Are there any Jawa Jedi?

Akial was a Jawa male who was a member of the Jedi Order during the years of the Galactic Republic. He trained at the Almas Academy, a Jedi academy that was located on the planet Almas, where he specialized as a Jedi Consular.
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Are there any Jawa Sith?

Not in Canon. However, Wizards of the Coast created a Jawa Jedi called Akial for their Paarty On! scenario in the Living Force campaign.
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Was there ever a Force-sensitive Jawa?

Lelek was a Force-sensitive female Jawa Shaman who lived on Tatooine during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Reports of her usage of the Force were reached by commander Vilos, stationed at the Mos Ila garrison, who was curious about the usage of the Force in a Jawa.
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Are there Jawas on Coruscant?

The Jawas also emigrated to other desert worlds, such as Ryloth and Florrum, and garbage planets, such as Raxus Prime, which was home to the Meeknu clan. Several were even seen on the planet Genon in the employment of Grappa, a Crime lord, and several on the planet Coruscant.
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Can Jawa use the Force?

Species producing low numbers of Force-sensitives included the Wookiees, Jawas, Hutts and Caamasi. The Neti, Anzat, Korunnai (a Human tribe), Vahla, Red Sith, Miraluka, and many other species were entirely composed of Force-sensitives.
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Are there any Jawa Jedi?

What is the most Force-sensitive race?

The Zabrak, also known as the Dathomirians, are a unique and highly powerful species in the Force. Their entire culture is built around Force sensitivity and the strength of each generation. That's why Darth Sidious came to their planet and stole Darth Maul to train him; he knew of the innate power.
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Can any Jedi be a Force ghost?

The dangerous level to become a Force spirit was low, but only possible for a rare few Jedi. Qui-Gon Jinn appears to Kenobi for the first time as a Force spirit. The first known Jedi to learn the secret was Qui-Gon Jinn, who learned it from a Shaman of the Whills.
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Did Jawas steal Boba Fett's armor?

Boba Fett's armor was stolen by Jawas, who removed it from the unconscious bounty hunter following his escape from the sarlacc. Fett survived his fall into the sarlacc, and managed to escape by activating his flamethrower to burn through the sarlacc's hide, and dug himself out of the pit.
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What do Jawas look like under the robes?

Jawas remain mysterious in Star Wars lore, as there is no official depiction of their appearance. Recent hints suggest that Jawas are furry and have a musky smell like wet rats. Visual depictions from concept art and toys show unsettling, rodent-like features under their hoods.
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Who sold R2-D2 to Luke Skywalker?

After C-3PO and R2-D2 landed on Tatooine, Jawas picked up the two droids, fitting them with restraining bolts. The Jawas sold the robots to Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew Luke Skywalker, a seemingly minor event that would change the fate of trillions in the galaxy.
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Were there any Hutt Jedi?

A Jedi Knight

Discovered by the Jedi Order before 400 BBY, records indicate that Beldorion was the only known Hutt to enter into the Order. He was trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
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Can a Wookie be Force sensitive?

Although a rare phenomenon, Force-sensitive Wookiees were possible, and some joined the ranks of the Jedi, becoming a source of great pride for their people. Such Wookiees included the Jedi Master Arkoff, Jedi Knight Burryaga Agaburry, and the youngling Gungi.
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What does a Jawa look like without the cloak?

No canonical source has revealed what a Jawa looks like under the hood. In behind-the-scenes shots from Return of the Jedi, the Jawas have squarish heads covered in black cloth with large yellow eyes that appear mechanical. However, this is a costume and so may not represent their canonical appearance.
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Was there ever an Ewok Jedi?

In one of the rarely trodden paths of Star Wars canon that has now become "Star Wars Legends," there was once an Ewok who was force-sensitive and wielded a lightsaber of their own, though much of their origins remain a mystery to the galaxy and fans of the diminutive and seemingly cuddly warriors.
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What is the rarest Sith lightsaber?

The Darksaber. The only black blade-like Saber ever made, constructed with fine Beskar, by the only Mandalorian to ever become a Jedi in the Order's entire history.
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Is there a Sith Wookie?

This is perhaps a question more suited for a google search, but to save you time, no. There are no Wookiee Sith.
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What do the Jawas call the egg in the Mandalorian?

Mudhorn eggs were fur-covered eggs laid by mudhorns of Arvala-7, and were edible by Jawas. In 9 ABY, a bounty hunter known as Din Djarin sought an egg from a mudhorn cave at the request of a Jawa tribe, in exchange for parts the tribe had stolen from the bounty hunter's gunship, the Razor Crest.
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Are Jawas and Tusken Raiders related?

It is thought that Tuskens and Jawas shared common ancestry in the Kumumgah, who were taken off world by the Infinite Empire to work as slaves on other planets. In fact, the Sand People were one of the slave races used in construction of the Star Forge by the Rakatans.
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Are Jawas only found on Tatooine?

No. While Jawas are native to Tatooine, interstellar travel to and from the planet means that some of them have emigrated to other planets. For example, in The Mandalorian season 1, Din Djarin had some trouble with Jawas on Arvala-7, when they looted and dismantled the Razor Crest.
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Do Jawas have red or yellow eyes?

Offworld Jawas were Jawas that traveled off Tatooine to other worlds such as Arvala-7. The Offworld Jawas have red eyes as opposed to yellow eyes in Tatooine's Jawas .
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Why did Jango Fett wear Mandalorian armor?

Jango Fett was a Mandalorian. He got the distinctive Beskar steel armor and attached weapons systems the same way every other warrior of the clan did; he earned it. Jango fought in the Mandalorian Civil War as a Mandalorian Commando. He was a foundling, just like Din Djarin long after him.
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Was Qui-Gon a grey Jedi?

In material that is now considered Legends, Qui-Gon is even described as a Gray Jedi. Additionally, the term has also been applied to Force-sensitives who aren't affiliated with the Light or Dark side of the Force. Quite literally, these Gray Jedi don't see things in black and white, or light versus dark.
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Why didn't Qui-Gon disappear?

We are led to assume this as in TCW Qui-gon admits his training was incomplete. He could only appear on Mortis, anywhere else he could only be a disembodied voice. Wait, if he hasn't completed the training, how did Obi-Wan?
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Why is Mace Windu not a Force ghost?

Why didn't Mace Windu showup as a force ghost? Qui Gon died before he could finish his training so he can only appear as a voice and not a physical form. Mace Windu never studied or trained in that aspect of the force.
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