Can Black Adam beat Thanos with Infinity Stones?

Thanos is often billed as the ultimate villain in Marvel, and he certainly has the power to conquer the entire galaxy if he wanted to. As such, Black Adam poses no threat to the Mad Titan.
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Who can beat Thanos with the Infinity Stones?

Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, Odin is the powerful ruler of the Nine Realms who has sworn to protect every kingdom under his rule. With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet.
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Can Thanos beat Ghost Rider?

In the epic battle toward the end of the "Thanos Wins" arc, The Fallen One destroyed the Cosmic Ghost Rider with relative ease.
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Can Black Adam beat Superman?

As the dialogue in Justice League #73 suggested, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is clearly stronger by any comparison.
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Can Hulk defeat Black Adam?

black adam is far faster than hulk . He has fox quicksilver type speed scenes. considering he is bad version of superman ,he should have no trouble beating hulk. his speed and flight combined ,it is impossible for hulk to defeat black adam.
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Thanos Wins in Endgame | Dark Alternate Ending | Snaps Everyone!

Can Black Adam beat Thor?

Ultimately, pure strength and speed will win the fight of pantheons, with the gods-given power of Black Adam simply being too much for Thor. Black Adam has speed on the level of a Kryptonian or even the DCU's version of The Flash, which is simply too much for Asgard's former prince.
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Which Avenger can beat Black Adam?

Given that Sentry is often described as having the power of a million exploding suns, it's easy to see why he handily destroys Black Adam. Being one of the most overpowered superheroes of all time, Sentry has more than enough power to defeat Black Adam in seconds.
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Can Batman defeat Black Adam?

The merciless Black Adam is incredibly well-trained and utterly ruthless, shocking and surpassing even Batman's martial arts skill. This sees him completely beat a surprised Caped Crusader, who only gets back up when Black Adam lets him.
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Can Superman beat Thor in a fight?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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Who is stronger, Shazam or Black Adam?

Shazam acknowledges that he is unsure if he is stronger than Black Adam, despite his confidence in his mortal form. Both Shazam and Black Adam possess the same strengths endowed by the Wizard and have never been able to triumph over each other.
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Who's stronger Hulk or Deadpool?

The Hulk and Deadpool faced each other in a non-canon comic. Here, Deadpool went crazy and started eliminating superheroes and supervillains until there were none left. Yet, Deadpool couldn't defeat Hulk and there was even an instant where Hulk utterly dismembered Deadpool.
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Who defeated Galactus?

Still in a weakened state from his encounters with Hunger, Thanos and the Fallen One, Galactus along with the Silver Surfer, was easily defeated by the Proemial Gods and handed over to Annihilus.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Could Wolverine defeat Thanos?

5 Wolverine's Endurance Would Outlast Thanos

It wouldn't matter because Logan would keep getting up and using those claws to slice and dice through Thanos and his armor. Thanos wouldn't be easy to destroy, even without the Gauntlet, but he wouldn't be able to regain his strength.
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Can Goku beat Thanos?

While Thanos has demonstrated a strong combat capability, dismantling Hulk in a series of rapid, well-aimed punches in Infinity War, taking into account Goku's Ki, transformations, and absolute refusal to give up until he's given it his all, Goku comes out on top.
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Can Hulk beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

It's important to note that the rules around worthiness had been temporarily suspended to allow this to happen. As soon as the fight was over, Superman couldn't lift the hammer anymore. However, under normal circumstances, without any weird interference, Superman is worthy of Mjolnir.
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Can Superman break Thor's hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Can Spiderman defeat Black Adam?

Spider-Man's webbing just isn't strong enough to hold Black Adam in place longer than a second, following which his punches and kicks will be shrugged off. Black Adam can eliminate Spider-Man in just about any way he wants, whether to drop him from the sky or to pulverize him.
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Who is Black Adam weakness?

Black Adam Is Given the Magical Weakness of Eternium in the DCEU Movie. The new Black Adam DC Extended Universe movie introduces an actual weakness for Black Adam: eternium. This substance actually exists in the comics, and it's made from the fragments of the shattered Rock of Eternity where the Wizard Shazam resides.
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Who's faster, Flash or Black Adam?

Not to mention Flash has actually beaten the Man of Steel in several footraces, effectively cementing him as the DCU's fastest being. But Adam seems to contend that he's actually faster. Not just because he draws power from the gods, but because he's more or less become a god himself.
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Who can beat Hulk?

Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk. From fellow superheroes to average soldiers, various characters, including Hawkeye and even Batman, have successfully taken down the Hulk.
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider?

  • The Silver Surfer has.
  • Technically another Ghost Rider should be able to beat him if they absorb him similarly to how Ketch was doing to other riders during the Zadkiel storyline or how Blaze did to him recently.
  • And Hela kind of beat him by taking away his power..
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Can Black Panther beat Black Adam?

Both characters having the word Black in their names doesn't make them a match. Black Adam is a Superman-level character. Black Panther is a street-leveler. Black Adam could kill Black Panther before Panther even knew he was in a fight.
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