Can anyone make a movie about anyone?

You can make a movie about anything, but be prepared for a lawsuit if the person it's about don't like your movie. If their story is considered as intellectual property, it is very likely you could be sued anyway.
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Do you need permission to make a movie about someone?

However, the First Amendment of the American Constitution allows docudrama filmmakers the right to make a movie about any living person without permission, so long as it does not violate his or her privacy rights or defame them.
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Can anyone make a movie about someone?

So there is no legal barrier to making a movie based on real events or people. If the real people involved feel like you've portrayed them negatively and inaccurately, they could sue you for defamation. (In western countries at least.)
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What is it called when they make a movie about a person?

A documentary is a movie based on facts and/or a true story. This word works for movies about REAL PEOPLE/ANIMALS/THINGS.
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How do I submit a movie idea?

How to Pitch a Movie Idea
  1. Find out who buys movie ideas.
  2. Write your film pitch down on your computer.
  3. Write a cover letter for your movie idea.
  4. Make a list of producers to network with.
  5. Follow up with Producers about your movie pitch.
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No One Should Make A Movie Until They Understand This - Joston Ramon Theney

Can I sell my idea for a movie?

It's hard enough selling a spec script as an unknown screenwriter. Trying to sell a pitch — which is identified in this context as an idea or concept for a movie or television show — is next to impossible. An anomaly example may be found within the history of Hollywood, but let's be real — it just doesn't happen.
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How much can a movie idea sell for?

If you sell an idea or a storyline, you can expect to get $5,000 on the front-end and about $20,000 on the back-end if the movie gets produced. If you sell a treatment, you should expect around $15,000 on the front end and $30,000 on the back-end.
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What is a movie addict called?

A person with a passionate interest in cinema is called a cinephile (/ˈsɪnɪfaɪl/), cinemaphile, filmophile, or, informally, a film buff (also movie buff). To a cinephile, a film is often not just a source of entertainment as they see films from a more critical point of view.
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What is it called when you think you're living in a movie?

Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DDD) often shows up with other mental health conditions. It happens when you feel like you're watching your life from outside your body. It can feel like you're watching a movie or a dream. This feeling is very upsetting.
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What do you call someone who sees a lot of movies?

Meaning of cinephile in English

a person who is very interested in and enthusiastic about cinema as an art form, and knows a lot about films: There are movie fans; there are film lovers; and then there are cinephiles.
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Do you get paid if someone makes a movie about you?

Often the movie is unauthorized because it's not favorable to the celebrity, and in those cases the person is rarely paid for it. However, there are many advantages to an authorized biopic (having the subject promoting the movie, for one), and they will typically get paid as a consultant.
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Are you allowed to film anyone you want?

Other states, like California, require all parties to give consent to be recorded. If consent is not gained, you can be charged with felonies, misdemeanors, fines, jail time, and much more.
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Who can I tell my movie ideas to?

Where to go to pitch a movie idea
  • Pitch sites. ...
  • Film festivals. ...
  • Writing competitions. ...
  • Pitch festivals. ...
  • Film investment companies. ...
  • Studios accepting unsolicited scripts. ...
  • Agents.
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Do you need permission to film strangers?

It is not illegal to record someone without their consent in a public place if they are visible and audible, especially if they don't have reasonable expectations of privacy. But in a private setting, such as a bathroom or changing area, recording someone without their knowledge is illegal.
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How many people can you show a movie to without a license?

A license needs to be obtained regardless of the number of people attending the screening if the movie is being shown outside the home.
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Is it illegal to film someone and post it?

Although taking a photo of you in a public setting is not an invasion of privacy, if the person captures you in your home and then uses it on social media without your consent, you have legal recourse. An attorney may classify this type of action as defamation as well.
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What is it called when you live in your own reality?

Solipsism syndrome refers to a psychological state in which a person feels that reality is not external to their mind. Periods of extended isolation may predispose people to this condition.
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Why do I feel like I'm watching my life as a movie?

It's pretty common to experience depersonalization that comes and goes. You might have a fleeting feeling of being detached from yourself or your environment. It may feel like you're watching yourself in a movie, and then those feelings go away. Experts call this transient depersonalization.
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Can you make a living watching movies?

Most of the methods of earning money through movies can only be used as a side hustle. For example, if you are really serious about movies and have the required skills, you can become a movie critic or an entertainment blogger and make it your main source of income.
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What do you call a movie snob?

Their definition is that a Film Snob is “the sort of movie obsessive for whom the actual enjoyment of motion pictures is but a side dish to the accumulation of arcane knowledge about them.” For me (and you as well, I suspect) it's all about the movie enjoyment, and rabid-puppy enthusiasm for the ones we love.
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What is drug movies?

Drug films are films that depict either illicit drug distribution or drug use, whether as a major theme, such as by centering the film around drug subculture or by depicting it in a few memorable scenes.
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What is movie therapy called?

Cinema therapy or movie therapy is a form of expressive therapy – like art, music and dance therapy – for medical and mental health issues. It is also used as a form of self-help.
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Do screenwriters make millions?

It's an age-old question but considering how much time and effort goes into screenwriting, of course, you want to know how much money you can earn! The short answer is potentially millions, but realistically, that's only for top-tier screenwriters, of which there are few.
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How much does Netflix pay for a movie idea?

Netflix typically allocates between $100 and $250 million for a single movie. This amount can fluctuate based on the specific film and the desired streaming rights, but it serves as a reliable estimate for the average blockbuster. In some cases, the streaming service may spend even more.
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What is the biggest profit on a movie?

With a worldwide box-office gross of over $2.9 billion, Avatar is proclaimed to be the "highest-grossing" film, but such claims usually refer to theatrical revenues only and do not take into account home video and television income, which can form a significant portion of a film's earnings.
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