Why is Simon's death ironic?

Answer and Explanation: Simon's death presents irony in a few ways, most notably because he is coming down the mountain to prove to the other boys that the beast does not exist, then is mistaken for the beast and killed.
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Why is Simon's death significant?

Golding made Simon's death an allegory for Christ. Simon took care of the littluns by giving them food, stood up for Piggy when he was bullied, gained essential knowledge that would have saved the boys from their spiral into savagery, and was killed by his own people.
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What irony of fate does Simon suffer?

In the novel Lord of the Flies, Simon's death is ironic because he was attempting to tell the other boys that the beast did not exist, but the boys mistook him for the beast. This is a classic example of dramatic irony because the audience is aware of Simon's knowledge, while the characters are not.
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What is ironic about the ending of Lord of Flies?

At the end of the story, Jack's tribe sets the jungle on fire to drive Ralph into the open. Ironically, the smoke from Jack's destructive fire catches the attention of a passing ship and leads to their rescue.
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How is death ironic?

The balance of these differing sensing of what death is permit a more complete view of the event, with each one playing an important role in the process. Hence ironically, death is feared but not feared, sad but joyous, and known but unknown.
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Why is Simon's death ironic?

What was the irony in the story?

In simplest terms, irony occurs in literature AND in life whenever a person says something or does something that departs from what they (or we) expect them to say or do. Just as there are countless ways of misunderstanding the world [sorry kids], there are many different kinds of irony.
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What was ironic in the story?

Irony occurs when a moment of dialogue or plot contradicts what the audience expects from a character or story. In other words, irony in literature happens when the opposite of what you'd expect actually occurs.
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Why does Ralph cry at the end?

Ralph cried because of the ''end of innocence'' and the ''darkness that lies in all men's hearts. '' He also wept for the loss of his friend, Piggy.
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Who killed Simon in Lord of the Flies?

In the darkness, Simon crawls into the group and tries to tell them what he has seen but it is too late. The boys have lost all control and thinking he is the Beast, they kill Simon - even Ralph and Piggy are involved. That night, Simon's body is carried out to sea.
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What quotes in Lord of the Flies show irony?

"You got your small fire all right" (Golding 60). Here, Piggy uses sarcasm, a form of verbal irony. The boys' "small fire" is consuming the jungle. "'Use a littlun,' said Jack, and everybody laughed" (Golding 165).
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What does Simon's death foreshadowed?

The boys begin to accompany the game with a sinister chant "Kill the pig" and turn the whole thing into a wild and savage dance. They eventually get so carried away with all this, that Simon is brutally killed. Therefore the game foreshadows Simon's death. It also foreshadows the final hunt to slaughter Ralph.
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What literally happens to Simon's body after he dies?

Howling wind and waves wash Simon's mangled corpse into the ocean, where it drifts away, surrounded by glowing fish.
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Who thinks Simon's death was an accident?

What do Ralph and Piggy say about Simon's death? Ralph says it was murder; Piggy insists it wasn't. Ralph says it was an accident; Piggy calls it murder. They both refuse to talk about it.
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What does Simon and Piggy's death symbolize?

Piggy's death is also murder, his death being the result of an intentional act, unlike Simon's, which makes clear to the reader that innocence is gone.
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How does Simon's death show loss of innocence?

After the murder of Simon, the boys innocence vanished. Jack's tribe took part in killing Simon, they thought he was the beast so they wanted to kill him. Piggy and Ralph participated in the killing as well. Later on they realize that they have murdered an innocent soul.
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How is Simon's death like Jesus?

While returning to tell the boys, Simon is hit in the side by a spear. Jesus was also stabbed in the side before his crucifixion. The deaths of Simon and Jesus also had many things in common. Both were killed by members of their community, and were persecuted for the sins and evil of others.
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How does Piggy justify Simon's death quote?

Lord of the Flies Chapter 10 Quotes

The morning after Simon is killed, Piggy tries to justify their actions by saying it was dark and they were scared, but Ralph knows they boys are at fault. "I wasn't scared... I was—I don't know what I was." "You were outside.
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What does Simon represent in LOTF?

In Lord of the Flies Simon's character symbolizes goodness, and he is often compared to the Biblical figure Christ. His character acts as an allegory, which is a deeper or hidden meaning. In his case, Simon is an allegory of saintliness and human goodness.
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Does Ralph know they killed Simon?

This chapter reveals the boys' responses to their actions of the night before, when they beat Simon to death in a tribal frenzy. Ralph is the only character who names the deed as murder and has a realistic, unvarnished view of his participation.
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What is Piggys real name?

Piggy's real name is never revealed. Instead he is treated as though he is one of the pigs on the island - also like one of them, he is brutally killed. Piggy remains an outsider and a victim throughout the novel, though Ralph does come to respect him.
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Why do the boys cry in LOTF?

As they speak, the reality of what has happened to them finally hits them, and several boys begin crying. They are transformed from murderous savages back into scared children.
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Why does Ralph cry for Piggy?

Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy.
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What are the three ironies mentioned in the story?

Irony is a literary technique that storytellers use to contrast expectations and reality. There are primarily three types of irony: dramatic, situational, and verbal.
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Why is it called ironic?

The term irony has its roots in the Greek comic character Eiron, a clever underdog who by his wit repeatedly triumphs over the boastful character Alazon. The Socratic irony of the Platonic dialogues derives from this comic origin.
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