Why was the Death Star at Endor?

The Empire had leaked the location of Death Star II with the hope the totemic symbolism the battle station held would draw out the rebellion for a major battle, in which the Rebel Alliance Navy could be crushed in a surprise trap.
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How did the Death Star end up on Endor?

History. The Empire built the second Death Star in secret above the lush forest moon of Endor, located on the fringes of settled space in a far corner of the galaxy. To protect the battle station during construction, Imperial engineers placed a shield generator on the moon's surface, controlled from a bunker.
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Why didn t the Death Star crash on Endor?

Endor Was Home to Many Moons in Star Wars

The gas-giant planet, also called Endor, was orbited by nine major moons. With the forest moon being one, another was named Kef Bir, which is where the majority of the Death Star's wreckage crash-landed.
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Why didn t the Empire destroy Endor?

Endor was providing the Death Star with a shield that was protecting them from the whole of the Rebel Fleet - so destroying Endor would be counterproductive.
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Why is the Death Star in Return of the Jedi?

Palpatine Rushed The Second Death Star, Which Was The Reason It Got Blown Up. The second Death Star's plans weren't necessarily stolen by the Rebellion. Instead, Palpatine always intended to leak the information about the second in order to lure the Rebellion into attacking it during Return of the Jedi.
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How did the Death Star crash on Kef Bir (but not Endor)?

How many died on alderaan?

Out of the 2 billion inhabitants on Alderaan - with the modern-day populations of China and India having about 2.8 billion people combined - about 60,000 survived the destruction of the planet due to being outside of its star system at the time.
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Why did Palpatine make a second Death Star?

Hoping to crush the Rebellion once and for all, the Empire began construction of a second dreaded Death Star near Endor. Emperor Palpatine then leaked word of its construction to the Alliance, hoping to lure rebel forces in and destroy them.
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What happened to the 501st after Endor?

Now serving the Empire, the members of the 501st took the designation of stormtrooper, as well as new armor, weapons, and ships. In the years to come, they would fight in a number of pivotal battles and continued to serve under the direct command of Vader, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military.
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Why did the emperor not sense Luke on Endor?

Related: How Long Could Anakin Survive Without His Darth Vader Suit? One of the strongest and most compelling reasons that Vader senses Luke on his approach to Endor, but the Emperor does not, is that Vader is both Luke's father and conflicted himself.
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Why did Vader let Luke go to Endor?

He subconsciously wanted to save Luke, thinking that turning him to the Dark Side was the best way to save his life. The Emperor also wanted to preserve Luke, but only insofar as he might prove a better, more powerful apprentice than Vader had.
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What is the most saddest death in Star Wars?

Star Wars: 10 Saddest Deaths In The Movies, Ranked
  • 8 Shmi Skywalker.
  • 7 Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • 6 Mace Windu.
  • 5 Qui-Gon Jinn.
  • 4 Rogue One's Ending.
  • 3 Padme Amidala.
  • 2 Han Solo.
  • 1 Order 66.
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Which Death Star did Rey find?

C-3PO's translation revealed the Emperor's Sith wayfinder was on Kef Bir, a moon in the Endor system. Using Ochi's dagger as a guide, Rey realized the artifact was inside wreckage from the second Death Star.
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Is the Death Star more powerful than Starkiller Base?

The answer to this question will come down to each person's individual preference for the functionality of a sci-fi super weapon. If one considers the sheer might of the Starkiller Base and nothing else, then it is clear that the Starkiller Base is the better of the two.
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Why did the Empire fall after Endor?

Who was running the Empire after the battle of Endor? The Empire was so centered on the figure of Emperor Palpatine that after his death no one knew how to continue, and many new leaders quickly rose up amid the chaos. These leaders confronted each other, and either failed quickly or simply fled.
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How did Palpatine survive Endor?

Emperor Palpatine survived his death in Return of the Jedi by transferring his spirit into a clone body, which required constant life support. Palpatine orchestrated Operation: Cinder and the Contingency to destroy the Empire and pave the way for the rise of the First Order.
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Is Kylo Ren dead?

Its central villain, Kylo Ren, dies after he literally gives his life to Rey, who perished during the final fight against Emperor Palpatine. In a remarkable display, Kylo uses the Force to bring her back from the dead; however, it costs him his life.
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Did the emperor tell Vader Luke was his son?

Originally Answered: How did Vader reacted when Palpatine told him that Luke was his son? Palpatine isn't the one who told him. New-canon Vader figured it out via his own investigation.
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Why didn t Ahsoka help Luke defeat the Empire?

Introduced as Anakin Skywalker's padawan, Ahsoka departed from the Jedi order mostly because she didn't feel aligned with their policy. Still, she never followed the Dark Side path. Years after the Jedi order's fall, she opted to side with the Rebel Alliance and actively opposed the Empire.
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Did any of the clones disobey Order 66?

Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66. Wolffe: As with Captain Rex Wolffe removed his bio chip.
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What happened to Anaxes after the Clone Wars?

After the Clone Wars, Anaxes was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, believed to be the result of a catastrophic main reactor failure detonating a massive stockpile of hypermatter in the shipyards. All that remained of the planet was an asteroid belt.
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Why was the Death Star so weak?

The Death Star's most famous weakness was its thermal exhaust port, but Star Wars has hinted the battle-station had another critical weakness that would have become clear over years. Emperor Palpatine intended the Death Star to be almost invincible, but he had not factored in Galen Erso's sabotage.
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Who led the Empire after Palpatine's death?

Mas Amedda – Grand Vizier of the Imperial Ruling Council and Vice-Chair of the Imperial Senate, later installed by Gallius Rax as puppet leader following Palpatine's death in Aftermath: Life Debt. Amedda formally surrenders the Galactic Empire to the New Republic in Aftermath: Empire's End.
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Was there a third Death Star?

In the original Star Tours, a Death Star III is seen and destroyed during the ride sequence by the New Republic. Leland Chee originally created the third Death Star to explain why a Death Star is present on the Star Tours ride when both of the stations in the movies were destroyed.
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