Why was Vader weak in Jedi Survivor?

One possible explanation for Darth Vader's somewhat shocking lack of power comes from Jedi: Survivor's placement in the Star Wars timeline. The story takes place in 9 BBY, which is the same year that the Obi-Wan Kenobi series is set.
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Is it possible to beat Vader in Jedi Survivor?

The best time to destroy him is actually after the red grab attack, which leaves him completely open. It's about keeping it simple, you can only do normal attacks, and combo into him when he's open, the key is avoiding his own combos.
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Could Cere have beaten Vader?

By the end of their duel, Cere left Vader burnt, limping, and wheezing, proving Vader wasn't all-powerful. Ultimately, she came closer to killing Vader than almost any Jedi in Star Wars canon, though her overzealous attack ended up being her downfall.
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What is Vader's weakness?

Darth Vader's loss of limbs prevents him from using force lightning, a common ability among Sith, making him weaker in comparison. Vader's reliance on his mechanical suit weakens him in battle, reducing his agility and mobility from his days as Anakin Skywalker.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan faced off against Darth Vader four times and physically beat him twice while beating him through his Force development in a third fight. Obi-Wan Kenobi had the high ground that led to Vader's disfigurement and becoming the ultimate Star Wars cyborg.
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Darth Vader VS Dagan Gera + Rayvis

What Jedi almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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Is Starkiller stronger than Vader?

Galen Marek, better known as Starkiller, was the main protagonist of the Legends games before Disney bought Lucasfilm. He displayed incredible control of the Force, from moving a Star Destroyer to defeating both Vader and Palpatine in succession.
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Who is stronger than Darth Vader?

As Darth Vader, he was one of the strongest beings in the entire galaxy. But even then, he was never able to surpass his master, Darth Sidious. A Sith Apprentice can only become the master when they murder the one who trained them.
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Can Cal Kestis beat Darth Vader?

For one, Cal can't kill Darth Vader because of what's already been established in the lore and continuity that was created long before Cal ever appeared in the Star Wars Jedi franchise.
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Why couldn't Cal sense Bode?

Despite being Force-sensitive, Bode was able to conceal his connection to the Force to the point where even Jedi Masters could not sense it.
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Who is the only Jedi to cheat death?

In 19 BBY, having completed his plan to turn Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force, Darth Sidious claimed his late master Darth Plagueis to have gained the ability to cheat death and to preserve the lives of the ones he loved by influencing midi-chlorians.
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Is Vader weaker than Anakin?

If anything Vader was much stronger because of his powered armored suit. And Vader's ability to manipulate the Force wasn't any lesser than Anakin's. The one area where Anakin had him beat completely was in his agility. Anakin's agility was what made him one of the deadliest Jedi of all time.
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What is Darth Vader afraid of?

Even after his brutal scorching in the fires of Mustafar, sand remained the only natural phenomenon that Vader feared. To him, sand was a reminder that he'd failed to save his mother or Padme from death.
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Is Anakin stronger than Yoda?

Evidence for ROTS Anakin > Yoda (in the force)

Sidious then confirms that Anakin is 'far' more powerful. Anakin's quick work of Dooku + Sheev's confirmation immediately make it clear that Anakin is a tier above Dooku power wise when he cuts loose.
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Was Maul afraid of Vader?

Yep. Darth Maul didn't really say or show straight up that he "feared" Darth Vader, but he openly stated his belief that he could not defeat Darth Vader without the help of the Jedi, therefore on his own.
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Is Kylo Ren a Sith?

History. A dark side warrior with a mysterious past, Kylo Ren was neither Jedi nor Sith, but a product of both sides' teachings. Once an apprentice of Luke Skywalker's, he killed his fellow students and drove Skywalker into exile, becoming a First Order warlord and servant of Supreme Leader Snoke.
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What Jedi could beat Palpatine?

Did Palpatine let Mace Windu defeat him or did Mace really defeat him? Palpatine let him defeat him. Mace did defeat him.
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What Sith could beat Vader?

The only Sith Lord who actually killed Vader, Darth Sidious kept his apprentice in line for over two decades. His true advantage was Force lightning, a power which would wreak havoc on the suit keeping him alive.
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Can Rey beat Vader?

He has decades of experience and even though Rey's brute power has seen her through every fight, Vader has the power and the skill, something Rey lacks in comparison. Rey just couldn't match up to Vader.
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Could Ahsoka have beaten Vader?

While their duel on Malachor was interrupted before a victor could emerge, the damage sustained by the Sith Lord was evidence enough that Ahsoka could beat Darth Vader.
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What did the Sith do for 1000 years?

The Sith stayed in hiding for a thousand years, their survival unknown to the Jedi, as they plotted their revenge against the Jedi Order. The Sith remained a distant memory until the rise of Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith, and his apprentice, Darth Maul, in the waning years of the Galactic Republic.
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Is Palpatine stronger than Vader?

Vader's innate talent with the Force would have made him more powerful than Palpatine, if not for Palpatine meddling in his life from a young age. As it stands, Palpatine's influence over Vader was too great for Vader's strength to overcome, forcing him to take Palpatine down when he was prone and unaware.
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