Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

One of the more surprising characters to lift Mjolnir was Deadpool. How was Deadpool ever worthy of Thor's hammer? That's because he wasn't. The hammer that Deadpool lifted was actually a fake one, forged by the trickster, Loki.
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Can Deadpool carry Mjolnir?

In the end, Deadpool wasn't worthy. While he seemingly had control of Mjolnir and the strength of Thor, it was all a mirage put on by Loki to distract Thor. It's a shame because Deadpool looked pretty cool with the enchanted hammer. But, it makes sense that Wade Wilson - of all people - isn't worthy.
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Who is stronger Deadpool or Thor?

He is somewhat the same in the comics, so if Deadpool ever faced Thor, the god of thunder would have the winning edge. It's true that Deadpool managed to terminate Thor using Pym Particles in a non-canon comic by enlarging Mjolnir. But MCU Thor never needed Mjolnir in the first place.
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Who else can lift Thor's hammer?

Moon Knight also has the ability to lift Mjolnir as it is made from Uru, a metal ore from the moon of a dead universe. So, with the help of Khonshu's influence, Moon Knight has the ability to control the hammer. Two DC Comics characters have lifted Mjolnir in Marvel/DC crossover events: Wonder Woman.
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Can Spider Man lift Thor's hammer?

Yes, even Spider-Man has been worthy of holding the hammer of Thor. This is not your father's Spider-Man (well, actually, it could be if your dad was a kid in 1993), but instead is the Spider-Man of Marvel's distant future of 2099!
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How Deadpool Became Worthy Of Lifting Thor's Hammer

Can Goku lift Mjolnir?

Furthermore, characters like Jane Foster and Beta Ray Bill rule out some of Thor's more divine qualities as prerequisites for hurling his hammer. In a situation where he was fighting a terrible enemy and needed Mjolnir to defeat them, Goku should absolutely be able to lift the hammer.
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Can Superman lift Mjolnir?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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Who can lift Stormbreaker?

Meanwhile, MCU Phase 4 saw Stormbreaker being wielded by Thor, Gorr the God Butcher, Love, and anyone else who was strong enough to actually lift and swing it. This is because of the respective origins of both legendary Asgardian weapons.
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How heavy is Mjolnir?

Make-believe metal is kind of hard to weigh. But then, in 1991, Marvel released a "Thor's Hammer" trading card that claims that Mjolnir weighs precisely 42.3 pounds. Yet, using the dimensions and weight on Marvel's trading card, it's estimated that the density of Mjolnir is about 2.13 grams per cubic centimeter.
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Can black panther lift Mjolnir?

Avengers #36 reveals the Black Panthers have always been worthy to wield Mjolnir - since before Thor Odinson was even born! This article contains spoilers for Avengers #36.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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Can Juggernaut beat Thor?

In their normal states, Juggernaut and Thor are pretty evenly matched in terms of brute strength. However, Juggernaut has a definitive advantage with his virtually unlimited stamina. As mighty as Thor is, battling Juggernaut would surely be taxing, so he wouldn't be able to fend Cain off indefinitely.
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How did Deadpool beat Thor?

In Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #1 by Marvel Comics, Deadpool uses the powers of Ant-Man's Pym Particles on Mjolnir to make it an even deadlier weapon. After expanding the hammer greatly in size, Deadpool crushes Thor underneath the weight of Mjolnir.
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Can Hulk pick up Thor's hammer?

Hulk is not worthy. No matter how strong or how powerful he is, if he is not deemed worthy he would not be able to lift it. But yes, if Thor was holding it, Hulk could grab his hand and use it to pummel Thor. That would not count as wielding it though, so he wouldn't gain any of Thor's power.
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Could Groot wield Mjolnir?

Growing a literal cape of vines and leaves that flow behind him as he flies, Groot Thor finishes up his Asgardian transformation by becoming worthy enough to wield the mighty Mjolnir, going so far as to change his iconic “I am Groot!” phrase to “I am Thor!” in the process.
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Which is stronger Mjolnir or Stormbreaker?

Stormbreaker has the additional power to summon the Bifröst, allowing Thor to teleport anywhere in the Nine Realms. Screen Rant has identified Stormbreaker as the more powerful of the two, based on this ability, as well as it being a much larger and edged weapon.
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What is heavier Mjolnir or Stormbreaker?

Although Stormbreaker and Mjolnir have very similar properties and powers, Stormbreaker is the most powerful weapon wielded by Thor so far. The obvious reasons are that Stormbreaker is the physically larger weapon out of the two, and not to mention that it is an axe, which could well be more dangerous than a hammer.
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Is Groot worthy?

Grouped with Thors that have already proven their worthiness in one way or another before Secret Wars was a thing (along with a few that might not be as worthy such as the Thor villain called the Destroyer), by simply being part of this team, Groot is shown to have the necessary chops to at least be close to being ...
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Can Groot lift Stormbreaker?

He traveled to Nidavellir and forged Stormbreaker, a weapon not only strong enough to kill Thanos but counter the Infinity Gauntlet and even summon the Bifrost. However, the weapon wasn't ready until Groot completed it by dismembering himself - and, in doing so, he became the first person to lift Stormbreaker.
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Can Odin beat Thanos?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Can Hela beat Thanos?

Hela Has Superhuman Speed And Stamina

This, coupled with her superhuman stamina might prove too much for Thanos, despite the fact that he is also an incredibly powerful being. Her speed gives her reflexes, and she can definitely hit quite hard.
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Can Hulk defeat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Captain America beat Superman with Mjolnir?

Basically, he could. It is definitely possible because if Superman was exposed to kryptonite beforehand, he would not have his powers. This would allow anything to be able to beat him. However, Superman would beat Captain America with Mjolnir if he had his powers (which he usually has).
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Can Superman break Captain America's shield?

The more he is exposed to the sun of Earth's solar system or any other like it, the stronger Superman becomes, even at one point becoming so powerful that he shattered an entire dimension with a single punch. However, at his base strength, Superman is nowhere near strong enough to break Captain America's shield.
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