Are extras allowed to speak?

Another thing to remember: featured extras still don't speak on camera. If they have even a one-word line, they're now considered a “co-star.” Co-stars have five lines or less; generally, they'll only be required for one day of shooting, though that's subject to change.
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Are extras allowed to talk to the actors?

It is strictly not permitted to talk to the actors, ask for autographs, take photographs, or use recording equipment of any kind. This can result in you being dismissed immediately without pay. It is not permitted to bring a friend or family member with you, this also applies to costume fittings.
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Do extras have to be silent?

Background actors, also known as extras, are usually required to mouth the words silently in the background of a scene. If you're background, that means you have no lines. You may be seen but not heard.
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Why are extras not allowed to talk?

The amount they're paid depends on how many lines they have. An extra is basically the lowest on the totem pole, and if they had a speaking role, they'd get paid more per SAG rules. Thus the production just gives them silent roles so they don't have to pay as much.
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Do extras get paid more if they speak?

Typically, extras do not receive speaking roles.

If you do get a line to speak, even after coming onto the set as a background artist, then after you deliver that line – you are no longer an extra. You're an actor now, and you'll be credited accordingly, provided that it's a professional film set.
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Can I Get a Speaking Role From Being an Extra?

Is being an extra hard?

Being an extra requires no experience, no acting talent and no talking. Although you can sometimes parlay being an extra into an acting career, that's neither required nor expected. All that's expected of you is to show up on time — early, ideally — and to pay attention and follow directions.
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Do extras do their own makeup?

The production staff will check you in, verify information, and provide instructions for the day. This is also where you'll receive paperwork. Wardrobe, hair, and makeup: Depending on the production, you may be asked to bring a specific wardrobe and do your own hair and makeup.
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Do extras work for free?

Union background actors generally make more money than non-union extras. Non-union extras may work for free or receive pay that is below minimum wage. Some people look for movie extra jobs in hopes of building an acting career.
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Do extras get food on set?

There is almost always food on set but you never know how much and how often you will eat so it's a good idea to have a snack just in case. Being an extra means most of your day will involve waiting. Bringing a book, or phone/tablet is totally acceptable.
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How are extras chosen?

Extras are hired either as individuals for a particular scene or in groups for a series of shots. There are "Extras Wrangling" companies which are those companies that specialize in finding extras of a particular age, appearance or ethnic background.
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Do extras wear their own clothes?

If selected, film and TV extras are advised on what they need to bring to the set and when and where to report to work. For most films, extras are asked to wear their own clothes.
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Do extras bring their own clothes?

Most of the time, you'll be asked to come to set camera ready with your wardrobe on, hair done, and makeup applied. Other times, you'll be asked to bring your wardrobe with you instead of wearing it to set.
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Do extras say watermelon?

“Having the chance to 'pretend to talk' to someone over and over is the reason you're there.” (The trick to perfecting those silent conversations? Mouth the word “watermelon,” says McLean. “It emulates speech really well.”)
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Do extras have to be paid?

In particular, if a production goes beyond an eight-hour day, by union rules, the Extras must get paid time-and-a-half. If the production goes into 12 or more hours, it becomes double pay.
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Can actors sleep on set?

Actors don't usually sleep on the set although I have nodded off on set when there is a comfortable place to do so and I have seen other actors do so on many occasions, but it is not unusual for actors, who may have hours to wait between setups and scenes that they are in, to nap in their dressing rooms or trailers.
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Do actors start off as extras?

Almost all actors and actresses start their career as extras in movies and later work their way up to the big time. What are some criteria used to cast actors?
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How much can extras make a year?

The national average salary for a background actor is $38,537 per year , and a common rate for a day of work is between $60 and $356, with an average wage of $122 per day.
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Do extras make royalties?

“Extras don't usually earn residuals." Most members of the production crew on TV shows and films don't receive residuals directly, but some have residuals paid into their retirement pension funds.
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How long does it take to get paid as an extra?

The industry standard is approximately 4-6 weeks from the day you worked, but it can sometimes take up to 3 months. Commercials and corporate jobs often don't pay until after 90 days from the invoice. All payments will be made by BACS directly into your bank account.
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Do extras need agents?

Film extras are typically hired through a particular type of company known as a talent casting agency or simply a talent agency.
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What do extras talk about?

Most of the time they are pantomiming, which means that not a vocal word is coming from their mouth at all, rather, they are simply mouthing words while matching them with physical movement. And nine times out of ten, it's gibberish, random, and unplanned.
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How long are extras on set?

Working on film sets is fun, however, it is often a lengthy process, and there are some crew members who will work 12-15 hour days. Some first-time extras/background artists don't realize how long a day on set can be, so just by preparing yourself for the potential of a long day will give you an advantage.
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What not to do on a film set?

“When on a film set, what's the one rule nobody should ever break?”
  • NEVER work without pay. – ...
  • Never try and guess your wrap time, You're just jinxing yourself. – ...
  • Don't fart during a take. – ...
  • Never give your opinion unless you are the director. – ...
  • If you don't know something, dont act like you do. –
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What do casting directors look for in extras?

Skills for Background Extras

Also, background actors with cars, bicycles, and pets are often sought after in casting calls. While someone looking for extra work may not be able to anticipate casting calls, have a wide range of looks and skills will help increase their odds of getting hired by a production.
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