Are Jawas and Tusken Raiders the same species?

Biology and appearance Conflicting research suggests that Jawas and Tusken Raiders, two native species of Tatooine, originally have evolved from the same extinct species, the Kumumgah, as both have common genetic markers, while other research suggests Jawas originated from humans.
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Are Tusken Raiders and Jawas related?

It is thought that Tuskens and Jawas shared common ancestry in the Kumumgah, who were taken off world by the Infinite Empire to work as slaves on other planets. In fact, the Sand People were one of the slave races used in construction of the Star Forge by the Rakatans.
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What species are the Tusken Raiders?

Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, were a culture of nomadic sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine, where they were often hostile to local settlers.
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What is the real name of the Tusken Raiders?

Tusken Raiders - Sand People - are the indigenous species on the planet Tatooine. They are hostile to outsiders. The name "Tusken Raider" was given to the species after their attack on Fort Tusken. It's been suggested that the Sand People and the Jawas (another indigenous species on Tatooine may share common ancestry.
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What is the other name for Tusken Raider?

Tusken Raiders, or Sand People as they are sometimes known, wear abundant clothing to protect themselves from Tatooine's twin suns. The strong beings pursue a nomadic existence in some of Tatooine's most desolate regions. They fear little, and make sudden raids on local settlers.
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Jawa Sandcrawler INSIDE Tour, Breakdown & History (Star Wars Vehicles)

Was there any Tusken Jedi?

In Legends, Dark Horse Comics had two human Jedi who were adopted by a Tusken Raider clan. They were the Jedi Knight Sharad Hett and his son A'Sharad Hett, who lived during the last decades of the Old Republic and the Clone Wars.
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Are the Tusken Raiders human?

Tusken Raiders are a fictional alien race in the Star Wars franchise.
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Who sold R2-D2 to Luke Skywalker?

After C-3PO and R2-D2 landed on Tatooine, Jawas picked up the two droids, fitting them with restraining bolts. The Jawas sold the robots to Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew Luke Skywalker, a seemingly minor event that would change the fate of trillions in the galaxy.
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What do Tusken Raiders look like under a mask?

The hidden faces of the Tuskens are a mystifying Star Wars element. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II featured a mercenary gang of unmasked Tusken Raiders called the Grave Tuskens. These Tusken Raiders had a gray-furred, feline appearance.
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Was Boba Fett raised by Tusken Raiders?

In short, he was going to die. That is, until he was taken in by a tribe of Tusken Raiders. Once Boba Fett proved himself within the ranks of the Tuskens, they allowed him to stay with them, and even trained him in their ways of combat.
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What do Jawas look like without hoods?

No canonical source has revealed what a Jawa looks like under the hood. In behind-the-scenes shots from Return of the Jedi, the Jawas have squarish heads covered in black cloth with large yellow eyes that appear mechanical. However, this is a costume and so may not represent their canonical appearance.
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What language do the Jawas speak?

Jawaese was the native language of the Jawa species from Tatooine.
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What do Jawas eat?

Diet. The Jawas enjoy eating squills for their tough, pungent meat. Once, a Jawa clan took an Imperial transport capsule after it crash landed, and found Squills inside, happy to get a free dinner in addition to finding scrap.
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Has a Jawa ever been a Jedi?

Akial was a Jawa male who was a member of the Jedi Order during the years of the Galactic Republic. He trained at the Almas Academy, a Jedi academy that was located on the planet Almas, where he specialized as a Jedi Consular.
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What do Jawas look like under the robes?

Jawas remain mysterious in Star Wars lore, as there is no official depiction of their appearance. Recent hints suggest that Jawas are furry and have a musky smell like wet rats. Visual depictions from concept art and toys show unsettling, rodent-like features under their hoods.
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Did Jawas steal Boba Fett's armor?

Boba Fett's armor was stolen by Jawas, who removed it from the unconscious bounty hunter following his escape from the sarlacc. Fett survived his fall into the sarlacc, and managed to escape by activating his flamethrower to burn through the sarlacc's hide, and dug himself out of the pit.
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Was Darth Krayt a Tusken Raider?

In between these roles, he also served as the commander of his father's tribe of Tusken Raiders as well as a bounty hunter.
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What do Tusken Raiders call themselves?

In Legends the Tusken Raiders are... Tusken. They raid, which makes them Raiders, but the people/tribal culture itself is Tusken.
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Was Jango Fett a Mandalorian?

Jango Fett was a renowned Mandalorian bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary, and the father of Boba Fett, a genetic clone of his, whom he raised as a son. A Human from Concord Dawn, Fett was adopted by Mandalorian warriors following the murder of his parents and the disappearance of his older sister Arla in 58 BBY.
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Did R2-D2 recognize Yoda?

Yoda and R2D2 knew each other and the galaxy is even a smaller world than we think.
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What does C-3PO stand for?

They aren't abbreviations — they're model and serial numbers. R2 is a second generation R-series astromech, serial number D2. * And C-3PO is a C-series protocol droid with the serial number 3PO.
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What did the Tuskens do to Shmi?

The Tusken Raiders tortured, mutilated and starved Shmi Skywalker while she was their captive. She was also denied medical treatment and consequently died from her wounds. Her death affected Anakin Skywalker, who giving into his anger, slaughtered an entire village of Tuskens including women, children and animals.
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Who sold R2D2 to Luke Skywalker?

Soon after, the droids were abducted by scavenging Jawas and sold to Owen Lars for use on his desert moisture farm. Luke Skywalker, nephew of Owen and a Tatooine youth, remained unaware that his uncle's purchase of C-3PO and R2-D2 was to help launch one of the most pivotal destinies the galaxy had ever known...his own.
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Why is the milk blue in Star Wars?

Blue milk, sometimes known as Bantha milk and Tatooine milk, was a blue-colored liquid produced by a female bantha's mammary glands. It could be found on most planets across the galaxy. The milk was well known for being very rich and refreshing, its opaque coloring suggesting that it was also sweet.
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