Why was Ginny dying in the chamber?

On 29 May, when the petrified students were to be cured and it appeared that life at Hogwarts was going to return to normal, the diary possessed Ginny again, forcing her to go down to the Chamber of Secrets and await her death.
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How did they know it was Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets?

Hiding behind a row of robes, Harry and Ron listen to the staff meeting and learn that Ginny Weasley had been taken into the Chamber of Secrets, and that written on the wall were the words, "Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever." McGonagall then announces that the school will be closed, the students sent home ...
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How did the Basilisk take Ginny?

Fifty years after Riddle's original attack on Hogwarts, the Basilisk was re-awakened by a shade of Riddle that was generated by a Horcrux that he had housed in his old diary. That shade possessed Ginny Weasley after Lucius Malfoy had slipped the diary into her cauldron during a confrontation at Flourish and Blotts.
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Who cursed Ginny in Chamber of Secrets?

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, book 2 of the HP series by J.K. Rowling, Ginny Weasley was taken to the Chamber of Secrets by the cursed diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle. Harry Potter took it upon himself to go straight to the chamber so he could rescue Ginny.
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What was Voldemort doing to Ginny?

Her emotional vulnerability allowed the fragment of Voldemort's soul within the diary to gain partial control of her mind. Once the diary had partial control of her he forced her to re-open the Chamber of Secrets.
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How Ginny Saved Everyone In The Chamber Of Secrets

Did Bellatrix use Avada Kedavra on Ginny?

In the film, Bellatrix casts a blue spell at Ginny Weasley instead of a Killing Curse, who deflects it using a Shield Charm. In the book she just avoids it.
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How did Ginny survive the Basilisk?

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Gilderoy Lockhart came to the rescue. Ron and Lockhart were stuck behind an avalanche of stone, so the battle was fought mostly by Harry. Harry managed to defeat both the Basilisk and the memory of Tom Riddle, thus saving Ginny's life.
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Why was Ginny so powerful?

J.K. Rowling once explained that Ginny Weasley is so powerful because she is the seventh child of a seventh child. This is part of folklore that has been around for a long time.
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Did Ginny control the Basilisk?

It might be implied that the Heir of Slytherin can look at a Basilisk directly, but then Ginny would not have been able to, right? And Ginny is the one who opens the Chamber and releases the Basilisk, albeit while possessed by Riddle.
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Did Ginny have a crush on Harry in Chamber of Secrets?

During her first year, she developed a long-standing crush on Harry Potter and came under the influence of the memory of Tom Riddle's sixteen-year-old self, who was preserved in a diary, which forced Ginny to re-open the Chamber of Secrets, endangering the lives of many students, including her own.
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How did Ginny know Parseltongue?

Ginny Weasley was able to speak Parseltongue while she was possessed by Tom Riddle's Diary, which enabled her to open the Chamber of Secrets.
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Is Ginny a mudblood?

Ginny is a pureblood witch born 11 August 1981, the seventh child and only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley. She attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and is sorted into Gryffindor house, along with the rest of her family.
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How could Ginny open the chamber?

Ginny herself didn't, Voldemort possessed her - and through her, was able to open the Chamber. Pretty much whenever Ginny had a blank spot in her memory, Voldemort was the one in her body.
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How did McGonagall know Ginny was in the chamber?

Towards the end of the year McGonagall was forced to act as temporary Headmistress after the Ministry of Magic suspended Dumbledore. Finally, she discovered another note from the Heir of Slytherin which stated that he had taken Ginny Weasley into the Chamber.
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Why would Ginny open the Chamber of Secrets?

After being slipped Tom Riddle's diary by Lucius Malfoy, Ginny began to write in it as Tom's spirit would slowly drain the life from her. In return, Tom compelled Ginny to open the chamber, cause mayhem around the school and then be the next victim to die after Myrtle.
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How did Hermione avoid getting killed by the Basilisk?

Hermione was Petrified after seeing the Basilisks' eyes in a hand mirror. Petrification seemed quite powerful, as the legendary Albus Dumbledore concluded that the only way to reverse the effect was through the use of the Mandrake Restorative Draught.
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Who opened the Chamber of Secrets before Ginny?

The Chamber was in fact opened, approximately fifty years before the time of the Harry Potter series, by Tom Riddle (who later styled himself as Lord Voldemort).
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Why did Voldemort pick Ginny?

I find it most likely that Tom thought Ginny's soul was perfect because she was so young and innocent and had lead a very sheltered life, always protected by her family. This made her both very willing to trust Tom and very unwilling to believe that he was using her to attack her fellow students.
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What was the point of the Chamber of Secrets?

Chamber of Secrets History

Built sometime after the founding of Hogwarts in the tenth century by Hogwarts founder Salazar Slytherin. The Chamber housed an ancient Basilisk, which was intended to be used by the heir of Slytherin to cleanse the school of Muggle-born students.
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Why is Molly Weasley so powerful?

Molly Weasley, although not the most powerful witch, was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, indicating her strength and abilities. Molly's ability to cast non-verbal spells demonstrated her mastery of magic.
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Was Ginny controlled by Voldemort?

Lord Voldemort lived inside those pages, and Ginny was eventually possessed as the Dark wizard began to absorb her strength, control her into opening the Chamber of Secrets, and nearly killed her. The event, though undeniably traumatic, was a pivotal point in Ginny's life.
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Who was Ginny jealous of?

This is where I think she is jealous of Hermione, because in Ginny's mind Hermione has not only taken her brother from her, with Ginny finding she might have been replaced as her brothers best female friend, but she is also jealous of Hermione with how easily she talks to him, and how Harry Potter seems to trust her.
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What was Ginny suffering from?

Ginny Miller suffers from anxiety and depression as a result of her chaotic childhood and high school experience. She confesses to her father that she was turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms and ultimately suffers from a panic attack.
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What kills a Basilisk?

According to some legends, basilisks can be killed by hearing the crow of a rooster or gazing at itself in a mirror. This method of killing the beast is featured in the legend of the basilisk of Warsaw, killed by a man carrying a set of mirrors.
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Would the Basilisk have killed Harry?

If Fawkes hadn't come and healed Harry, the venom would have spread and would have killed him, which would have destroyed the Horcrux in the process. By healing Harry with his tears, Fawkes also saved the bit of Voldemort's soul in Harry.
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