Are there two Tesseracts?

As far as we know, there is only one tesseract in existence, and this is that tesseract. If there are two, doesn't that kind of throw of Thanos' grand plan to collect 'em all? There's never been mention of a second, which means the one Mar-Vel is using is the same one that's been around the galaxy multiple times.
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Were there two Tesseracts?

There arent two tesseracts in the MCU. The one you saw in Thor is called the Casket pr something and the fact that Loki could hold it proves that it wasnt an infinity stone. No one can hold an infinity stone with bare hands.
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Is Tesseract and Casket of Ancient Winters same?

That was most definitely the Casket of Ancient Winters. The Tesseract is something quite a bit more powerful, as it houses the Space Stone.
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How did the Tesseract end up on Earth after Thor?

The Tesseract was brought to Earth from Asgard by Odin. It remained in a temple in a small village for several centuries. It was later found by HYDRA and taken by force and used as a power source for a super weapon which could destroy almost anything upon impact.
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How did Nick Fury get the Tesseract?

The Tesseract is passed onto Mar-Vell who uses it to create a Light Speed Engine for Project PEGASUS and later stores it on her satellite labratory. Goose the Flerken devours the Tesseract on the satellite. The Tesseract is returned to Nick Fury by Goose.
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Are there two tesseracts in Marvel Galaxy?

Why did the Flerken throw up the Tesseract?

Him barfing it up on Fury's desk is mostly a gross-out visual gag meant to evoke a cat vomiting up a hairball. But it's also meant to explain how the Tesseract ended up back in play, since it's an important part of MCU continuity.
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How did the Flerken lose the Tesseract?

That's where Goose, an alien that looks like a cat but is actually part of a species called the Flerken, comes in. The feline — who worked with Mar-Vell — swallows the Tesseract to protect it from the attacking Kree. Goose later spits up the Tesseract on the desk of Nick Fury, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
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How did the Tesseract get to Earth before Captain America?

Ancient Times. The Tesseract came to be kept in the care of the Asgardians during Odin's rule, locked away in Odin's Vault. The Tesseract was brought to Earth by Odin and after being left on the planet, it ended up being kept safe in a church in the village of Tønsberg.
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Why did Odin give Tesseract to Earth?

"The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room," he says before finding and taking it. Odin brought the Tesseract to Earth for safekeeping, and, for centuries, humans guarded it as they worshipped the Asgardian gods. Through his research, Johann learned of the Tesseract's powers and sought it out for Hydra's use.
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What happened to the Tesseract after Captain America?

The Tesseract was lost in the ocean, recovered by Howard Stark sometime later as he attempted to find Captain America's body. As revealed in Avengers: Endgame, Stark kept the Tesseract close at hand over the decades, continuing to study it.
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How did Loki freeze Heimdall?

When Loki used the Casket's powers, it revealed his true nature as a Frost Giant. He also demonstrated being able to cause the Casket to gradually, but rapidly appear and then disappear into thin air when he used it to freeze Heimdall, though he has not demonstrated this since.
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What did Hela say was weak?

The Casket of Ancient Winters was featured in Thor: Ragnarok as Hela passed through Odin's Vault. As she walked by the artifact, she referred to the weapon as "weak" but didn't provide any evidence behind her statement. In the comics, Surtur used the Casket of the Ancient Winters in an effort to destroy Thor.
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Did the Frost Giants have the Tesseract?

So at some point the tesseract went from frost giants to earth to Asgard , back to earth , then Loki finds it in the first avengers movie ....
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Did Captain America get frozen with the Tesseract?

Captain America crash-lands a plane with the Tesseract onboard to save the world and becomes frozen—both literally and in time. Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, recovers the Tesseract and eventually hands it over to S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Was there a Tesseract in Captain America?

In the live-action film Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), the Tesseract is found by Hydra during World War II, who use it to create advanced weaponry. At the end of the war, it falls into the Arctic Ocean after transporting the Red Skull to space when he grabs it. It is later recovered by Howard Stark.
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What Stone is in Loki scepter?

The Mind Stone (Loki's scepter)

The Mind Stone allows the user to control the minds of others. We first see it as a blue orb in Loki's scepter in 2012's The Avengers. Whenever Loki touches someone with the scepter, he can control what they do.
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Did Odin know the Tesseract was an Infinity Stone?

There is plenty of evidence to support Odin also knowing about the Infinity Stones before his death in Thor: Ragnarok. He had a fake Infinity Gauntlet in his collection and even had the Tesseract in the vault for a time.
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How did Thanos know Loki had the Tesseract?

Once he boards the ship and finds Loki alive on board he almost certainly knows his best bet for getting the Space Stone is Loki. So it isn't necessarily that he knew Loki had the Tesseract, it's that he knew Loki was the most likely to have it.
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What is the blue casket in Thor?

The Casket of Ancient Winters was an Asgardian artifact, which contains the Fimbulwinter of Ymir; it created massive snowstorms if opened. The hand size Casket of Ancient Winter contained the fury of a thousand killing winters. It was used by Surtur In his attempt to defeat Thor.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers.
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Who invented the Tesseract?

One of the first mathematicians to discuss the 4th dimension was a man named Charles Howard Hinton. He would go on to coin the word ''tesseract'' to describe a four-dimensional model of a cube that helped mathematicians visualize and understand the 4th dimension.
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How did they make Captain America look small?

The abbreviated version of the work required a combination of digitally shrinking Evans, using Leander Deeny as a body double, and grafting Evans' performance on top of Deeny's.
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Could a Flerken eat Thanos?

While Flerkens are pretty cool, and can eat anything, Thanos isn't going to be taken out like that. Comic Thanos is an absolute beast, and would easily defeat a Flerken because of all of his abilities.
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Why does Flerken scratch fury eyes?

Unfortunately for Fury, Goose does not like being treated like a cat. When Fury tries to cuddle him again at the end of the movie, Goose scratches his eye. Fury initially says that it's just a scratch, but by the end of the film, he's perusing glass eyes.
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Why can Nick Fury touch the Tesseract?

The best reason I can think of that Nick Fury was able to hold the Tessaract is that his Jacket and gloves are most likely lined with some sort of state of the art armor. He is a super spy with access to the worlds greatest technology.
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