Would Mulan's feet have been bound?

Mulan's Feet Were Not Bound A traditional fact of Chinese culture was that women would bind their feet. This practice would make it so their feet would fit into smaller shoes and was a common practice during the Han Dynasty and for long after.
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Would Mulan have bound feet?

According to the novel, Mulan's feet were bound when she was very young because men considered small feet to be a sign of beauty. (By the way, this was an inaccuracy in the novel—the Chinese didn't start binding girls' feet until after Mulan's time.)
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Who had their feet bound during the Qing Dynasty?

In the 12th century, foot binding had become much more widespread, and by the early Qing Dynasty (in the mid-17th century), every girl who wished to marry had her feet bound.
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How were feet bound in China?

Then the feet were massaged and oiled before all the toes, except the big toes, were broken and bound flat against the sole, making a triangle shape. Next, her arch was strained as the foot was bent double. Finally, the feet were bound in place using a silk strip measuring ten feet long and two inches wide.
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What is the historical background of Mulan?

The historical setting of the Ballad of Mulan is usually the Northern Wei's military campaigns against the nomadic Rouran. A later adaptation has Mulan active around the founding of the Tang Dynasty (circa 620 AD).
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Is Mulan 1998 culturally accurate?

Mulan (1998)

The film is speckled with minor historical infractions. For instance, the Chinese characters Mulan writes on her arm at the beginning of the film are a form of writing which didn't exist in the fifth century, the time period in which “Mulan” takes place.
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Who are the Huns in Mulan?

The villains of her story are the Huns––a fierce army of Mongolian warriors bent on conquest. Historically speaking, that's complete B.S. First of all, Mulan would have looked more like the Hun than the Han. Her people, the Xianbei, were a proto-Mongolian tribe of horsemen.
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How painful was foot binding?

I've often heard comparisons of this strange and extreme practice with the modern day wearing of high, uncomfortable shoes by women. In reality there IS no comparison. Foot binding was incredibly painful and quite barbaric and caused long-term, irreparable damage.
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Is foot binding illegal in China?

After the Nationalist Revolution in 1911, footbinding was outlawed in 1912. However, the practice did not truly end until the creation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Footbinding has been compared to other ways to “perfect” the female body, such as corsets and female genital cutting or mutilation.
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Was foot binding common in China?

It has been estimated that, by the 19th century, 40–50% of all Chinese women may have had bound feet, rising to almost 100% in upper-class Han Chinese women. In the late 19th century, Christian missionaries and Chinese reformers challenged the practice.
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Which dynasty banned foot binding?

Footbinding began in China during the Song dynasty (10th century) and continued until the end of the Qing dynasty. The practice was formally prohibited in China in 1911 but continued in isolated regions well into the 1930s.
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Who stopped foot binding in China?

The aforementioned tactics showed great success in forming the nationalist revolution which served to spark the flame that finally brought foot binding to an end in the year 1911, during the revolution of Sun Yat Sen, eradicating a custom that has existed for over a millennium.
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Did Japan do foot binding?

Foot binding has never been practiced in Japan, and the Japanese footwear style evolved in in a very different manner to the Chinese style. Japan took a lot of influence from Chinese court culture, including in fashion, but that was during the Tang Dynasty.
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Why weren't Mulan's feet bound?

Legend: In the play (which was written in the sixteenth century), Mulan was shown with her bound feet, which had been a Chinese custom practiced for 10 centuries. Realizing that her small feet would reveal her identity, she had to unbind them before wearing men's shoes.
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Why was Mulan not popular in China?

However, while government restrictions and Disney's history of releasing films not aligned with Chinese politics didn't help, one of the main reasons "Mulan" bombed at the box office was because audiences thought Mulan was too "foreign-looking."
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Why didn t Mulan do well in China?

China blocked the release of Disney's animated “Mulan” for eight months in the late 1990s after the company backed Martin Scorsese's “Kundun,” a film seen as sympathetic to the Dalai Lama. The animated “Mulan” bombed in China as a result.
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Did Korea do foot binding?

The answer is clear: First, binding feet was not an everlasting Chinese tradition, particularly not in the ancient times when Vietnam and Korea were still quite uncivilized and copied Chinese customs. Instead, it was only widely applied in the last two dynasties of China, the time being after 1300.
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Is foot binding permanent?

The practice applied tight wrapping of girls' feet at a very young age, resulting in permanent deform in their shape and size.
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Did the Chinese invent foot binding?

Some believe that foot binding originated during the late Tang Dynasty which ruled between the years of 618 and 9071, however, experts have found that the first concrete evidence of the practice dates back to the Song Dynasty which ruled between 960 and 12792.
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Is foot binding reversible?

In its most extreme form, the binding permanently and painfully deformed girls' feet and hindered their mobility throughout their life. Reaching this fixed shape took years. These “lotus feet” were essentially irreversible.
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What were the dangers of foot binding?

Women with bound feet were more likely to fall, less able to squat, and less able to stand up from a chair without assistance than women with normal feet. They also had 14.3% less functional reach (a test of balance) and 5.1% lower hip bone density.
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What bones are affected by foot binding?

However, calcaneus bone is a skeletal site that is directly affected by foot binding and associated alterations in physical activity. Our QUS measurements showed a rate of osteoporosis that was one-third higher in women with bound feet than in the controls.
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How old is Mulan?

Mulan and Li Shang

Mulan was thought to be just 16 when she chopped off her hair and took her father's place in the army, and Shang was 19.
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Is Genghis Khan in Mulan?

“The emperor is an important person in [The Ballad of Mulan], but he's not called by his Chinese name,” says Chen. Rather than the Chinese title of huangdi, the emperor is referred to as “Khan,” “Kehan” or “Kaghan,” depending on the translation—a title used to refer to Genghis Khan and other Mongol leaders.
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Are Huns in Mulan historically accurate?

Historians do believe that the Huns were responsible for invading the region of China where the film takes place during the time this story was set, according to China Highlights. The Huns lived to the north, in the Rouran State, although their leader in the film, Shan Yu, was not a real historical figure.
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