Why was Captain Marvel missing from Endgame?

Storytelling-wise, however, limiting her presence in Avengers: Endgame made sense, considering that it was meant to be the original Avengers' final outing. Marvel Studios found a way to explain her absence for the majority of the film, with Carol saying that she was busy helping other planets recover from Thanos' snap.
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Why is there no Captain Marvel in Infinity War?

And it goes deeper than that. In Endgame, Captain Marvel reveals that she "abandoned" Earth because there were other planets in need of her help who didn't have the Avengers to look out for them.
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Where did Captain Marvel go in Endgame?

The team goes to Thanos' garden, find out the Infinity Stones were destroyed, and watch as Thor decapitates the Mad Titan. Avengers: Endgame promptly jumps five years in the future, where we learn that Captain Marvel is no longer on Earth and she stays in outer space all the way until the film's climactic battle.
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What happened to captain in Endgame?

After returning the Infinity Stones to their original timelines, he remains in the 1940s with his lost love Peggy Carter; they marry, and Rogers lives a full life. Rogers chooses Sam Wilson to be his successor, passing his shield and the title of Captain America onto him.
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Why are there two Captain America's in Endgame?

Steve Rogers created an alternate timeline when he went back in time and spent his life with Peggy. So there was one Steve Rogers that was stuck in ice until found in the present day and another Steve Rogers that was alive in 1948 and living happily married to Peggy Carter.
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Tony Stark & Captain America Argument Scene - Avengers: Endgame Movie (Scene) | Movie Clip HD

Why did Captain America get old after Endgame?

The Avengers: Endgame ending saw Steve Rogers use Pym particles to venture through the Quantum realm and travel through time in order to return all the Infinity Stones to their original place in the timeline. Then, instead of returning to the present, he chose to stay in the past and spend his life with Peggy Carter.
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Was Steve Peggy's husband all along?

In the final minutes of that movie, Steve Rogers travels back in time to find young Peggy and live out the rest of his life with her. We know from Captain America: The Winter Soldier that Peggy got married and had two kids, and Endgame seems to confirm that her unseen husband was actually Steve Rogers post-time travel.
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Was old Steve at Peggy's funeral?

The Theory: Both Steves Were at Peggy's Funeral

It also means he was Peggy's mystery husband, and lived through most of their lives together knowing his younger, original self was frozen solid.
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Why did Captain Marvel leave in Endgame?

Storytelling-wise, however, limiting her presence in Avengers: Endgame made sense, considering that it was meant to be the original Avengers' final outing. Marvel Studios found a way to explain her absence for the majority of the film, with Carol saying that she was busy helping other planets recover from Thanos' snap.
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Why is Captain Marvel so powerful in Endgame?

Carol Danver's powers came from the Space Stone, the Infinity Stone placed inside the Tesseract. Pietro, Vision, and Wanda show that the combination of an Infinity Stone with a sentient being can lead to highly powerful heroes.
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Where was Captain Marvel when Thanos snapped his fingers?

Captain Marvel was somewhere else, on some other planet, fighting some other problem while infinity war was going on. She didn't come to earth until Nick Fury sent her that message in the end credits scene of Infinity War.
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How did Captain Marvel know to come back in Endgame?

Originally Answered: How did Captain Marvel know to return to Earth in Endgame? She stated she wouldn't be back for months. She was the last to turn up to the big fight after half the life in the universe had been restored. Seeing that restoration was probably good enough reason to return home.
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Why didn't Captain Marvel punch Thanos?

Captain Marvel couldn't defeat Thanos in Avengers: Endgame because he used the power of the Power Stone against her. Captain Marvel is indeed powerful, but not more powerful than the Power Stone.
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Why is Captain Marvel not the strongest Avenger?

Her abilities originated from the Space Stone when she was exposed to the energy of an engine powered by the cosmic relic. As a result, Captain Marvel can absorb and redirect massive amounts of energy. These powers grant her super-strength, flight and energy projection.
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Why did Nick Fury not call Captain Marvel before?

Simply put, Jackson said Fury never contacted Captain Marvel because the threat against Earth was never big enough to warrant the call. Fury's mentality was that if the current superheroes on Earth were capable of handling a threat themselves, then Captain Marvel wasn't needed.
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Who is the father of Peggy Carter's baby?

The writers of "Avengers: Endgame" confirmed that Steve is the father of Peggy's children and that they likely have super soldier DNA. While Steve's children have not appeared in the MCU, in alternate universes he has a son named James Rogers and a daughter named Sarah, both of whom inherit his superhero abilities.
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Did Peggy's sister adopt her baby?

At the end of the first season, much to her own surprise and indicative of how alienated she has become from her own body, Peggy gives birth and goes into shock. The state declares her incompetent and contacts her family, resulting in her sister's adoption of the child.
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Why was gamora not at Tony Stark's funeral?

We know that Gamora wasn't at Tony Stark's funeral - unsurprising considering that she didn't know him, really - so she must have fled after the battle was won.
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Why did Bucky not get the shield?

It's also what he wanted for Steve. Like anybody that ends up traumatized by a war experience, he was affected by it for the rest of his life. So, what felt like a desire there was for a restart - for him and for Steve in a way. It didn't necessarily feel like the shield was gonna be that.
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Is Peggy Carter Tony Stark's mother?

Peggy is in no way related to Tony Stark.
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Why did Captain America not tell Sam about Peggy?

Peggy and future Steve would have taken great care to keep his true identity a secret. And it is because he needed to keep this secret that future Steve did not tell Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) the truth about his wife when Sam questioned him about his wedding ring at the end of Endgame.
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Why did Captain America grow old in Endgame?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Captain America's aging is explained through the concept of time travel and the unique events of "Avengers: Endgame." Steve Rogers (Captain America) did not age naturally like a regular human but rather experienced a different timeline.
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Why was Steve so in love with Peggy?

The two understood each other and helped the other in situations. Peggy helped Steve realize he was meant for more and she helped in save Bucky and the other soldiers in Captain America The First Avenger. Peggy said Steve did change her life, even when they were apart for a time.
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