Can Batman beat Antman?

Can Batman beat Antman? Despite Ant-Man's training, Batman is by far the better warrior. If the Bat gets the drop on Scott, it's game over. In an extended battle, however, Scott has a good chance of winning.
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Who wins Batman or Ant-Man?

Lose: Ant-Man

Although Ant-Man has the advantage of growing and shrinking, he has to rely on science to execute those abilities. Fans could easily see Batman coming up with a special gadget to counteract that power, rendering Ant-Man useless against him.
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Who can beat Ant-Man?

There is merit to this idea that Kang outclasses Ant-Man by a mile. In Marvel Comics, the 31st-century time traveler has a well-earned reputation as one of the Avengers' greatest villains ever.
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Who Batman can't beat?

Swamp Thing and Batman have faced off and the same thing always happens. Batman can't stop him. Sure, he can destroy one of Swamp Thing's bodies, but that's not going to destroy Swamp Thing. He can just make another one.
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Which Avengers could Batman beat?

Batman: 5 Avengers He Could Beat (& 5 He'd Lose To)
  1. 1 Would Lose To: Iron Man.
  2. 2 Could Defeat: Captain America. ...
  3. 3 Would Lose To: Thor. ...
  4. 4 Could Beat: Quicksilver. ...
  5. 5 Would Lose To: Captain Marvel. ...
  6. 6 Could Defeat: Beast. ...
  7. 7 Would Lose To: Black Panther. ...
  8. 8 Could Defeat: Black Widow. ...
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Can Batman defeat Hulk?

Incredibly, though, Batman has actually successfully defeated the Hulk. Back in 1981, relations between rival publishers DC and Marvel were in a good way, and the two had yet to come up with the idea their characters existed in different universes.
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Can Batman beat Scarlet Witch?

Without any superpowers, Batman is at a massive disadvantage as he would have to rely on his combat prowess to best Wanda. However, he would have a hard time getting close before she shreds through his armor with a massive blast of energy.
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Who would win Goku or Batman?

In terms of raw power, Goku outclasses Batman by several magnitudes. An argument could be made that Goku might be more powerful than anyone in the DC Universe. Even Batman's famous "Hellbat" armor likely wouldn't be able to bring the Saiyan warrior down.
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Who will win Thor or Batman?

The God of Thunder wins, there is absolutely nothing Batman can do against Thor.
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Could Batman beat One Punch Man?

That is, taking on One-Punch Man strength versus strength, ends with the opponent's defeat. His punch is, at the moment, unstoppable if it lands. If Batman were to challenge Saitama in this manner, he would undoubtedly loose.
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Who will win Ant-Man or Hulk?

Hulk. Because even if Antman were to shrink small enough to go into Hulk's ear and mess with his brain, he would die inside Hulk's head from either radiation exposure (even if his suit was insulated good enough), or he would just outright be incinerated from the enormous amount of radiation.
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Is Ant-Man stronger than Hulk?

In the comics, Ant-Man is regarded as the strongest because of his sheer size as Goliath which seems very surface-level considering Hulk and Thor's feats of immeasurable strength that Ant-Man can't compete with.
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Can Thor beat Ant-Man?

Perhaps if you're an omnipotent being, then you can catch him, but not if you're Thor. Sure, he rip open the earth with his hammer, or axe, but he couldn't hit Ant-Man with a lightening bolt. He's just too small. But there's another thing, that's not used enough, but it's clearly an obvious battle winner.
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Who wins Batman or Deadpool?

Batman takes this fight every time. Deadpool is no joke and any character on almost any level is going to have trouble with the Merc with a Mouth. A lot of Deadpool's power comes out of some unique traits to being Deadpool related to: Skill, regeneration, and absolute unpredictability.
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Who wins Batman or Doomsday?

To beat Doomsday, he would have to kill him. So, no. Doomsday would be impossible for him to defeat, especially since he can't take him on in close quarter combat. Since Doomsday is a unstoppable, unrelenting killing machine that never gets tired, he wouldn't be able to last long since Batman is still human.
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Can Thanos beat Ant-Man?

"Thanos could take a punch from the Hulk, we've seen that. And it stands to reason his whole body is at least as strong as that," Markus said. "If Ant-Man expanded, he would be simply crushed against the immovable walls of Thanos' mighty rectum."
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Can Batman lift Thor's hammer?

Surprisingly, the answer is almost certainly, “No.” Although Batman's will and moral compass do make him a worthy candidate for Thor's hammer, his track record with super powers is less than stellar. In several storylines, Batman has acquired genuine superpowers but frequently becomes corrupted by them.
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Can Batman beat Black Panther?

He possesses skill, determination, and intellect that is unrivaled and has allowed him to prevail against some of the strongest villains in comics. Black Panther is certainly no slouch and would not go down without a fight, but even the King of Wakanda would fall to the Dark Knight.
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Who will win Loki or Batman?

loki he is far faster and stronger then batman, smarter, a better fighter, he had 100s of years, and can do magic, but they like having batman win even when logic said he could not.
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Can Batman beat Captain America?

Reflexes. Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.
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Can Spider Man beat Batman?

Wiz: Despite Batman possessing more skill and knowledge, Spider-Man's abilities ultimately overpowered his arsenal. Boomstick: To be fair, Bats might have been able to deal with Spidey's strength and speed, but that damn Spider-Sense changes everything!
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Can Batman beat Flash?

There haven't been many times that Batman and Flash have fought each other, but in the rare times it has happened, Bruce Wayne has proven he has a few tricks up his sleeve that could be used to take down the scarlet speedster.
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Could Batman beat Captain Marvel?

Originally Answered: Who would win in a fight Batman or Captain Marvel? Captain marvel wins in a no prep fight. Shazam wins in a no prep fight. However both can be defeated in a prep fight with hellbat and final batsuit with final batsuit confirming batman's victory.
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Can Avengers beat DC?

While the Marvel and DC's heroes are pretty evenly matched in some places, DC's would prove too powerful for Marvel's superteams to handle. Beyond the fact that DC's heroes are overall more powerful, they have many advantages. From magic-users to Kryptonians to the Flash Family, Marvel can't match DC's power.
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Can Batman beat Catwoman?

While Catwoman escaped Batman many times during her villain years, there's one thing she was unable to do and that's beat him. Catwoman has some advantages over Batman but she's never been able to conclusively defeat him in a fight. More often than not, he let her get away because of his feelings for her.
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