but the most likely explanation is that a blue flame is hotter than a red one, so this actually emphasizes the intensity of the heat.
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Why did Kara turn evil?

7 Under Red Kryptonite

In Supergirl season 1 episode 16, Kara gets exposed to Red Kryptonite. This turns her into a more confident, sometimes aggressive woman. It also makes her dangerous, because she loses all compassion for humans and embraces her rage.
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Why is Zod weaker than Superman?

Powers and abilities

However, Zod's powers are often inferior to those of Superman, due to the latter being exposed to the yellow sun over the course of his entire life, while Zod typically only gets exposed for a short period of time before being defeated and returned to the Phantom Zone.
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What is the lifespan of a Kryptonian?

Kryptonian's Longevity

This can enable them to live well into their hundreds to even thousands of years with every detail of their appearance remaining unchanged. It is believed that their physical appearances reach the peak of their lives in the range of their twenty years (on Earth).
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Who is Superman's strongest child?

Superman's 16 Strongest Kids
  • 8 Conner Kent/Superboy.
  • 7 Chris Kent/Nightwing.
  • 6 Cir-El/Supergirl.
  • 5 Jordan Kent.
  • 4 Kara Kent/Superwoman.
  • 3 Lara/Supergirl.
  • 2 Ariella Kent/Supergirl.
  • 1 Jonathan Kent/Hyperman.
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Who is stronger Kara or Wonder Woman?

Wiz: She-Ra was impressive but Diana's Strength, Speed, Durability, and Experience surpass the wonder victory.
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Is Superman really the last Kryptonian?

he's supposed to be the last kryptonian, obviously exceptions like zod and supergirl exist but the bottom line is, he is ONE OF the last surviving of his species, which means we no virtually nothing about the other members of his species, average height, weight, strength, speed, etc.
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Are Amazons stronger than Kryptonians?

Super Strength - Amazons have incredible superhuman strength, though not quite on the same level as that of a Kryptonian or the demigoddess Princess Diana. As a result, an Amazon can lift immense weights, bend steel, crush stone, and overpower several grown men effortlessly.
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Who does Kara get pregnant with?

During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child.
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Is Kara older than Superman?

She is the biological cousin of Superman, and although chronologically older than him, the ship in which she traveled to Earth was caught in a large green Kryptonite meteorite which held her in a state of suspended animation for much of the journey, making her have the appearance of a 16-year-old girl.
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Is Kara Superman's Daughter?

On New 52 DC Multiverse Earth-38, Supergirl is Kara Kent, the daughter of Superman and Lois Lane on an alternate Earth where Superman and Batman began their careers in the 1930s, married in the 1940s and had children in the 1950s.
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