Can Darth Vader speak without his mask?

Darth Vader Would Suffocate Without His Mask It provides lenses to accommodate his weakened eyesight, pumps air to his body to regulate his temperature, and enables him to speak after his vocal cords were damaged, which explains why he communicates in such a mechanical tone.
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Can Vader talk without his helmet?

While Darth Vader usually needs his helmet, the Force may have strengthened his weak physical abilities to allow him to speak as Anakin in Kenobi.
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Can Darth Vader breathe without his mask?

There is also a series of tubes that run through his chest to his lungs and to his burnt-out throat, allowing him to breathe without this advanced system for a brief period should his life support take on severe damage. If he were to take his mask off, the Sith Lord would soon suffocate.
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Why does Vader talk differently than Anakin?

Vader's voice changed because of the vocabulator or synthesizer in his helmet that allowed him to speak. Why is Darth Vader so calm compared to Anakin Skywalker? That's the thing, Vader is not calm.
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Does Darth Vader breathe while talking?

So here's the thing; the iconic sound of Darth Vader isn't him breathing. It's a pump, circulating the air in his suit. He's basically in the world's most intimidating iron lung. That's why the sound continues even while he talks.
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Admiral Piett’s Thoughts After Seeing Darth Vader Without his Helmet on in Episode 5! (Canon)

What does Darth Vader fear?

Even after his brutal scorching in the fires of Mustafar, sand remained the only natural phenomenon that Vader feared. To him, sand was a reminder that he'd failed to save his mother or Padme from death.
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Was Anakin less powerful as Vader?

The canon answer is that yes, Vader is much stronger than Anakin ever was. But he also is much less strong than what suitless Anakin would have become. He lost his potential, so to speak, but still became much more powerful.
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Could Darth Vader speak Sith?

The last members of the Order of the Sith Lords founded by Bane, Darth Sidious and his successive apprentices Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus and Darth Vader, were all capable of speaking Sith fluently.
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Why was Anakin weaker as Darth Vader?

During RotS he was already top 5 in the entire universe. As Darth Vader he became far far weaker. Losing all his limbs made him far weaker in the force and made him far worse of a fighter. In time he got used to it and became extremely strong but still less then his potential.
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Is Darth Vader's suit painful?

Darth Vader's Suit Embeds Needles In His Skin

Unfortunately, these needles, which transmit neurological data throughout his body and allow him to control his limbs, also cause him constant pain. Between the never-ending itchiness and walking around with needles in his skin, it's no wonder he is so angry.
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Does Darth Vader need to sleep?

When Vader did sleep, he was awoken soon after by a disturbing series of visions, sounds and pain, most of which including Obi-Wan or Padme. It's entirely possible that he never really needed to sleep given the powers of his mechanical suit, however, his brain was still completely biological.
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Could Darth Vader see?

Although he didn't have a normal vision anymore, the helmet gave it an even better one as it also allowed him to see in complete darkness, giving him a big advantage over many of his enemies.
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Could Darth Vader have been healed?

Palpatine was able to heal Vader extensively after Obi-Wan chopped him in half using a similar technique. There is no reason Vader could not have healed his lungs completely - he's obviously not regrowing his legs, even Sith powers have limits - had he maintained his anger.
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Why was Vader's skin white?

When did Darth Vader's skin become white? It become white due to a lack of sunlight/his face being covered up underneath a mask/helmet for about 2 decades (aka 20 years).
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Is Darth Vader The Strongest Sith of all time?

1 Darth Sidious

As well as being a gifted bladesman Sidious' connection to the Dark Side is extremely powerful, granting Sidious the ability to conduct force lightning. Likewise, Sidious took on both Darth Maul and Darth Vader as his apprentice, two of the most powerful Sith and best villains in all of Star Wars.
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What Sith rank was Darth Vader?

As Supreme Commander, Darth Vader was the ranking leader of the Imperial Military.
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Who is the scariest Sith in Star Wars?

Few Sith were as haunting and terrifying as Darth Nihilus, a Sith Lord who was almost an apparition, rather than a man. He barely spoke, preferring instead to communicate through the Force, which made him almost impossible to reason with.
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Who does Darth Vader hate the most?

Who does Darth Vader hate most? Himself. Sand, obviously sand. You see, the Sandman from Spider-Man was the very reason he and his mother were in slavery, and was the one who sent the Tusken Raiders to kill his mother.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi

In their final duel, Obi-Wan didn't lose, but instead chose to sacrifice himself to give time for Luke to escape the Death Star. In the end, Star Wars has made it clear Vader is weakest against those he has the most connection to.
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Who is stronger Luke or Anakin?

It wouldn't be an easy fight for Anakin to win, since both young men were highly attuned to the Force. But in the end, all of Anakin's formal training and experience in war is going to trump anything Luke ever accomplished through his training.
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Who is Darth Vader obsessed with?

After the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader became obsessed with finding Luke Skywalker. He had dispatched probe droids across the galaxy, finally locating the Rebel base on the remote ice planet Hoth.
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Did the Jedi fear Anakin?

They were afraid of him. Simply put they saw in Anakin a power so strong they were afraid they could not control him.
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