Can Batman actually beat Darkseid?

Darkseid and Batman have had several fights throughout the years, but Batman has won beat the villain many times. But Darkseid has crushed him too. Darkseid is one of the strongest beings in the universe who possesses control over Apokolips.
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Does Batman ever beat Darkseid?

One of the alien New Gods, Darkseid is one of the most feared and powerful beings in the galaxy, as well as the authoritarian overlord of Apokolips. But even with all the destruction and terror that he's brought the Justice League and the world — Earth included — Batman has managed to defeat him more than once.
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Who can beat the real Darkseid?

1 Darkseid Would Be Overwhelmed By Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe. His mastery of the Power Cosmic makes him formidable and has allowed him to beat all kinds of powerful beings.
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Is Darkseid afraid of Batman?

In some stories, Darkseid may view Batman as a nuisance or obstacle to his plans, but he is not generally portrayed as being afraid of him.
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Who is the strongest person Batman has beaten?

10 Strongest Super-Villains Batman Was Able To Defeat
  1. 1 Darkseid. One of the oldest New Gods, Darkseid is the mad ruler of Apokolips who often tries to rule the universe and get his hands on the anti-life equation.
  2. 2 Ares. ...
  3. 3 Kalibak. ...
  4. 4 Circe. ...
  5. 5 Ra's Al Ghul. ...
  6. 6 Reverse Flash. ...
  7. 7 The Batman Who Laughs. ...
  8. 8 Bane. ...
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Who Batman can't defeat?

Swamp Thing and Batman have faced off and the same thing always happens. Batman can't stop him. Sure, he can destroy one of Swamp Thing's bodies, but that's not going to destroy Swamp Thing.
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Who is Batman's toughest enemy?

Ra's al Ghul is one of Batman's most powerful and enduring villains. He has been around for centuries and is a master strategist, using his vast resources and league of assassins to achieve his goal of saving the planet from destruction by humanity.
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Who can Darkseid not beat?

11 Justice League Villains Powerful Enough to Kill Darkseid
  • 4 Erebos.
  • 5 The Zone Child. ...
  • 6 The Limbo Cell. ...
  • 7 Black Racer. ...
  • 8 Mister Mxyzptlk (& Emperor Joker) ...
  • 9 Yuga Khan. ...
  • 10 Doomsday. ...
  • 11 Starro the Conqueror. ...
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Who is Darkseid scared of?

In Final Crisis, Darkseid was revealed to fear the New Gods' version of Death, as they represented a real possible end to the powerful villain's dominance in the DC Universe and an end to his evil reign.
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Who is Batman scared of?

This raises the question as to why Batman was scared of Lex Luthor specifically. The reason Batman's other villains can't compare is that Lex Luthor is the literal foil to Bruce Wayne. Bruce's greatest fear is becoming the very evil he fights against every night, which explains Batman's no-kill rule. The costumed...
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Can Hulk beat Darkseid?

He has the Physical Strength to compete with Darkseid but overall in terms of powers , Hulk isn't a match for Darkseid , Darkseid has taken on and beaten worse than the Hulk.
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Can Darkseid beat Thanos?

Thanos is indeed formidable and without their universe ending weapons, the two would naturally have an incredible battle. Eventually, though, Darksied's pure strength, infinite resources, auto-win Omega beams and a vast amount of battle experience would give him the ultimate edge.
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Can Darkseid beat Thor?

Darkseid is similar to Thanos, and most of the time, Thor is no match for him either. Originally Answered: Who would win, Darkseid Vs Rune king Thor? He has defeated celestial beings like THOSE WHO LIVE ABOVE SHADOWS and Loki without having any difficulty ……
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Can Batman solo Darkseid?

1 Darkseid's Threat Is Too Great For Batman To Handle Solo

Several times over the years, Batman has been integral in defeating the God of Evil, but he never actually did it by himself.
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Has Batman beaten a god?

To deal with Darkseid, Batman and the Justice League forged the Hellbat armor, equipping it with enough power to beat the god right out of Darkseid; that's exactly what Batman did.
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Why does Darkseid respect Batman?

Darkseid Is Consistently Impressed by Batman

Naturally wanting to save his cousin from Darkseid's clutches, Superman traveled to Apokolips along with Batman, and Bruce reprogrammed some of Darkseid's weaponry to explode.
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Has Darkseid ever been beaten?

Darkseid is one of the most threatening beings in the entire DC Universe, but Wonder Woman managed to beat him with a genius play. Out of all the villains in the DC Universe, few are as terrifying or dangerous as Darkseid, but despite this Wonder Woman defeated Darkseid not in battle, but in prayer.
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Can Superman hurt Darkseid?

Superman doesn't beat Darkseid because of how powerful he is; while that helps him survive the fight, Darkseid still outclasses Superman. Superman has learned to use his brains in battle against Darkseid, allowing him to win his battles against the dark god.
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Could Doomsday beat Darkseid?

It's likely that if the two came to blows again, Darkseid would have an edge over Doomsday, or at least have some plan to contend with him. But it's still worth noting that in their first serious drag-out fight, Doomsday gained a decisive victory and established just how powerful he really is.
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Who can beat Darkseid 1 on 1?

In various DC Comics and many other adaptations, Superman has fought Darkseid in one-on-one fights and defeated him, making him one of Earth's greatest defenders against the Apokoliptian despot.
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Could Darkseid beat Galactus?

Galactus proved more than a match for Darkseid - who had ample opportunity to utilize his greatest powers and even try to turn the Silver Surfer to his will - and the Devourer of Worlds only spared his foe once it became clear that he had nothing to gain by continuing their conflict.
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Who can killed Darkseid?

As prophesied, Orion returns to Earth via boom tube for his final battle with Darkseid. During the massive fight, Orion ultimately kills him by ripping his heart out, which created a firepit of Apokolips from Darkseid's chest cavity (in reference to the prophecy of their final battle).
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What is Batman weak to?

Batman's lack of superhuman abilities makes him especially vulnerable to physical trauma, as his body cannot withstand continuous beatings without severe consequences. Batman's past trauma and lack of emotional healing make him easily manipulated by his enemies, who use his fears and personal losses against him.
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Who is Superman's worst enemy?

Most incarnations depict Brainiac (alias Vril Dox) as a bald, green-skinned alien cyborg or android from the planet Colu and one of the most dangerous villains in the DC universe, capable of possessing others, inventing extremely advanced weaponry (such as force fields and shrinking rays), physically matching or ...
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What was Batman's toughest fight?

A battle almost 80-years in the making, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo gave fans the ultimate Batman vs Joker battle in their epic story, "Endgame." This is a story that sees Joker poison everyone in Gotham and Batman turns to the Court of Owls for help.
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