Why was the Death Star so big?

Both the original and second Death Star were moon-sized and designed for massive power-projection capabilities, capable of destroying an entire planet with a 6.2x1032 J/s power output blast from their superlasers.
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Why was the second Death Star bigger?

In response to the original Death Star's destruction at the hands of Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin, the second Death Star's design incorporated millions of millimeter-sized heat-dispersion tubes in place of the two-meter-wide thermal exhaust port exploited by the Rebel Alliance.
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What is more powerful than the Death Star?

Even if one were to look only at the portion of the planet that is used as a base of operations, Starkiller Base is still said to be roughly two times larger than the Death Star at a minimum. Rather than wiping out a single planet, this bulky but slow superweapon was capable of destroying whole star systems.
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Was the Death Star big enough to have gravity?

The first version of the Death Star was only 160km in diameter, which makes it more like a large asteroid than a moon, and too small to have any significant natural gravity.
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Could the Death Star be built?

Firstly, we cannot build structures that big. The nascent Death Star would warp and deform before it reached any appreciable fraction of its projected size. We do not have the orbital lifting capability to get sufficient mass into space. We don't have the logistical capability to build something of that size.
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How much would it cost to build a real Death Star?

At $2.2 billion in 1945 dollars for the WW2 super project, Feinstein estimates the 20-year cost to complete the Death Star at more than $192 quintillion (that's 18 zeros). While $192,000,000,000,000,000,000 looks like a lot, keep in mind The Evil Empire spanned hundreds of solar systems.
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Is a weapon like the Death Star possible?

The Death Star would require roughly a million billion times more power to blow up a planet, she said in the video. "In producing all that energy, you would produce a lot of heat — like enough heat to melt the Death Star," Burks said.
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How much of the Death Star was habitable?

Half of the Death Star (that is not the Kyber Laser) consists of living quarters. The other half is room for storing the dead bodies of people exposed to the unshielded radiation on their workplace.
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How many people would fit on the Death Star?

According to Star Wars reference books, the population of the Death Star was 1.7 million military personnel, 400,000 maintenance droids, and 250,000 civilians, associated contractors and catering staff.
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What is the heaviest star in the universe?

While the UY Scuti is the largest star, R136a1 is currently the heaviest star in the universe. Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, approximately 165,000 light years from Earth, R136a1 is a member of the rare class of hyper-massive stars, weighing in at more than 170 to 230 times the mass of our sun.
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What is the Death Star one weakness?

Leia brought the plans to the Alliance leadership on Yavin 4, who quickly analyzed the data and discovered the design flaw deliberately left in the battle station by Imperial engineer Galen Erso, which would allow a single proton torpedo, fired into the thermal exhaust port, to destroy the entire station.
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Why did the second Death Star have a hole?

Star Wars: Rogue One revealed that the exhaust port weakness in the original Death Star was deliberately placed there by Galen Erso. But the second Death Star's weakness was that it was incomplete and not properly sealed up.
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Is Vader stronger than the Death Star?

Even the power of that space station is nothing compared to the Forc—" this specific line echoes another one uttered in A New Hope — “The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force” — with both quotes solidifying Vader's opinion that the Death Star was always going to be inferior from ...
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Can the Death Star jump to hyperspace?

But what made the Death Star particularly menacing was its ability to travel through hyperspace. Not only was it equipped with destructive armaments, it could pursue its prey with those armaments.
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How many died on alderaan?

Out of the 2 billion inhabitants on Alderaan - with the modern-day populations of China and India having about 2.8 billion people combined - about 60,000 survived the destruction of the planet due to being outside of its star system at the time.
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Was there a third Death Star?

Present for battles/events

For other uses, see Death Star (disambiguation). The Death Star III, also known as the third Death Star, was a mock Death Star battle station created from an incomplete worldcraft by the Kaarenth Dissension.
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How much would it cost to run the Death Star?

They even joke about it in the Mandalorian. So, let's imagine you are that Chief Budget setter. The Death Star would apparently cost $7.7 Octillion per day to run (think of all the energy for all those light bulbs and sliding doors). Apparently an octillion has 27 zeros (48 here in Britain), so it's a big number.
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What material is the Death Star made of?

Quadanium steel or Quadanium alloy was an extremely durable metallic substance. The surface of the first and second Death Stars were made of Quadanium steel. The planet Despayre was a source of Quadanium for the construction of the first Death Star.
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Who built the Death Star?

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, with assistance from the Geonosians, had plotted to build the first dreaded Death Star -- a weapon unlike anything the galaxy had ever seen.
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Could we build a real life Death Star?

In short, don't count on it happening anytime soon: The actual size of the Death Star, according to their estimations, is close to 120 to 160 kilometers in diameter, and would cost the equivalent of 18 quadrillion dollars to build.
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Could we build a star destroyer?

However getting the parts into space to construct the Star Destroyer would require an additional $44.4 trillion USD in launch costs, suggesting that asteroid mining and refining technologies would have to be developed first to make it more economical.
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What is stronger than a Death Star?

The Empire had other weapons besides the Death Star that could have been more effective in pushing their agenda on the galaxy. Starkiller Base was one suggestion, with a longer range and no built-in self-destruct, making it a formidable weapon.
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What can a dying star turn into?

The heavy stars and some of the double stars become supernovae, while the lighter stars become planetary nebulae. Each steadily increases the proportion of heavy elements in the clouds, out of which new stars will be born.
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Could Star Wars blasters exist?

According to Patrick Johnson, author of The Physics Of Star Wars, blasters could theoretically be created in real life. Humans have been able to create beams of plasma that travel around in circles due to a magnetic containment field, and if the field were turned off, the plasma beam would go straight.
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