Can Christians watch Sleeping Beauty?

Another praiseworthy element of SLEEPING BEAUTY is the movie's Christian, biblical imagery. For instance, it's clear that there's a divide between good and evil, with Maleficent representing evil.
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What Disney movies can Christians watch?

  • 1. “ The Sound of Music” (1965)
  • 2. “ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” (2005)
  • 3. “ The Muppet Christmas Carol” (1992)
  • 4. “ The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (1996)
  • 5. “ Full-Court Miracle” (2003)
  • 6. “ Millions” (2004)
  • 7. “ Ruby Bridges” (1998)
  • 8. “ Pollyanna” (1960)
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What does God say about watching movies?

The Bible never comes right out and says what to do with movies. Moses didn't bring back a commandment that said, “Thou shalt not watch any R-rated film (unless thine film be titled Passion of the Christ).” Jesus never explicitly spoke about Hollywood.
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Is Sleeping Beauty appropriate?

Common Sense Media recommends Sleeping Beauty for ages 4 and up due to some frightening scenes. Synopsis: In Sleeping Beauty, the “sleeping beauty” is Aurora, the daughter of a king and queen.
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Should Christians watch Mulan?

The bad news is that, although it exhibits some strong moral values, it includes scenes of ancestor worship and the spirits of dead people coming alive. MULAN also contains a homosexual subtext that some adults and teenagers may catch, but may escape the conscious notice of little children.
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Sleeping Beauty: From a Christian Perspective

What religion does Mulan believe in?

Through Mulan resistance, she proves her parents, especially her father that she still can fulfill her Confucian role and glorify the family's name without having to give up herself to the society's norms. Confucianism becomes the central concept in the way Disney re-tells the original Mulan's folklore.
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What religion does Mulan follow?

The film Mulan is historically accurate in its portrayal of Daoist ideas, the expected behavior of women according to Confucianism, and Confucian relationships.
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Why was Sleeping Beauty curse?

Angry over not having been invited, Maleficent casts a spell, promising that before sunset on Aurora's 16th birthday, she'll prick her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle and die.
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What does Sleeping Beauty teach us?

Perrault actually provides a moral for Sleeping Beauty at the end of his story. He mentions that people should wait for love rather than rush into it or be in a hurry to find it. Since it took the princess over a century to find her true love, the moral of the story seems clearer after reading that.
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What is the gender of Sleeping Beauty?

A fascination with portraying a sleeping woman suggests a situation fraught with meaning. Reduced to inanimation, she is the ultimate object of femininity — a beautiful unmoving thing. She sleeps in perfect peace and purity and can only be brought to her full potential — that is, animation — with the aid of a male.
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Can Christians celebrate Halloween?

Since the Bible doesn't address Halloween, many Christians liken the celebration to other moments where the Bible discusses witchcraft, sacrifice, and worldly behaviors. The Bible contains various teachings on how to behave or interact with the world's troubling celebrations.
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Can Christians eat pork?

Christians may eat pork because God has declared it once more to be clean. “What God has declared clean you must not call common” (Acts 10:15). Pork is one of those “foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1Timothy 4:3).
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How God views you?

In Isaiah 43:4, it says, “Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.” In God's eyes, we are precious and honored. He loves us so much that he would exchange nations for our life.
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Can Christians watch Lion King?

While there are several minor areas which call for discernment in THE LION KING, the good far outweighs the bad, and the film conveys a clear message of hope, reconciliation and appreciation for the majesty of creation.
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Does Disney believe in God?

' The Disney bible has but one verse and that's it. "Walt's religion was built on the unfailing American belief that virtue and hard work will make all your dreams come true." Pinsky notes that even in the earliest films, the company shied away from religious symbolism.
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Can I show a Disney movie at church?

It may seem like a simple thing, and "no big deal" to take a copy of your favorite new Disney movie to the church building to show for Mutual activity, but you still have to have permission. You can read more about these laws at the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation's website (
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What is the hidden message in Sleeping Beauty?

The message seems to be that men and women must seek Love to heal the relationship between them and thereby heal the land. The message can also apply to the union of opposites within. “Sleeping Beauty” represents the awakening of the feminine principle that was pricked to sleep by the masculine principle.
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What is the conflict of the Sleeping Beauty?

major conflictThe evil Maleficent curses Princess Aurora at birth to die on her sixteenth birthday by pricking her finger on a spinning wheel. Three good fairies try to help Aurora avoid this fate by altering the curse's effect and hiding her in a forest under the assumed name of Briar Rose.
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Why Sleeping Beauty is good?

The voices, the animation, the story, Sleeping Beauty is the most romantic fairy tale that anyone could easily fall in love with. If you are a Disney fan, this is a must see, it's a great family film or if you're just a film buff in general, I'm a grown up and I still tear up when I watch Sleeping Beauty.
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Why was Aurora crying in Sleeping Beauty?

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather reveal Briar Rose's true identity as Princess Aurora, as well as the fact that she is betrothed. The fairies sadly explain that she can never see the young man again, not knowing that he was actually her betrothed. This makes Aurora go to her room crying.
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What is the famous line of Sleeping Beauty?

Not in death, but just in sleep, the fateful prophecy you'll keep. And from this slumber you shall wake, when true love's kiss, the spell shall break.
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Does Maleficent hate Aurora?

Maleficent and Aurora have a close relationship, like a mother-daughter relationship. Even after learning Maleficent's identity and going away from her, after realizing that her father, Stefan, does not show any love or genuine care for her, Aurora sees Maleficent as her fairy godmother.
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Was Mulan Yin or Yang?

However, each half was owned by the wrong people—Mulan and Li had the white piece (Yang), which associated with masculinity, and Shang and Zhou had the black piece (Yin), which associated with femininity.
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Who does Mulan pray to?

Throughout the movie, Mulan and her family continues to pray to their ancestors in hope for their ancestors will answer their prayers and requests.
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